While Apple remains the top smartphone seller in the world and a company with most loyal fans, the company has faced regular and constant criticism on its approach to things. While other companies tend to give their users more and more freedom with every new version of their tech gadgets, Apple seems to be limiting things or working things out in its own way. Most new things that Apple introduces, it starts owning them. Take a look at the biometric technology used on latest Apple devices that require users to sign in with their thumb impressions for example.
The new thing in town is the Apple watch. This is going to be a new addition in the lineup of products that Apple makes. These smartwatches will act like watches, smartphones, iPods and fashion statements. It will boast some part of the functions that smartphones boast allowing its users to communicate with each other through text messages, voice messages and other types of notifications.
However, here again Apple has not forgotten about putting limitations on things. The biggest limitation has been put on software and app developers who were thinking they had got a new platform now to work for.
According to the newest updates made in its rules and regulations pertaining to smartwatches Apple will not allow developers to create watch faces that have a primary purpose of displaying time. All such apps that are meant to give the watch a new watch face only will be rejected and those who have been thinking about doing that for this new smartwatch must have sat down in disappointment.
There are some default choices available for users on the watch. The users will have the option of choosing from 10 different watch faces that come pre-installed in the watch. We spoke with Guy Galboiz, a technology enthusiast and he said: “ these limitations are discouraging, apps need to be designed specifically for the watch, we can not just take a regular iPhone app and cram it into a watch.”
Third Party Apps?
However, thinking of having a third-party watch face on your Apple watch will now only remain a dream. Of course, users can still expect some more watch faces to be available to them but it is expected that these watch faces will only be developed by Apple. In short, Apple has limited its users by limiting their choice on the watch face. We must not forget here that a watch is primarily meant to tell time and it is just as important for a watch to be stylish as it is to tell time. Liming people’s choice here could hurt Apple’s fan base.
Apple Watch Development Kit, the kit that developers will be using to create various applications for the watch is now going to become a challenging platform for developers. On the other hand, we can see once again that Android has left the choice on its users to decide what watch face they want for their smartwatch. The new smartwatch from apple is coming with a built-in 8GB of space. However, there are further limitations on the operating system on how users will store data on this watch. Users will be limited to use only a certain amount of available space for their images, music and applications.