The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Optimisation in 2022

Search Engine Optimisation, popularly known as SEO, is a technique that can be used on a website to improve site visibility amongst search engines. It is a means of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a site from search engines, ideally resulting in increased revenue.

SEO works by improving the ranking of a website on search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher a site ranks; the more likely users will be to visit the site. SEO can be used to improve a site’s ranking for keywords or phrases, and can also improve the user experience on a website to make it more likely that users will stick around.

SEO is not a one-time process, but rather must be continuously worked on and monitored in order to be effective. There are a variety of techniques that can be used as part of an SEO strategy, including on-page optimisation, link building, and social media engagement.

SEO is an important part of any online marketing strategy and should not be neglected. By using SEO techniques, businesses can improve their visibility online and increase their chances of generating more revenue from their website.

How Does SEO Work?

If you are running a business, it’s important to make sure that your website is as high up on the search engine results pages (SERPs) as possible. After all, the higher up your site is, the more likely people are to find it.

And, of course, the more people who visit your website, the more business you are likely to do. So how do you make sure your site is as high up as possible?

One way is to employ the services of an SEO (search engine optimisation) company. These companies use a variety of techniques to help your site rank higher, including keyword research, on-page optimisation, and link building.

The aim of SEO is to improve the site’s visibility and to increase its organic search traffic. There are various 5 Star Rating SEO Companies offering Digital Marketing services, they help in ranking the site higher in the search engine results pages for relevant keywords and phrases.

SEO is a long-term strategy, and it takes time to see results. However, if done correctly, SEO can help a site to achieve a higher click-through rate and to generate more leads and sales.

So how does SEO work? Here is a quick overview:

  1. The first step is to identify the right keywords and phrases.
  2. Next, the site needs to be optimized for those keywords and phrases. This includes improving the site’s content, architecture, on-page elements, and off-page elements.
  3. The site’s visibility needs to be increased by promoting it on social media, directories, and other websites.
  4. The site’s search engine rankings need to be tracked and monitored to ensure that they are increasing.
  5. Finally, the results need to be analyzed and the SEO strategy tweaked as necessary.

SEO is an ever-evolving and complex field, but the basics remain the same. Understanding how SEO works and using best practices will help your website rank higher in search engine results pages, bringing you more website visitors.

How does Google know how to rank a page?

When someone types a query into Google, the search engine tries to provide the most relevant results possible. It does this by considering a variety of factors, including how often the page is updated, the relevance of the content on the page, the number and quality of links to the page, and the location of the page (i.e., where it is hosted on the web).

One of the most important factors that Google considers is the page’s rank. Pages that rank higher are likely to be more relevant to the query, and as a result, are more likely to be clicked on by users.

One of the most important factors that Google uses to determine a page’s rank is the number and quality of links to the page. Google looks at both the quantity and quality of links to a page in order to determine how authoritative the page is.

In addition to considering the number and quality of links to a page, Google also looks at the relevance of the links. For example, if a page has a lot of links from irrelevant websites, Google will likely rank that page lower than a page that has a lot of links from relevant websites.

Another factor that Google considers is the age of the domain. A newer domain is likely to rank lower than an older domain.

Finally, Google also considers the location of the page. For example, a page hosted in Germany will rank higher for German queries than a page hosted in the USA.

Top SEO Strategies to follow

Years ago, SEO was all about stuffing your website with keywords and making sure your pages were loading quickly. Today, things are a little different. The best SEO strategy now considers user experience and the overall quality of your website.

The first step in any good SEO strategy is to perform a detailed analysis of your website. This analysis should include an audit of your website’s structure, content, and on-page optimisation. After a clear understanding of your website’s strength and weaknesses, you may formulate your SEO Strategy.

To improve your SEO, make sure your website is mobile-friendly. People are accessing the internet from their mobile devices, and if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you may miss potential traffic.

Another important element of SEO is content. Your website should be full of high-quality, relevant content that will help you rank higher in Google’s search results. Additionally, you should use keywords strategically throughout your content to help improve your ranking.

Finally, you should focus on optimizing your website’s structure and on-page elements. These include things like your title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags. By optimizing these elements, you can improve your website’s ranking in Google’s search results.

While SEO is constantly evolving, the basic principles still remain the same. By following these basic principles, you can improve your website’s SEO and see better results in Google’s search results.


SEO is an ever-changing and complex field. However, by following these guidelines you may improve your Search engine ranking. Regular monitoring of your website improves site performance.

James Picton is a senior Content Writer at Perth Digital Edge, Australia, for 20+ years with an expertise in blogging & writing creative copies around Digital Marketing, Web Development, Mobile App Development & other technical niche. Born and brought up in Australia, James holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature. He has worked for all types of industries and holds an equal command on both technical & non technical niche. Besides his professional life, he is connected from the digital media in his free time he loves to binge-watch Netflix.