Facebook ads have come a long way in a few short years. Now, 93% of marketers are using Facebook for their business and 91% have even invested in Facebook ads.
Marketers have landed on a new battlefield of Facebook with their deadly weapon of video to attract and convince the targeted audience to cutthroat their competitors.
However, there is a thin line difference between creating a video and creating a smart video. When smartness gets stirred in a video, it definitely reaches the targeted audience in most effective manner.
Tips To Create Facebook Videos!
Here are few smart tips on how to stand out in this crowded competition where half a billion people are watching videos on Facebook every day:
#1 Remember the first impression is the last impression
People, these days, just pass the exaggerated videos. Hence the video should be straight on the target with effective creativity to engage them.
First few seconds are most critical to engage the audience. As per the statistics, 65 percent of people who watch the first three seconds of a video will watch for at least 10 seconds, and 45 percent will watch for 30 seconds.
An effective Facebook video has two major parameters: grabbing user’s attention in 2-3 seconds and a short duration video. The following is a list of few ingredients to be added in the video for a fruitful result:
- Add story to it;
- Short and crisp video;
- Use animation;
- Fill emotions in the video.
- Great thumbnails;
- Straight to target in the first few seconds;
The following video is the powerful example laid down by UNICEF using a controversial event to spread brand awareness and a positive message.
(Video Source )
To track the performance of your video, you can use “Video Average Watch Time” metric in your Facebook profile. It can help you to figure out the average time each of your videos is watched. You will be flabbergasted to notice that watch time does not exceed five seconds.
#2 Importance of text in the video
Facebook is the house of 8 billion views per day but do you know most of the viewership is happening in silence? Yes, 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound.
If a viewer cannot understand the message you want to convey without sound, you might end up losing a viewer. So, it becomes important to construct a video in such a manner that it attracts viewers even when played in a silent mode. Hence, take help of written words to engage your customer in a video.
Add captions to your videos through Facebook. Captions are even welcomed to existing videos by editing option present on Facebook.
#3 Mobile friendly videos are traffic friendly videos
Did you know 95% of Facebook users access the platform on their mobile devices? Moreover, 65% of all Facebook video views are now coming from mobile users. Hence, it is inevitable and sagacious to make video keeping in mind the mobile devices.
Once you create a video ad for your Facebook marketing, think about how a mobile user will experience the video and then make amendments accordingly. Come up with precise, mobile-friendly and short videos as advised by Facebook. Facebook shared the fact that people on mobile devices tend to prefer shorter video ads with runtimes of 15 seconds or less.
#4 You will get reaction only if you incorporate ‘Call To Action’
Many marketers build a quality video with lots of creativity induced in it yet they fail to pull traffic towards their business. One of the reasons behind this is that many marketers forget about the call to action.
Once you have attracted your targeted audience, what to do next? Your main aim to design a video is not just to attract visitors, but to convert those visitors into your loyal customers. So, it is your responsibility to guide the viewers on ‘what to do next’. And that can be easily done using a call to action. Just make sure that call to action being used should suit your brand, product, and action you wish viewers to take.
(Image Source )
#5 Maintaining audience’s attention is inevitable
A video should be built on a foundation stone of a good story. It is highly important to immediately capture the attention of the user and encourage him to keep on watching the video until the end.
According to Facebook, “Incremental value goes beyond the first few seconds. What ultimately matters is the content and story. While people tend to watch short videos, they will watch long videos as long as the longer videos are telling good stories”.
Great stories appeal to people’s curiosity, compassion and emotions (funny, sad or angry) so create something that makes the audience want to keep watching until the end.
#6 Carousel Ads is a smart platform to advertise your product
A Facebook carousel ad is a unique way to please the viewers in a short span of time. The format of carousel ad allows marketers to incorporate videos, images, and call to action in just a single unit of advertisement. It is an interactive ad that takes a viewer on an engaging journey, increasing the scope to witness a high click-through rate.
The multi-talented carousel ads provide an excellent opportunity to market your product in a variety of ways:
- To promote or highlight products.
- To highlight your brand’s uniqueness or illustrate how to use a product.
- To tell a story.
In this crowded platform, it becomes important to run faster, dodging every competitor in your way and reaching zenith by creating an engaging video which will fetch traffic and hence generate results.