Data Science Archives | Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:23:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Data Science Archives | Tech Web Space 32 32 Data Management Software for Financial Institutions: Balancing Risk and Innovation Mon, 28 Aug 2023 13:23:17 +0000 Data has become a valuable commodity in the quickly changing world of finance, creating strategy, influencing decisions, and driving innovation. Because of the symbiotic relationship between data management, risk management, and innovation, financial institutions have turned to advanced data management software as...

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Data has become a valuable commodity in the quickly changing world of finance, creating strategy, influencing decisions, and driving innovation. Because of the symbiotic relationship between data management, risk management, and innovation, financial institutions have turned to advanced data management software as a critical tool in navigating this complicated landscape. This essay delves into the delicate interplay between data management, risk mitigation, and innovation in financial institutions.

The Evolving Landscape of Data Management in Finance

The financial industry has seen an extraordinary increase in the volume, velocity, and variety of data. This surge is being driven by a number of causes, including the rapid growth of internet transactions, mobile banking, and the expansion of digital services. As data gets increasingly prevalent, so does the complexity of dealing with it. The regulatory environment has responded to this challenge by placing tight requirements on data privacy, security, and accuracy, including as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Basel III. To comply with these requirements while embracing the potential of data for informed decision-making, financial institutions have been forced to reconsider their data management practises.

The Role of Data Management Software in Financial Institutions

Integrated data repositories have evolved as a critical component of good data management in financial organisations. Organisations increase accessibility, accuracy, and consistency by integrating data from multiple sources into a single repository. This consolidation reduces the risk of inconsistencies caused by fragmented data storage across departments. Data management software is critical in this process because it allows for the seamless integration of data from various sources, including legacy systems, APIs, and external vendors. Based on a comprehensive perspective of their data landscape, this integrated strategy enables financial institutions to derive valuable insights and make educated decisions.

Data management software has advanced data governance functions in addition to integration. Data lineage, data quality checks, access controls, and audit trails are among the functionalities included. Data lineage ensures that data can be traced from its origin through its use, increasing transparency and accountability. Data quality checks help to preserve data correctness and reliability, allowing for more informed decision-making. Access controls and audit trails are critical for guaranteeing compliance and security because they allow institutions to track who has access to data and what actions are made with it.

Balancing Risk and Innovation

While being competitive requires innovation, financial institutions must also deal with the inherent hazards of handling sensitive financial data. Cybersecurity concerns, data breaches, abuses of privacy, and financial fraud are all serious challenges. As a result, institutions frequently implement severe security measures and compliance standards to protect data integrity. However, these procedures can occasionally create impediments to innovation. A nuanced strategy is required to strike the correct balance between risk management and innovation.

Actual data thefts have highlighted the devastating impact they may have on both institutions and their clients. High-profile breaches have resulted in reputational damage, financial losses, and trust erosion. These occurrences highlight the importance of effective risk mitigation solutions that go beyond traditional security measures. To quickly eliminate risks and maintain the trust of their stakeholders, financial institutions must use proactive measures that include constant monitoring, threat identification, and response plans.

Innovative Data Utilization in Finance

Data insights are being used by forward-thinking financial organisations to revolutionise many elements of their operations. Data-driven innovation is altering the sector, from producing new financial products and services to improving consumer experiences and optimising operations. Advanced analytics, AI, and machine learning have emerged as vital techniques for deriving useful insights from massive datasets.

Predictive analytics enabled by machine learning, for example, can assist institutions in anticipating market patterns and making informed investment decisions. Chatbot’s powered by AI improve client interactions by giving real-time assistance and thereby increasing customer experiences. AI-powered algorithms that optimise resource allocation and streamline processes also improve operational efficiency. The ethical use of customer data, on the other hand, is a significant consideration. Financial organisations must assure openness and data protection while demonstrating ethical data usage to gain customer trust.

Features of Modern Data Management Software

Modern data management software includes a variety of capabilities meant to help you navigate the delicate balance between risk management and innovation:

Advanced Encryption and Data Masking: Encryption techniques are used by financial firms to protect sensitive data at rest and in transit. Data masking is used to anonymize personal information while maintaining privacy and allowing data utilisation.

Role-based Access Controls and Audit Trails: These features protect data by restricting access based on roles and responsibilities, lowering the risk of unauthorised access. Audit trails give a detailed record of data activity, which aids compliance and accountability.

Flexibility to Adapt to Changing Compliance Requirements: Regulations are always changing, and financial institutions must adjust rapidly. Modern data management software enables organisations to adapt their tactics in response to changing compliance requirements.

Integration Capabilities with Emerging Technologies: As AI and block chain grow more common, the ability of data management software to interface with these advancements guarantees that institutions remain competitive without compromising security.

AI-powered Data Quality and Validation: Artificial intelligence systems automate data quality checks and validation, decreasing human error and increasing data correctness.

Best Practices for Implementing Data Management Software

Following best practises is critical for financial organisations wishing to acquire or enhance their data management software:

Thorough Assessment: Conduct a thorough examination of current data management practises, identifying pain points and areas for improvement.

Customization: Customise the software to meet the specific demands of the institution, ensuring optimal utilisation and maximum advantages.

Continuous Training: Employees should receive continuing training to ensure that they fully understand and use the programme, fostering compliance and efficiency.

Regular Audits: Conduct routine audits to monitor compliance, identify vulnerabilities, and implement corrective actions promptly.

Future Trends in Data Management for Financial Institutions

The trajectory of data management in finance is marked by several promising trends:

Blockchain: Blockchain technology provides a safe, transparent, and immutable platform for data sharing, lowering the risk of fraud and increasing stakeholder trust.

Data Marketplaces and Open Banking: The emergence of data marketplaces and open banking efforts will redefine data sharing paradigms, allowing institutions to collaborate more easily and stimulate innovation.

Emerging Technologies and Data Privacy: As emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing gain popularity, financial institutions must traverse changing data privacy legislation to ensure responsible and ethical data use.


In the evolving landscape of financial data management, institutions must strike a balance between risk and innovation. Data management software serves as a pivot point, allowing financial institutions to manage risk while leveraging the revolutionary power of data-driven innovation. Financial institutions can successfully manoeuvre through the challenges of the current data landscape, generating progress while retaining compliance and trust, by adjusting to new legislation, embracing ethical data practises, and employing cutting-edge technologies.

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Discover the Secret to Data Efficiency with Splunk Dedup Sun, 16 Jul 2023 08:24:38 +0000 In today’s data-driven world, businesses are constantly accumulating vast amounts of information from various sources. This influx of data can be overwhelming and make it challenging for organisations to extract valuable insights efficiently. In order to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive...

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In today’s data-driven world, businesses are constantly accumulating vast amounts of information from various sources. This influx of data can be overwhelming and make it challenging for organisations to extract valuable insights efficiently. In order to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive landscape, companies need a robust solution that not only helps them manage their data effectively but also enhances their operational efficiency.

Enter Splunk Dedup – a powerful tool designed to streamline the process of handling data and eliminate redundancies. By leveraging advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, Splunk Dedup enables businesses to achieve unparalleled levels of data efficiency. Whether it’s sifting through log files, analysing machine-generated data, or monitoring network performance, this innovative software has proved its effectiveness across industries.

The Power of Data Efficiency in Splunk

Splunk is a powerful platform that allows organisations to collect and analyse large amounts of data. However, with the ever-increasing amount of data being generated, it is crucial for businesses to find ways to improve data efficiency. This is where Splunk Dedup comes into play.

Splunk Dedup helps organisations eliminate duplicate events in their data, saving storage space and improving search performance. By removing redundant information, Splunk Dedup allows users to focus on the most relevant and valuable insights from their data. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also enables better decision-making based on accurate and concise information.

With Splunk Dedup, businesses can streamline their operations by reducing the time and effort spent on managing excessive duplicate events. By leveraging the power of data efficiency in Splunk, organisations can unlock new opportunities for growth and gain a competitive edge in today’s data-driven world.

What is Splunk Dedup?

Splunk Dedup is a powerful feature that enables organisations to optimise their storage and improve the efficiency of their data analysis processes. By eliminating duplicate events or logs, Splunk Dedup reduces the amount of redundant data stored in the system, ultimately saving valuable storage space. This functionality is particularly useful for businesses dealing with large volumes of data generated from various sources.

The process of deduplication involves identifying and removing duplicate events based on specific criteria, such as timestamp or event content. Splunk Dedup uses advanced algorithms to efficiently search through vast amounts of data, ensuring that only unique events are retained for further analysis. This not only helps in reducing storage costs but also enhances the performance and speed of data searches within the Splunk platform.

In addition to optimising storage, Splunk Dedup also allows organisations to gain more accurate insights from their data by eliminating redundant information. By focusing on unique events, analysts can avoid skewing their analysis results due to multiple occurrences of identical events. Overall, Splunk Dedup empowers businesses to make more informed decisions by providing them with a streamlined and efficient approach to managing and analysing their data.

Benefits of Using Splunk Dedup

Splunk Dedup offers several benefits that can greatly enhance data efficiency for businesses. Firstly, it eliminates duplicate data entries, which not only saves storage space but also reduces the time and effort spent in analysing redundant information. By removing duplicates, organisations can streamline their data analysis process and focus on the most relevant and accurate insights.

Additionally, Splunk Dedup improves data accuracy by ensuring that only unique records are considered during analysis. This helps in avoiding misleading or inaccurate results that may arise from duplicate entries. With a more reliable dataset, businesses can make better-informed decisions and take appropriate actions based on accurate information.

Furthermore, Splunk Dedup enhances overall system performance by reducing the processing load associated with duplicated data. By eliminating unnecessary repetitive tasks, it allows for faster query execution and improves the speed of generating reports or visualisations. This increased efficiency enables businesses to quickly access critical information and respond swiftly to any emerging issues or opportunities.

How to Implement Splunk Dedup

Splunk Dedup is a powerful feature that allows users to eliminate duplicate event data, ensuring efficient storage and analysis of data in Splunk. Implementing Splunk Dedup involves a few simple steps. First, users need to identify the fields that contain duplicate event data. This can be done by examining the data and finding patterns or using Splunk’s search capabilities to query for duplicates.

Once the duplicate fields are identified, users can use Splunk’s dedup command in their search queries to remove duplicate events based on specific criteria such as timestamp or a combination of fields. The dedup command provides flexibility in selecting which events to keep, allowing users to prioritise certain criteria over others.

Implementing Splunk Dedup also requires careful consideration of the impact on data analysis. While removing duplicate events improves efficiency and saves storage space, it may also affect the accuracy of certain analyses or reports that rely on duplicated information. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the trade-off between efficiency gains and potential loss of information before implementing Splunk Dedup in a production environment.

Real-Life Examples of Splunk Dedup in Action

Splunk Dedup is an incredibly powerful tool that helps organisations optimise their data storage and improve overall efficiency. Real-life examples of Splunk Dedup in action can shed light on how this technology works and the benefits it brings. One example could be for a large retail company that generates massive amounts of customer transaction data every day. By using Splunk Dedup, they are able to identify and eliminate duplicate entries in their database, reducing storage space requirements significantly. This not only saves costs associated with additional storage but also streamlines data retrieval processes.

Another real-life example could be a healthcare organisation that deals with patient records on a daily basis. With hundreds or even thousands of patients being treated simultaneously, there is always the risk of duplicating medical history entries or redundant lab test results. By implementing Splunk Dedup, the healthcare organisation can ensure accuracy in patient records while minimising storage needs by eliminating unnecessary duplicates. This not only improves overall operations but also enhances patient care as healthcare professionals have immediate access to accurate information when needed.

Overall, these examples demonstrate how Splunk Dedup plays a crucial role in optimising data management across various industries, resulting in cost savings, improved operational efficiency, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

Conclusion: Unleash the Full Potential of Your Data with Splunk Dedup

Splunk Dedup is a powerful tool that can revolutionise the way organisations handle their data. By eliminating duplicate entries and streamlining data storage, Splunk Dedup allows businesses to make the most of their valuable information. This not only saves storage space and reduces costs but also improves overall system performance.

With Splunk Dedup, organisations can easily identify and remove redundant data, ensuring that only unique and essential information is stored. This leads to faster search results, quicker analysis, and improved decision-making capabilities. Additionally, by reducing the amount of duplicate data, companies can optimise their infrastructure and scale more efficiently.

Furthermore, Splunk Dedup enables better data management practices by providing a comprehensive view of the entire dataset. It allows for easy identification of patterns, anomalies, and trends within the data, which can be crucial for identifying potential risks or opportunities. Overall, by harnessing the power of Splunk Dedup, organisations can unlock the full potential of their data and gain a competitive edge in today’s digital landscape.

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Top 5 Virtual Machine (VM) Backup Software Mon, 12 Dec 2022 05:38:27 +0000 Virtual machines have become an integral part of IT infrastructure. Many organizations are heavily reliant on VMs to run business operations, applications, and databases. Business operations generate a huge amount of data that needs to be backed up and protected. Traditional backup...

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Virtual machines have become an integral part of IT infrastructure. Many organizations are heavily reliant on VMs to run business operations, applications, and databases. Business operations generate a huge amount of data that needs to be backed up and protected.

Traditional backup methodologies are not efficient enough to manage data. That’s why Virtual Machine Backup Software comes in to picture. VM backup software performs image-backup of virtual machines by integration of hypervisor (without installing any agent) known as an agentless backup. A snapshot of the VM is created using hypervisor API and a copy of data is transferred and stored in the same/different location. By completely backing up VM, an organization can achieve VM data protection and business continuity even during any unforeseen events like a disaster.

This article lists the top 5 Virtual Machine Backup Software in the market. We hope this helps you in picking up the best VM backup software according to your needs.

 Top 5 Virtual Machine Backup Software in the market 

 1. BDRSuite:  

BDRSuite by Vembu offers simplified Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions for Data Centers/Private Clouds (VMware, Hyper-V, Windows, Linux, Applications & Databases), Public Clouds (AWS), SaaS Applications (Microsoft 365, Google Workspace), and Endpoints (Windows, Mac).

BDRSuite – Top Pick for Virtual Machine Backup Software Category

BDRSuite delivers powerful and flexible data protection for Virtual machines against data loss or disaster. BDRSuite offers high-performance backups and 3X faster restores. You can perform the agentless backup of your VMs (VMware/Hyper-V) and store the backup data directly on the cloud or local storage. You can restore the entire VM in less than 15 minutes using instant restore options. VM Replication allows you to configure and create VM replicas in the same or different locations to ensure business continuity. All of these are available at affordable prices. Try BDRSuite for yourself.

BDRSuite features for VM Backup:

  • Agentless VM Backup & Replication
  • Maximize business uptime with RTO & RPO <15 mins
  • Flexible Scheduling and Retention Policies
  • Automated Backup Verification
  • Instant VM Recovery with Live Migration
  • Granular File and Application Level Recovery
  • Store backup data on local storage (NAS, SAN, DAS) or Cloud storage (AWS S3, Azure Blob, Google Cloud, S3 Compatible storage like MinIO, Wasabi, etc)
  • In-built Encryption, Compression, and Deduplication
  • Offsite Copy for Disaster Recovery – Local/Cloud/Tape

Easy to deploy & manage:

BDRSuite offers flexible deployment options and various installation options. You can deploy and start configuring VM backups in BDRSuite in less than 15 mins. BDRSuite can be installed on Windows or Linux machines or deployed on a Docker/Container. BDRSuite Server can be hosted on-premise, offsite, or even on the cloud.


BDRSuite offers multiple editions for different business needs along with flexible licensing models – Subscription and Perpetual & Pricing models based on VM and CPU Socket level basis. VM Backup starts at $1.8/VM/Month.

 2. Veeam:  

Veeam is one of the top leaders in data protection for Virtual, Physical, Cloud, SaaS, and Kubernetes environments. Veeam Software allows you to configure and manage Agentless Image-based Backup and Replication for Virtual Machines using Hypervisor snapshots and also supports instant recovery of VM data.


As a leading provider of data protection solution, Veeam offers a wide range of features and functionalities that make it particularly well-suited for enterprise businesses. However, Veeam’s pricing may make it less accessible to small and medium businesses, who may find that the cost of the software exceeds their needs.

 3. Altaro: 

Altaro’s flagship product – Altaro VM Backup supports backup and replication for Hyper-V and VMware Virtual machines. Altaro VM backup is known for its high-performance backup process and it can be easily installed without any complex configurations or additional software. With Altaro VM Backup you can backup VM data and store it in different locations simultaneously. Backup and restore configurations are simple and you can learn quickly and get used to it.


Altaro’s VM Backup subscription licensing starts at $579/year for 5 VMs.  

 4. Acronis:  

Acronis is more suited for MSPs and Enterprises. Acronis Cyber Protect offers all-in-one data protection software. Acronis Cyber protect supports the backup and restoration of files, applications, or systems deployed on physical, virtual, cloud, or endpoints. For virtual machines, Acronis supports VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Linux KVM, and Oracle VM Server.


Acronis comes with both a subscription license and a perpetual license. It comes in different editions, starting at $639 for the basic edition and prices go up for advanced editions.  

 5. Nakivo:  

Nakivo Backup & Replication software is for virtual machines that run on VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, and Nutanix AHV VMs. You can easily perform image-based, incremental, and app-aware backups of virtual machines. You can perform granular-level recovery of files and applications whenever needed. Nakivo backup software comes in various editions based on various backup needs of organizations of any size.


The subscription licensing plan starts at $66 per VM/year.


I hope the top 5 Virtual Machine software listed in this blog along with their features/functionalities will assist you in choosing the best VM backup software for your environment. All the mentioned software comes with both a free trial and a licensed edition. So download & start exploring them in your environment.

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A Guide On Data Science Algorithms Tue, 22 Nov 2022 14:21:32 +0000 What are data science algorithms? In data science, algorithms are tools that help us make sense of data. They are used to find patterns, build models, and make predictions. Data science algorithms can be divided into three main categories: machine learning, statistics,...

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What are data science algorithms?

In data science, algorithms are tools that help us make sense of data. They are used to find patterns, build models, and make predictions. Data science algorithms can be divided into three main categories: machine learning, statistics, and optimization.

Machine learning algorithms are used to learn from data. They can be used to find patterns in data, build models, and make predictions. Statistics algorithms are used to analyze data. They can be used to find trends, build models, and make predictions. Optimization algorithms are used to find the best solution to a problem.

There are many different types of data science algorithms, but some of the most popular include decision trees, support vector machines, k-means clustering, and Principal Component Analysis. Each algorithm has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the right algorithm for the task at hand.

Data science algorithms are constantly evolving as researchers find new ways to improve their performance. In the future, we can expect to see even more powerful and efficient algorithms that can help us make better sense of the ever-growing amount of data.

Data science algorithms are mathematical procedures used to analyze data. There are a variety of data science algorithms, each with its own purpose. Some common data science algorithms include regression, classification, and clustering.

Regression is a data science algorithm that is used to predict values. It can be used to predict future events or trends. Classification is a data science algorithm that is used to group data into categories. Clustering is a data science algorithm that is used to find patterns in data.

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How do data science algorithms work?

Data science algorithms are used to solve problems in a variety of ways. The most common algorithm is linear regression, which is used to find the line of best fit for a set of data. Other algorithms include support vector machines, decision trees, and k-means clustering.

Data science algorithms are designed to work with large amounts of data. They are able to find patterns and relationships that would be difficult for humans to find. The results of these algorithms can be used to make predictions about future events or trends.

In order to understand how data science algorithms work, one must first understand what data science is. Data science is the study of patterns in data. This can be done through the use of algorithms. Algorithms are a set of instructions that are followed in order to solve a problem.

Data science algorithms work by taking data as input and outputting a result based on the instructions that were given. The result of the algorithm can be anything from a prediction to a classification. In order to create an algorithm, one must first understand the problem that they are trying to solve. Once the problem is understood, the algorithm can be created.

There are many different types of data science algorithms. Some of the most popular types include regression, classification, and clustering. These algorithms can be used for a variety of purposes such as predicting future events or classifying items into groups.

What benefits of using data science algorithms?

There are many benefits to using Data Science Algorithms. They can help improve the accuracy of predictions, and they can also help to improve the efficiency of processes. Additionally, data science algorithms can help to identify patterns and relationships that would otherwise be difficult to find. Finally, data science algorithms can also help to provide insights into areas that may be difficult to understand. All of these benefits can help to improve the bottom line of a business.

There are plenty of benefits that companies can reap by using data science algorithms. To start, data science can help to improve customer engagement by providing more personalized experiences. Additionally, it can help to boost sales and conversions by optimizing marketing campaigns and identifying new opportunities for growth. Furthermore, data science can improve operational efficiency by streamlining processes and identifying areas of improvement. Overall, data science provides a wealth of advantages and benefits that can be extremely helpful for businesses of all sizes.

There are many benefits to using data science algorithms. For one, they can help you make better decisions by providing insights that you wouldn’t be able to get from traditional methods. Additionally, they can help you automate processes and improve efficiencies. And finally, they can help you save time and money by making it easier to find patterns and trends.

Drawbacks of data science algorithms?

Data science algorithms have many potential drawbacks that can limit their usefulness. One such drawback is the potential for bias. Data science algorithms can be biased if the data used to train them is not representative of the real-world population. This can lead to inaccurate results and decision-making.

Another drawback of data science algorithms is their reliance on assumptions. Many data science algorithms make assumptions about the distribution of data, which can lead to errors if the data does not meet those assumptions. Finally, data science algorithms can be computationally intensive, which can make them slow to use or difficult to implement on large datasets.

Data science algorithms are not perfect. They have their drawbacks that can impact the results of data analysis.

Some common drawbacks of data science algorithms include:

  • Overfitting: When an algorithm is too closely fit a specific dataset, it may perform well on that dataset but poorly on new data. This is a problem because the goal of data science is to find generalizable patterns.
  • Underfitting: On the other hand, if an algorithm is not complex enough, it will also perform poorly on both training and new data. This is because the algorithm cannot learn the underlying patterns in the data.
  • Bias: Another potential problem with data science algorithms is bias. This can happen when an algorithm favors certain groups of people or values over others.


In conclusion, data science algorithms are a powerful tool that can be used to make predictions and recommendations. However, it is important to remember that they are only as good as the data that they are based on. Therefore, it is essential to have high-quality data in order to produce accurate results.

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5 Ways Your Institution Can Succeed With Data Analytics Tue, 25 Oct 2022 05:25:03 +0000 Every student’s interaction with their university or learning center leaves behind a digital footprint. These interactions, be it logging into the virtual learning portal in data analytics, submitting an assignment online, or accessing the student’s library, generate considerable data. By implementing the...

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Every student’s interaction with their university or learning center leaves behind a digital footprint. These interactions, be it logging into the virtual learning portal in data analytics, submitting an assignment online, or accessing the student’s library, generate considerable data. By implementing the right analytics strategy, this data can improve teaching and ensure better student success.

The use of analytics in education involves collecting, measuring, analyzing, and reporting data on the progress of learning or other contexts in which it takes place. With the increased availability of big datasets around learner activity and digital footprints left by student activity in learning environments, learning analytics take us further than the data currently available can.

How educational institutions can leverage data analytics?

Students overall seem to like having a better data experience provided to them on their performance and progress. 

A boost to your selection process

While determining the students to be admitted into a particular batch, looking at certain academic analytics can help you identify which students are likely to do well. This can be done if you can rightly analyze their previous academic history. You will be able to make the judgment call and predict their success even before they set foot in the institution.

For example, a student was accepted to your institution and opts to study engineering. Using the data, you already have about this student — like their SAT scores and high school GPA — you can assess whether or not they are likely to succeed in the engineering program. Did they struggle with a particular subject? If so, the student might require additional support for this. The student can approach their advisor to review other options, like exploring a different program or beginning with a remedial course.

Continuous, ongoing assessment to improve student performance

Purdue University, Indiana, had implemented a Signals data analytics system that identified potential problems in student performance as early as the second week of a term. It mines data from the virtual learning environment (VLE), the student information system (SIS), and the grade book to display a ‘traffic light’ indicator showing the risk factor for each student.

This is one of the earliest instances of using business intelligence and analytics in education. In a survey conducted as part of this project implementation, 89% of students considered Signals a positive experience, while 74% said their motivation increased by using it. The system fetched better results for the university with around a 12% increase in B & C grades and over a 14% decline in D grades. It also improved student engagement and interactions with their facilitators. 

Remedial assistance to struggling students

Learning analytics can help provide remedial intervention for students struggling with a particular course before it becomes a severe issue for the student or the institution. After all, placing failed students on academic probation at the end of the semester helps no one. We can provide additional support wherever necessary by establishing a continuous practice of sharing learning analytics between the concerned advisors, professors, and students throughout the term. 

Do they require tutoring? Are they struggling to balance their life with school? Or are they struggling with the wrong program? Their advisor can assess the situation and figure out a solution that will benefit both the student and prevent them from failing in the first place.

New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) implemented a predictive analytics model in collaboration with its counselling staff to identify at-risk students with a high degree of accuracy. The model aimed at increasing student retention in the first year of their studies. It helps identify students in need of support and share the information to support counsellors in their work. Around 74% of students who dropped out were marked ‘At risk’ by the model.

The process included mining the relevant data, running the analytics, and displaying the output in a format that was helpful to the counselling staff. The results dashboard included a simple table, with 

one line on each student, their probability to return to their studies the following year, the percentage of confidence in that prediction from the model, and, most importantly, the reasons for the prediction. This provided the counsellor a basis for a conversation with the student about their situation and future plans.

Improve interdepartmental communication

Data silos exist across campuses. Programs have various data coming in from disparate sources, which makes data sharing difficult in the absence of appropriate tools. Using data analytics along with good, structured reporting software can help build a collaborative data approach that immensely benefits an organization. 

Sharing relevant data can help save resources. For instance, if enrollment in the natural sciences program is declining while the biological sciences are growing, institutions can maybe think of combining these programs. While the appeals for these subjects are different, they are similar in many ways, and the differences can be addressed in the way the program is being marketed.   

Make informed choices backed by data

Deciding where to pursue our education is one of the most significant decisions in life. Students usually spend months, if not years researching their options. A public fact report, assembling the different data sets about class sizes, tuition, student-teacher ratio, and outcomes, would be a great initiative to help your prospects take the right decision.  

Educational institutions can also put these data sets to work while tracking their enrollment trends. These data can help you understand everything about students applying, enrolling, and graduating. This is critical when it comes to the planning and recruiting process. For instance, a dip in enrollment for a particular demographic in a course can signify an underlying problem.

Learning analytics helps take the first step toward a resolution, which is identifying the existence of an issue. Once the organization can identify the issue, they can bring in their internal team or institutional research department to determine the cause and resolve the problem. Another scope of use for this data lies in targeted marketing approaches. If the location of students who apply and get enrolled in the institution is identified, the university can flexibly improve the offerings in these targeted areas. 


Leveraging data analytics in your institution starts with a solid action plan. You will need to first create clear-cut goals regarding the data sets analyzed and the use of this evaluated data. You’ll also need your employees on board with the data platform and strategies you are planning and how they are to be used. It also includes creating data accessibility based on appropriate permissions and data organization requirements. Most important of all, choose the right development partner!

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Big Data on Kubernetes: The End For Hadoop Mon, 15 Aug 2022 06:43:30 +0000 The name Big data is familiar to everyone today. Big data is nothing but an extensive data set that traditional software is unable to deal with it. Therefore, many business entities across the globe need to use big data to deal with...

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The name Big data is familiar to everyone today. Big data is nothing but an extensive data set that traditional software is unable to deal with it. Therefore, many business entities across the globe need to use big data to deal with large projects. Data flows seamlessly with the increase in the business and its scale of operations. In this regard, Hadoop emerged as an open-source ecosystem that helps to process massive amounts of data cost-effectively and efficiently. 

Then the question may arise of why you should use Kubernetes to process big data. It is because Kubernetes offers many benefits to Big Data software. It makes it more accessible for the operations and infrastructure in an organization. Its container architecture gives many options for the persistent storage of data across different jobs. Also, its structure helps to host stateless and temporary apps. Moreover, K8s is enhancing its networking and data security architecture well.

Further, Big Data on Kubernetes (K8s) helps smooth data movement. Therefore, many big data platforms plan to deploy and run workloads on the cloud using Kubernetes. It will give more scalability to these platforms. 

So, in this article, you will learn how Big Data works on K8s and its various aspects. But if you want to explore something more about the Kubernetes containers and their uses in real-time. Then you can opt for Kubernetes Training with expert guidance where they will help you to guide in detail. Also, you can update your skills well.

Before moving to see the use of Kubernetes in Big data, you should know about Hadoop in brief.

What is Hadoop in Big Data?

Hadoop is a framework based on Java that stores large data sets and allows distributed processing on the same. It is an open-source framework that can run on widely available commodity hardware. Moreover, it can scale from a single server to many servers. Apache Hadoop offers very cost-efficient and faster data analytics. For this, it uses distributed processing power across the network. This framework has a better solution for different types of businesses, such as-

  • Data Management
  • Data Operations
  • Information Security
  • Accessing & Integration of Data and many more.

Moreover, Hadoop can detect the application layer failure and handle it efficiently. The various benefits of Apache Hadoop include-

  • Less expensive
  • Automatic data backup
  • Easy accessibility
  • Data processing with good storage capacity. 

Thus, there is much use of Hadoop, but at the same time, it has some limitations also. Such as low data security, unsuitable for small data sets, less native support for real-time analytics, etc.

Big Data on Kubernetes

Today’s business world requires cloud-based solutions and the help of cloud storage providers. They do massive computing operations on the cloud. In this regard, it is suitable to use Kubernetes as a cloud-based container platform to tackle big data. 

Kubernetes is one of the alternatives for Hadoop for big data processing. Moreover, Kubernetes is a container-based orchestration now gaining much popularity among the data analytics teams. Many recent researchers found K8s to be the most helpful tool for big datasets. 

Kubernetes is an open-source container-based platform that helps to build cloud-native apps. Also, it is effectively used to deploy, store, and manage many containtainerized apps. 

Why use Kubernetes in Big Data?

The use of Kubernetes helps in the smooth running of container-based app deployment and management. It also offers excellent flexibility and reliability to the IT operations team. Therefore, using K8s in Big Data is easy for smooth operations. Let us know more about why Kubernetes is suitable for Big data operations.


The first benefit of using Kubernetes in Big Data is its cost-effectiveness. Kubernetes allows business enterprises to utilize its cloud advantages fully. Automation plays a significant role in dealing with the basic tasks, or the cloud provider may take care of them. K8s, on the other hand, also share resources to make the process efficient. Moreover, its containerization feature allows it to run different apps on a single OS. Further, it avoids dependency and resource conflicts. 

This way, K8s provide a cost-effective approach for processing big data sets. 

Easy Development

Developing powerful data software becomes more manageable with the help of K8s and their containers. It saves much time and cost for the DevOps team of an entity by making the processes more repeatable and reliable. Moreover, it allows the development team to use the containerized images easily. Also, it makes the process of updating and deploying apps much smoother. It will enable the DevOps team to test various editions of apps using containers much more safely. S

Therefore, using K8s is a practical approach to building powerful data software. It also saves high growing costs for the business entity. 

Highly Portable

K8s offer portability features. Using this platform DevOps team can quickly deploy apps anywhere. Further, it stops the need for components’ recomposition to make them compatible with different software and hardware support. 

Moreover, some best tools to enable Big Data on the K8s container platform are Kubectl and Docker. Thus, businesses can significantly benefit from K8s by reducing considerable investments in big data processing. Also, the data storage costs will get reduced due to cloud-native apps. Thus, these are the possible benefits of using K8s on Big data. 


There is a thought that K8s are taking over Hadoop, but there is no sign of it. We can’t say that it’s the end of Hadoop, but the flexibility features of K8s are more excellent than Hadoop. Further, K8s allow using of any programming language. Also, its containerized app usage will enable it to move quickly to another cloud storage. 

There is no doubt that Hadoop is a cost-effective and efficient big data analytics tool. But with the changing technology trends, many enterprises rely on K8s for great flexibility and reliability. The DevOps teams can also reduce the most repetitive tasks and their complaints. Further, it makes most tedious tasks much easier where the stack makes all the difference. So, we can see that organizations will move to K8s to deal with big data tasks and smooth operations.

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eCommerce Data Integration: What you Need to Know Thu, 14 Jul 2022 02:26:08 +0000 What is eCommerce Data Integration? eCommerce data integration is the process of collecting important data from front-end components of a business such as a website, and making it easily accessible to back-end systems such as customer relationship management. This sounds incredibly complicated,...

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What is eCommerce Data Integration?

eCommerce data integration is the process of collecting important data from front-end components of a business such as a website, and making it easily accessible to back-end systems such as customer relationship management. This sounds incredibly complicated, but it is much easier to understand through an example. Let’s say your eCommerce business ships a large number of products on a regular basis. Typically, all of the information you need such as product availability, where that package is going, and how many other packages are traveling to that same location would all be handled manually. This makes it easy to make mistakes and waste time. But by integrating that data using shipping APIs, all of that information is aggregated in one centralized location that is easy to access. 

Why is Data Integration in an Online Business Important?

Data integration brings a wide range of benefits to online businesses. Firstly, data integration removes the need for manual data entry and replicated data. Doing data entry by hand is a major bottleneck in the operation of most businesses. It is tedious, boring work that can be easily messed up due to the amount of data being processed. Data integration allows this data to be managed automatically by AI, which leads to fewer mistakes and allows businesses to save money on labor. 

Data integration also optimizes the time you spend running your business. By automating certain processes data integration allows you to spend your time on tasks that require the human touch. For instance, manually sending customers verification emails whenever a package is out for delivery is pretty inefficient. By allowing an automated service to send those emails for you, your time can be spent improving your warehouse fulfillment process in other ways. 

3 Important Takeaways

Data Integration Takes Time

Setting up data integration takes a relatively long time, even for someone with expert knowledge. On average, you can expect it to take anywhere from four to twelve weeks to initially set up data integration. The reason it takes so long is because of how complicated the process can be. The developer handling your data integration will need to learn the architecture of your platform before they can even start integrating your data. And even then, there will likely be some friction between the API and your system which will need to be smoothed out over the course of weeks. 

Photo by Digital Buggu

Data Integration Can Be Expensive

Data integration requires someone with specialized knowledge to work long hours before it begins working. This translates to a pretty expensive initial fee for businesses just now getting into data integration. Getting data integration up and running could cost you several thousands of dollars, and that’s assuming everything goes according to plan. If your business’s platform is especially difficult to integrate then you may end up spending thousands of dollars over the initial estimate. 

And on top of the initial cost of setting up data integration, there is a good chance that once the integration is complete you’ll still need a developer to maintain the system. There may be kinks in the system that need to be smoothed out by a developer, or a newer version of the API will roll out and make yours obsolete. In any case, data integration is almost always one of the most expensive investments businesses make. But with that being said, most companies find that the investment is entirely worth it. Many businesses make their money back within a few years because of the time and money data integration saves them. 

Data Integration Enhances the User’s Experience

Data integration doesn’t just benefit the business that implemented it. It also benefits the customers of that business by enhancing the user experience. This is because data integration allows you to use technology to better understand your target audience. Your business will also be able to better react to market changes in your industry, meaning your customers will get the products they want faster than ever before. 

Some eCommerce Data Integration Softwares You Should Consider


Segment is the world’s leading customer data platform (CDP). It allows companies to gather data about their users and unify that customer data into a centralized location. Segment makes it easy for businesses to understand their audience and cater directly to them. 


Webgility is an easy-to-use software that automates accounting for online businesses. With Webgility your books are always up to date and any information about your business’s cash flow is at your fingertips. The service also includes a team of experts to assist companies that have integrated their API. 


You may recognize Ortto by its previous name, Autopilot. Ortto is a product-led growth engine that helps companies find new customers and retain their current ones. Ortto’s CDP makes it easy to segment key audiences based on specific demographics making it easy to understand your customers.

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An Ultimate Guide to Google Cloud Platform Fri, 08 Jul 2022 03:48:02 +0000 What is Google Cloud Platform? Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. It provides a platform for deploying and managing applications and services, as well as data storage and analysis. It is a platform as a...

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What is Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google. It provides a platform for deploying and managing applications and services, as well as data storage and analysis. It is a platform as a service (PaaS) offering, providing a range of modular cloud-based services. These services spans compute, storage, big data, networking, and developer tools.

GCP lets you build and host applications, websites, and services on the same infrastructure as Google. You can use GCP to distribute your applications and websites to millions of users around the world.

GCP cold also helps you store and process large amounts of data. You can use GCP to store data in the Cloud, analyze it with big data tools, and take advantage of Google’s networking infrastructure to distribute it to users around the world.

Google Cloud Platform includes a range of services, including compute, storage, networking, big data, and machine learning. It also offers a variety of APIs to help developers build and deploy applications on the platform.

Who Uses Google Platform?

Google Cloud Platform is used by businesses of all sizes, including start-ups, small businesses, and large enterprises. It is also used by several government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Defense. Its popularity is due to its low cost, high scalability, and ease of use.

Google Cloud Platform is used by businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. Customers include Disney, Spotify, and Coca-Cola.

Google Cloud Platform is a good choice for businesses that want to use the same technology as Google. Google Cloud Platform is also a good choice for businesses that want to use a public cloud platform.

Various Google Cloud Components

Google Cloud Platform Components provides a variety of services to help organizations with their cloud needs. These services include computing, storage, networking, big data, and machine learning.

Since its release in 2008, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) has become a leading cloud provider, thanks to its massive compute resources, global infrastructure, and commitment to open-source development.

GCP is a mature platform that offers a comprehensive suite of cloud services, including Compute Engine, Storage, App Engine, Cloud SQL, and more. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key components of GCP.

Compute Engine

GCP’s Compute Engine is a powerful cloud computing platform that allows you to run VMs on Google’s infrastructure. You can use Compute Engine to run applications, websites, and databases.

Compute Engine features include:

Rapid deployment: You can deploy VMs in minutes, and scale them up or down as needed.

You can deploy VMs in minutes, and scale them up or down as needed. Customizable machines: You can choose from a variety of CPU, memory, and storage options.

You can choose from a variety of CPU, memory, and storage options. Flexible pricing: You can pay for Compute Engine by the hour, or get a discount by committing to a longer-term.


Storage is a critical piece of infrastructure for businesses of all sizes. Storage arrays provide a way to store data so that it can be accessed by servers. When businesses move to the cloud, they need to consider the best way to store their data.

Google Cloud offers a number of storage solutions, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first option is block storage, which provides virtual hard disks that can be attached to virtual machines. Block storage is good for storing data that needs to be accessed frequently.

The second option is object storage, which is a way to store data in a hierarchical structure. Object storage is good for storing data that is infrequently accessed. The third option is tape storage, which is a way to store data on magnetic tape. Tape storage is good for long-term storage.

Each of the Google Cloud storage options has its own benefits. Block storage is good for businesses that need to store data that needs to be accessed frequently. Object storage is good for businesses that need to store a large amount of data. Tape storage is good for businesses that need to store data for a long period of time.

When businesses move to the cloud, they need to consider the best way to store their data. Google Cloud offers a number of storage solutions, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first option is block storage, which provides virtual hard disks that can be attached to virtual machines.

Block storage is good for storing data that needs to be accessed frequently. The second option is object storage, which is a way to store data in a hierarchical structure. Object storage is good for storing data that is infrequently accessed. The third option is tape storage, which is a way to store data on magnetic tape. Tape storage is good for long-term storage.

App Engine

App Engine is a platform as a service that allows developers to create and run applications on Google’s infrastructure.

One of the benefits of App Engine is that it takes care of all the backend work for you. This includes things like provisioning servers, configuring and managing databases, and routing requests. You simply write your code and upload it to App Engine, and it will take care of the rest.

Another benefit of App Engine is that it’s fully managed. This means that you don’t need to worry about things like scaling your application up or down to meet demand. App Engine will automatically scale your application as needed.

App Engine also offers a wide range of features, including support for multiple programming languages, cloud storage, and task queues. It also integrates with other Google Cloud Platform services, such as Cloud Datastore, BigQuery, and Cloud Pub/Sub.

If you’re looking for a platform to host your web application, or you want to start developing applications for the cloud, App Engine is a great option. It’s easy to use, it’s fully managed, and it offers a wide range of features.

What are the Benefits of using the Google Platform?

Some of the benefits of using the Google Cloud Platform include:

  1. Cost savings: Google Cloud Platform provides pay-as-you-go pricing, which can save businesses money over time.
  2. Scalability: Google Cloud Platform can easily scale to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes.
  3. Reliability: Google Cloud Platform is highly reliable and features multiple data centers around the globe.
  4. Security: Google Cloud Platform is highly secure and features multiple layers of security.
  5. Ease of use – Google Cloud Platform is easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners and experienced users alike.
  6. A comprehensive suite of services – Google Cloud Platform offers a comprehensive suite of services, making it a one-stop-shop for all your cloud needs.
  7. Variety of deployment options – Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of deployment options, making it suitable for a variety of applications.
  8. Excellent customer support – Google Cloud Platform offers excellent customer support, ensuring that you get the help you need when you need it.

However, there are a few downsides to using the Google Cloud Platform. One of the main downsides is that the platform is still relatively new and is not as well-established as some of the other public cloud providers. This can make it difficult to find support if you encounter any problems.

Another downside is that Google Cloud Platform is not as widely available as some of the other providers. It is only available in a few countries, which can be a limitation for some businesses.

Overall, Google Cloud Platform is an excellent public cloud platform and is ideal for businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive suite of services, excellent customer support, and a variety of deployment options. It is still relatively new, which can be a downside, but the platform is constantly evolving and improving, so it is worth considering for your next cloud application.


Google Cloud Platform is a reliable, scalable, and affordable platform for businesses of all sizes. It offers a wide range of products and services, and it is easy to use and administer. Additionally, the Google Cloud Platform is backed by one of the world’s largest and most advanced technology infrastructures.

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What Are Cost-Effective Approaches To Hyperscale Data Analysis? Sun, 03 Jul 2022 08:16:26 +0000 The term “big data” encompasses the terabytes and petabytes of data that companies need to store, analyze, and interpret to gain the valuable insights offered by their various data points. The problem? Finding the solutions needed to make sense of data can...

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The term “big data” encompasses the terabytes and petabytes of data that companies need to store, analyze, and interpret to gain the valuable insights offered by their various data points. The problem? Finding the solutions needed to make sense of data can be difficult, especially if the organization in question is looking for an affordable way to satisfy its vast data needs. 

Fortunately, there are ways to navigate the high costs of hyperscale data analysis so that your company receives the comprehensive data support it needs. Let’s take a look at a few cost-effective approaches to hyperscale data analysis that you can turn to move forward. 

Consider Switching to Hyperscale Data Analysis Cloud Solutions

If you’ve been doing your research to see whether your business is better suited for on-premises data warehouse and analytics solutions or cloud-based ones, you may have come across a few guides that recommend in-house servers over cloud-based solutions due to fewer upfront costs. 

While a system managed in-house sounds like it would save you more money, it could cost you more over the long term (all while leaving you susceptible to a wide range of problems that could negatively impact your organization). Managing all of your equipment on-premises means having all the proper personnel on hand, paying a great deal to run all of your equipment, and dealing with unique in-house issues (potential for disasters to destroy hardware, needing a dedicated room to keep hardware cool, downtime, etc.). 

Cloud solutions provide you with all the services and equipment you need access to without having to deal with any of them in-house. There may be some exceptions, such as if you already have all of the necessary equipment and are simply looking for the right solutions to help you properly store and analyze all of your data. Additionally, not all cloud solutions are as cost-effective as others. There are cloud solutions out there that are expensive despite the features that they offer. 

That being said, a cloud-based solution or a fully-managed cloud solution might be a better choice for your company if you wish to cut costs and avoid any potential issues that could cost you in the future. 

Get More for Your Money With a Solution That’s Versatile and Offers Comprehensive Support

In today’s world where companies can tap into essential services for a monthly fee, it’s easier than ever to find solutions designed to help you tackle every aspect of the data analysis process. But with that in mind, the reality is that many organizations may opt for specific services rather than enlisting the help of an all-in-one service or a few of them that are able to get the job done. 

This leads to a complex and fragmented system that costs them more over time and makes it difficult for employees to successfully store, access, and analyze data on their own. The key to overcoming this issue is to make sure that you’re working with data analysis solutions that give you the most bang for your buck and offer the most support along the way. 

Let’s imagine that you’re starting out by looking for a fast data warehouse that will ensure you have the storage and accessibility you need to work through trillions of data points with ease. You don’t want just any data warehouse to help you properly store and access your data. You want one that works on-premises or via the cloud, can easily scale without sacrificing performance as the volume of data generated continues to grow, and is flexible enough to handle any changes without downtime or requiring any additional work on your end. 

The more helpful features a given solution has to offer (at an affordable, fixed cost, of course), the easier it will be to rely on that solution for the majority of your needs. You should only need to integrate other software solutions if any one solution isn’t able to manage every aspect of the data analysis process. Continuing with the above example, you might then look for a seamless data analytics and visualization tool that not only makes it easy to understand your data but works well with your data warehouse solution and other tools critical to your organization. 

Your Budget Doesn’t Have to Limit Your Ability to Leverage Your Data

Hyperscale data analysis is daunting enough. Finding the right solutions to help you store and analyze your data points? Even more so. However, hyperscale data analysis doesn’t have to be overwhelmingly expensive and price you out of the opportunity to use the most invaluable tool at your business’s disposal. The key to navigating big data analysis is to look for solutions that ease the burden of having to run any of the hardware or software on-site and to find solutions that provide you with extensive support in multiple aspects of the hyperscale data analysis process. 

If you’re interested in making your data work for you without having to cut deeply into profits in the process, the guide above will help you understand what you need to look for as you find the right tools to make sense of your data.

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How Business Intelligence And Data Analytics Differ Thu, 26 May 2022 15:45:09 +0000 Business intelligence is a way to analyze, influence decision-making, and improve performance. Data analytics is the scientific, analytical process of finding insights from data. They are two different things, but sometimes, they might seem one and the same. Find out what sets...

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Business intelligence is a way to analyze, influence decision-making, and improve performance. Data analytics is the scientific, analytical process of finding insights from data. They are two different things, but sometimes, they might seem one and the same. Find out what sets them apart and how you can use each to your advantage!

Defining Business Intelligence

Business intelligence is the umbrella term for a variety of data-driven analytical techniques that are used by organizations to make better decisions. Data analytics, on the other hand, is a subset of business intelligence that focuses specifically on manipulating and analyzing data in order to identify patterns and insights. 

There are several key differences between business intelligence and data analytics: 

Business intelligence is focused on extracting insights from data in order to help an organization make better decisions. Data analytics, on the other hand, is focused on using data to make decisions. 

Business intelligence typically involves using a combination of tools such as Excel, Power BI, and Tableau. Data analytics, on the other hand, typically uses tools like Pandas or R. 

Business intelligence is typically used by organizations that need to make decisions about their operations or products. Data analytics is more commonly used by organizations that need to understand how their customers are behaving or how their products are performing. It is not important to choose one over the other, but rather that both are used in the right way. 

With data analytics, you should focus on understanding how different aspects of your organization are functioning and what impacts their processes have on the company’s performance. There are many online marketing agencies such as Incrementors excellent social media marketing services that can provide you is more time and a greater ROI at a minimum cost. The goal of business intelligence is to provide a dashboard for executives so that decisions can be made quickly and efficiently.

How does data science fit into this?

Data science (or data analysis) is the branch of science that uses a combination of statistics and computing methods to analyze large amounts of data and draw conclusions from them. In order to get useful insights from large warehouses of information, you need mastery of both statistics and programming languages.

Differences Between Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

When it comes to data analytics and business intelligence, there are a few key differences that should be kept in mind. First, data analytics focuses on transforming data into actionable insights for decision making, while business intelligence focuses on providing a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s business. Second, data analytics is typically used to identify opportunities and trends in data, while business intelligence is used to build a holistic view of the business. Third, data analysts typically use tools such as SQL and SAS to manipulate and analyze data, while business intelligence practitioners may use tools such as Tableau or Excel to visualize their data. Finally, data analytics is often used in conjunction with machine learning and artificial intelligence, while business intelligence traditionally focuses on using human intuition and analysis to make decisions.

Strategic Value of Data Analytics for Businesses.

When it comes to data analytics, businesses of all sizes can benefit from improved decision-making and faster insights into their operations.

Business intelligence is the process of extracting value from data by using analytical tools and processes. This can include things like reporting on data trends, performance analysis, and building models to forecast future outcomes. BI typically provides end-users with insights and actionable information so they can make better decisions.

Data analytics, on the other hand, is a more intensive form of BI that focuses on extracting value from large data sets in order to provide actionable insights for decision-makers. This can involve things like transforming data into usable formats, exploring relationships between different pieces of data, and developing models to predict future outcomes. Data analytics can provide answers that exceed those achievable through BI alone.

The key difference between business intelligence and data analytics is how much value is extracted from the data set. Business intelligence typically focuses on providing insights and actionable information for end-users, while data analytics goes beyond this to deliver deeper insights that can help make better decisions.

Additionally, business intelligence typically provides a dashboard or set of reports that users can use to make immediate decisions, while data analytics can provide more detailed information for more in-depth analysis. For complex KN applications, a data model is required for each instance and each integration point with the end-user system.

A data model describes all the elements of the system in one place, including their relationships and attributes. In this way, there’s no need to keep track of individual tables and columns across multiple systems. 

However, it’s important to have a robust data model for both BI and advanced analytics so it can be used as the foundation for further analysis. Some factors to consider when creating your own data models include: Data validation Ensures that every element in the model is valid and that relationships between the elements are defined correctly. The validation should also catch any data in a system that doesn’t match the schema.

Ensures that every element in the model is valid and that relationships between the elements are defined correctly. The validation should also catch any data in a system that doesn’t match the schema. Many marketing agencies like Incrementors Online Reputation Management services help to manage and maintain your online reputation by managing online conversations. If you are able to provide your customer with the exact thing that they are searching for, this thing would boost user engagement on your website. Describe how transactions will be made to the database for each element, such as through a stored procedure or via SQL commands, and what actions those transactions can take on those tables, including deleting rows from them.


If you’re like most business owners, you want to be able to measure the success of your operations and make informed decisions about where to invest your time and resources. In this article, we’ll look at the different ways business intelligence (BI) and data analytics differ, and how each can help your business grow. We hope that by understanding the differences between these two powerful tools, you’ll be better equipped to choose which one is best for your specific needs.

The post How Business Intelligence And Data Analytics Differ appeared first on Tech Web Space.
