NickARojas, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Thu, 08 Dec 2022 05:33:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 NickARojas, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Holiday Season Trends to Boost Your Sales Thu, 08 Dec 2022 05:32:29 +0000 The winter holiday season is a time for friends and loved ones to reunite and be thankful for the chance to be together. But consumers have an entirely different reason to be excited about the gift-giving season. The winter holidays are also...

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The winter holiday season is a time for friends and loved ones to reunite and be thankful for the chance to be together. But consumers have an entirely different reason to be excited about the gift-giving season. The winter holidays are also the time of the most anticipated annual sales. The pandemic may have forced Black Friday sales into hiatus for the past couple of years, but they are finally returning in 2022. This presents an incredible opportunity for brands to take advantage of. So with the winter holiday shopping season quickly approaching, let’s take a look at some strategies your business can take to boost your sales. 

Social Media’s Influence on Consumers Continues to Grow

The fact that social media influences consumers’ shopping behaviours are common knowledge at this point. But the level of influence social media campaigns have on the public is higher than ever before in 2022. Influencers in particular play a key role in consumer shopping habits when it comes to gift-giving. When buying a gift for a loved one, consumers may not know a great deal about the products their shopping for. This is why they turn to trusted influencers to find the best product quickly. 

If you want to reap the benefit of an influencer campaign while keeping costs to a minimum, consider partnering with a micro-influencer. Micro-influencers are social media personalities that have incredibly dedicated albeit niche audiences. Though these sorts of influencers tend to have smaller audiences, their followers can be every bit as dedicated as a large influencer. Micro-influencers tend to be easier and cheaper to work with because they are usually less busy and expensive. 

Omni-channel Purchases & Shipping

In the age of the internet, consumers have become accustomed to purchasing the products they want from whatever channel is most convenient to them. The forced lockdowns resulting from the pandemic have made this even more true. This is why it is important to offer your products in several locations. Investing solely in a dedicated website to sell your products isn’t enough anymore. It’s best to make your products available on as many platforms as possible. This includes third-party online marketplaces such as Amazon or Etsy and even directly through social media such as Facebook Business. Making your products easy to find on any online platform will result in more consumers making a purchase. 

Consumers have also gotten used to being able to have their products delivered to them in the method they prefer. Unfortunately, no shipping method is one size fits all. Instead, you’ll have to determine which shipping methods are most popular with your target audience. For instance, last-minute holiday shoppers will appreciate online retailers that offer expedited shipping options. Regardless of what shipping methods you decide to offer, you’ll need to ensure that your warehouse can keep up with the influx of holiday orders. Fortunately, there are shipping APIs available that can streamline your order fulfilment process. In some cases, these APIs can even automate entire processes such as label generation and package tracking.

Consumers Are Starting Their Holiday Shopping Early

Many holiday gift buyers are starting their shopping spree earlier in 2022 than in previous years. According to some studies, as much as 70% of holiday shoppers plan to start finding gifts before Thanksgiving. As a result, many businesses have extended their winter holiday sales to include some time before Thanksgiving as well. If extending your sale period is unreasonable then consider advertising for your sale earlier. This will at least give consumers the opportunity to plan for your holiday sale in advance and mark their calendars. 

Online Presence is Essential

Many holiday shoppers start their search for a gift with a simple google search for the product they want to find. Google will then show the shopper a search engine results page (SERP) with the ten web pages it thinks is most relevant. The top 3 links on this SERP will generally receive roughly the same amount of traffic as the following 7. Having a consistent online presence will help you rank higher on this list and earn you more traffic organically.

Making changes to your website with the intention of ranking higher in Google’s algorithm is called search engine optimization or SEO. One of the easiest ways you can begin optimizing your website for search is to add a blog. Blogging is the bread and butter of SEO because of how effective it is with such little investment. Creating content that your audience finds informative, entertaining, or interesting can attract more online traffic to your website. If you’re consistent with your blogging efforts then your website will start ranking higher in Google’s algorithm and you’ll have the opportunity to grow your audience. 


This holiday season is expected to play out a little differently than it has in earlier years. Consumers are enjoying the first winter sale without restrictions resulting from the pandemic. This means that in-person sales are expected to be high, but online sales are still likely going to dominate. To make the most of the 2022 holiday season follow these quick tips.

  • Partner with influencers to capitalize on social media’s impact on shopping behaviors.
  • Offer your products on as many platforms as possible. 
  • Start your sale early this year!
  • Maintain a consistent online presence to attract consumers.

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Green Technology: Strategies for Eco-Friendly Shipping Sun, 18 Sep 2022 12:42:01 +0000 Recent changes in consumer behavior have put the eCommerce industry in a tricky situation. Online shoppers have become accustomed to the convenience and speed of online shopping. People expect to find the products they want easily online and for that product to...

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Recent changes in consumer behavior have put the eCommerce industry in a tricky situation. Online shoppers have become accustomed to the convenience and speed of online shopping. People expect to find the products they want easily online and for that product to arrive at their doorstep within the week. But now consumers are adding another demand to the list: that the product is delivered in an environmentally friendly manner. 

This has forced online retailers to completely reevaluate their shipping services and delivery methods. Companies began to change everything from the type of packaging used to the fuel in their delivery trucks. The result of all of these efforts is a practice known as green logistics. 

What is Green Logistics?

Green logistics is a collection of practices that aim to make the supply chain more environmentally friendly. These practices range from simple and quick-to-implement to complex and expensive. For example, reusing packaging from returned products is a quick and easy way to make your logistics more sustainable. On the other hand, investing in an eco-friendly fleet of delivery trucks will require more money and effort. Let’s take a look at some green shipping strategies and the effect they have on ecommerce businesses. 

Green Shipping Strategies:

Consider Pop-up Warehouses

Pop-up warehouses are a fairly new method of storing products. These warehouses are temporary storage facilities for companies that expect a short-term influx of orders. This makes them perfect for businesses that experience seasonal fluctuations in sales. Pop-up warehouses are generally smaller and lower-tech than centralized warehouses, but they have their advantages. The smaller size of these warehouses means they can easily be positioned closer to customers. This cuts down on the amount of carbon produced during delivery. 

Pop-up warehouses can also double as on-site retail locations or pick-up points. Using a pop-up warehouse as an on-site retail location can sometimes end up completely offsetting the cost of renting a small warehouse. Pick-up points are incredibly convenient for customers who are already in the area. In either scenario, the delivery process is completely eliminated, meaning no air pollution is created in the process. 

Photo by Pixabay

Reevaluate Your Packaging

One of the easiest and most straightforward ways to reduce the amount of physical waste a company produces is the reevaluate the packaging used. Traditional protective packaging such as styrofoam peanuts can take decades to decompose once they’re thrown out. Switching these materials for more sustainable alternatives can also make packages lighter, and easier to transport. Many sustainable packaging alternatives are made from cardboard. Cardboard is widely available and fairly reusable. Additionally, the paper used in cardboard packaging decomposes much quicker than plastic or styrofoam. 

If you already use sustainably sourced packaging, then consider reducing the amount of packaging used in general. Try to use boxes that perfectly fit the products being shipped. This will keep packages safe and reduce the amount of physical waste produced. Smaller packaging also makes it easier to fit more shipments onto a single delivery truck. 

You may even be able to incentivize returning empty packaging after deliveries have been made. This will allow you to reuse packaging almost entirely and reduce the need for new boxes to be made. 

Leverage a Route-planning System

The fuel used in delivery trucks is one of the leading contributors to global air pollution. Some eCommerce companies manage dozens of trucks all with different end locations. This makes delivery routes incredibly difficult to plan efficiently. Fortunately, there are AI-powered solutions to this issue. Route planning software can optimize your delivery routes to be as fuel efficient as possible, regardless of how many deliveries you’re handling. This benefits consumers and businesses while helping the planet. Consumers will enjoy timely deliveries and companies will save money on fuel costs.

Use Alternative Vehicles/Fuels

For companies looking to dramatically reduce air pollution from their delivery trucks, or even eliminate it altogether, there are alternative vehicles and fuels. These delivery methods require more monetary investment, but they are some of the most eco-friendly practices in logistics. If investing in a private fleet of eco-friendly delivery trucks is too expensive, then consider partnering with a logistics company that offers green shipping. Many companies that offer green shipping methods also incentivize them at checkout to ensure they are being used.

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How Is Your Business Talking to the World? Tips To Improve Your Communications Tue, 13 Sep 2022 06:00:50 +0000 What is Business Communication? Business communications refer to any process where a representative or employee of a company is relaying information to either another employee or an outside entity. Even if you’ve never heard of business communications before, there is a good...

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What is Business Communication?

Business communications refer to any process where a representative or employee of a company is relaying information to either another employee or an outside entity. Even if you’ve never heard of business communications before, there is a good chance that you’ve engaged in it at some point over your career. Emails you send to coworkers, presentations you give to shareholders, and campaigns you run for customers are all examples of business communications. Effective business communications are essential for the success and growth of any organization. 

Types of Communication

In total, there are four types of business communication. The two major categories of business communications are external and internal communication with the latter being split into 3 different subcategories. 

Internal Upward Communication

Internal Upward communication is internal communication where information is being transferred up the chain of command. In this type of communication, a subordinate worker relays information to a manager or senior leadership. Common examples of internal upward communication within a business include survey results, business reports, and deliverables presentations. 

Internal Downward Communication

Internal downward communication is the exact opposite of internal upward communication. With internal downward communication, a manager or member of senior leadership is communicating information to a subordinate. Common examples of internal downward communication within a business include training sessions, assigning workers tasks, and performance reports. 

Internal Lateral Communication

Internal lateral communication is when information is shared laterally in a company between two peers of the same level. Anytime a manager communicates with another manager, or a worker communicates with a peer, it is considered internal lateral communication. This is likely the most common form of internal business communication because of how often peers interact within a brand. Common examples of internal latera communication are collaborative email with peers, meetings and brainstorming sessions, and even small talk while at the water tank. 

External Communication

External communication is when a representative or employee of a company communicates with any entity outside of the company on the brand’s behalf. This is the broadest category of business communication because of the number of people your company has the ability to interact with. Any ads you run, marketing emails you send, promotional messages you tweet, or media interviews you give are all considered external business communication. External communications are generally run by a business’s public relations or marketing department. 

Tips for Internal Communication

Review Your Company Goals

Reviewing your goals is an important step of any business venture, but unfortunately, plenty of companies don’t review their communication goals. Reviewing your internal communications goals is an important step in creating a strong workplace culture. Additionally, when reviewing your internal communications goals, you have the opportunity to revise these goals or add entirely new goals. 

Invest in an Instant Messaging Tool

Business communications happen fast, and employees need to be able to keep up with the pace. This is why it is important to invest in an instant messaging tool for your business. Emails and scheduled meetings are important communication tools, but they each have drawbacks. Email chains can become cluttered messes of information and scheduled meetings only support communication for a set amount of time. With instant messaging, communication happens quickly and in an organized fashion. Instant messaging tools display messages similar to how a text conversation would look, making it easy to communicate effectively in groups. 

Let Employees Share Their Voice

In order for effective internal communication to take place, employees need to feel comfortable sharing their voices. If workers don’t feel that their thoughts and opinions are respected by upper management, then it is unlikely that they’ll make creative recommendations or ask for the tools they need to effectively do their job. Let’s take the hypothetical example of a warehouse that is handling shipping and order fulfillment for an eCommerce enterprise. The employees running the warehouse might have valuable insights on how to improve the company’s logistics, but they won’t share those insights unless they feel respected. 

Create a Regular Company Newsletter

One of the most important aspects of effective business communication is consistency. The more consistent your communication efforts are the more your peers will begin to engage with them. An easy way of maintaining regular internal communications is to start a company newsletter. Even a simple weekly informative email will go a long way in ensuring that everyone is on the same page. Company newsletters also allow you to build a strong company culture by giving you the opportunity to focus on human events like birthdays, accolades, and other achievements. 

Tips for External Communication

Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the most common forms of external business communication because of how easy and effective it is. With content marketing, your company produces video or written content that is informative, entertaining, or interesting to consumers on the internet. This form of external communication is effective for two reasons. Firstly, content marketing allows a company to engage with its audience of potential customers. Secondly, content marketing improves a website’s SEO and increases its amount of organic traffic.

Additionally, content marketing allows you to make your products more relatable and understandable. This is especially true if your company offers a complicated product or service. For instance, companies that maintain shipping APIs can clearly explain the benefits of their product in a way that is easy to understand.

Engage with Social Media

Social media is an unavoidable part of our lives in the digital world. Millions of people across the globe are connected by social media, but Instagram isn’t just for individuals. These days, businesses of every kind have social media programs that are used to promote their products. One of the major benefits of social media is the fact that it allows for two-way communication. A company can make a promotional tweet, and an individual customer can respond directly to the business. This allows your company to build real relationships with its audience. 

Have a Unique Voice

With so many companies battling for the attention of consumers on the internet, it can be difficult to set yourself apart. This is why it’s important for your brand to develop a unique voice. Giving your brand a personality will change the way potential customers perceive your brand. This gives you the edge in marketing campaigns and effective external business communication.

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eCommerce Data Integration: What you Need to Know Thu, 14 Jul 2022 02:26:08 +0000 What is eCommerce Data Integration? eCommerce data integration is the process of collecting important data from front-end components of a business such as a website, and making it easily accessible to back-end systems such as customer relationship management. This sounds incredibly complicated,...

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What is eCommerce Data Integration?

eCommerce data integration is the process of collecting important data from front-end components of a business such as a website, and making it easily accessible to back-end systems such as customer relationship management. This sounds incredibly complicated, but it is much easier to understand through an example. Let’s say your eCommerce business ships a large number of products on a regular basis. Typically, all of the information you need such as product availability, where that package is going, and how many other packages are traveling to that same location would all be handled manually. This makes it easy to make mistakes and waste time. But by integrating that data using shipping APIs, all of that information is aggregated in one centralized location that is easy to access. 

Why is Data Integration in an Online Business Important?

Data integration brings a wide range of benefits to online businesses. Firstly, data integration removes the need for manual data entry and replicated data. Doing data entry by hand is a major bottleneck in the operation of most businesses. It is tedious, boring work that can be easily messed up due to the amount of data being processed. Data integration allows this data to be managed automatically by AI, which leads to fewer mistakes and allows businesses to save money on labor. 

Data integration also optimizes the time you spend running your business. By automating certain processes data integration allows you to spend your time on tasks that require the human touch. For instance, manually sending customers verification emails whenever a package is out for delivery is pretty inefficient. By allowing an automated service to send those emails for you, your time can be spent improving your warehouse fulfillment process in other ways. 

3 Important Takeaways

Data Integration Takes Time

Setting up data integration takes a relatively long time, even for someone with expert knowledge. On average, you can expect it to take anywhere from four to twelve weeks to initially set up data integration. The reason it takes so long is because of how complicated the process can be. The developer handling your data integration will need to learn the architecture of your platform before they can even start integrating your data. And even then, there will likely be some friction between the API and your system which will need to be smoothed out over the course of weeks. 

Photo by Digital Buggu

Data Integration Can Be Expensive

Data integration requires someone with specialized knowledge to work long hours before it begins working. This translates to a pretty expensive initial fee for businesses just now getting into data integration. Getting data integration up and running could cost you several thousands of dollars, and that’s assuming everything goes according to plan. If your business’s platform is especially difficult to integrate then you may end up spending thousands of dollars over the initial estimate. 

And on top of the initial cost of setting up data integration, there is a good chance that once the integration is complete you’ll still need a developer to maintain the system. There may be kinks in the system that need to be smoothed out by a developer, or a newer version of the API will roll out and make yours obsolete. In any case, data integration is almost always one of the most expensive investments businesses make. But with that being said, most companies find that the investment is entirely worth it. Many businesses make their money back within a few years because of the time and money data integration saves them. 

Data Integration Enhances the User’s Experience

Data integration doesn’t just benefit the business that implemented it. It also benefits the customers of that business by enhancing the user experience. This is because data integration allows you to use technology to better understand your target audience. Your business will also be able to better react to market changes in your industry, meaning your customers will get the products they want faster than ever before. 

Some eCommerce Data Integration Softwares You Should Consider


Segment is the world’s leading customer data platform (CDP). It allows companies to gather data about their users and unify that customer data into a centralized location. Segment makes it easy for businesses to understand their audience and cater directly to them. 


Webgility is an easy-to-use software that automates accounting for online businesses. With Webgility your books are always up to date and any information about your business’s cash flow is at your fingertips. The service also includes a team of experts to assist companies that have integrated their API. 


You may recognize Ortto by its previous name, Autopilot. Ortto is a product-led growth engine that helps companies find new customers and retain their current ones. Ortto’s CDP makes it easy to segment key audiences based on specific demographics making it easy to understand your customers.

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How to Promote Your Business Marketing Plan Mon, 11 Apr 2022 03:27:56 +0000 Reach Customers in More Ways than One In today’s digital world, there are several ways that your business can connect with customers. Each of these marketing methods has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses, so it is best to use at least...

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Reach Customers in More Ways than One

In today’s digital world, there are several ways that your business can connect with customers. Each of these marketing methods has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses, so it is best to use at least a couple of them. This way you can ensure that your message is reaching your target demographic. Here are a few different marketing avenues for your to explore. 

1. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the older forms of digital marketing but it is still very effective because of how direct it is. It is one of the few forms of digital marketing that allows you to reach out to potential customers directly and speak to them as individuals. The only caveat associated with email marketing is that people need to voluntarily share their contact information with you, which can take some effort. 

2. Social Media

Social media is an absolute powerhouse for digital marketing. Its primary strength is that it allows for two-way communication with your audience. A business is able to market to customers and customers can publicly respond to the business. Social media also offers companies some of the largest audiences available. For example, Facebook alone has over a billion monthly users worldwide. Another advantage of social media is that it is free to use. You can make a profile for your business at no cost to you and begin building your community. Social media also gives you the opportunity to partner with influencers to give your product a boost in coverage. 

3. Content Marketing

Content marketing is an organic method of digital advertising, which means that it is longer-lasting than paid advertisements. The most common form of content marketing is a blog on your company’s website. Content marketing will also help your website rank higher on search engine result pages which will lead to an increase in traffic. 

Focus on Developing a Strong Workplace Culture

Strong workplace culture can have many benefits for your company ranging from improved productivity to increased brand awareness. Responsible consumers will take extra steps to support companies that they believe take good care of their workers and care about the same issues as they do. Communication is key in building a solid workplace culture. Always communicate clearly in the workplace and ensure that everyone on your team is on the same page.

If your team struggles to communicate effectively, then you could consider investing in a leadership development plan. This will help educate your senior workers and leadership positions on how to effectively communicate with their team. 

Develop a Strategic Plan

Every good marketing campaign begins with a strategic plan. Developing a strategic plan can be difficult, but it is crucial in defining the scope of your marketing efforts. To begin making a good plan, you need to first create a set of goals that are SMART. This is an acronym that means specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based. An example of a SMART goal for a marketing campaign would be to increase the number of webpage visits by 20% by the next quarter. This goal is specific about what the desired outcome is and gives a way of measuring your campaign’s success. It is also relevant to your company’s performance, is able to be reached, and gives a deadline for when the goal should be reached. Having SMART goals will keep your team on track as they develop a strategic marketing plan. 

Site Optimization and Advanced SEO

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an organic form of digital marketing that aims to help your website rank higher on search engine result pages. This is done by aligning your website’s structure and content with Google’s criteria for determining the value of a webpage. For example, Google has recently taken a mobile-first approach to ranking web pages. This means that you can begin ranking higher than other websites simply by ensuring that your website is usable on devices of all sizes.

Website optimizations can also improve your business’s efficiency and overall performance. Let’s take the example of a hypothetical eCommerce business that ships a large number of products. This business could optimize its site by including a USPS shipping API that streamlines the loading and delivery phases of its service. This will save the business time and money that would otherwise be spent on labor. 

Create Great Content

Creating content that is informative, entertaining, or interesting to your audience is another great way to promote your business. This content could come in the form of online videos, podcasts, or even simple blog posts. Whatever form it comes in it is important that your audience will want to engage with the content and share it with their friends. The content you make for your company’s website is another organic method of generating traffic and increasing brand recognition. 

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Boost Customer Engagement with These Tips Mon, 30 Aug 2021 12:30:31 +0000 What Is Customer Engagement? Customer engagement is a sweeping term describing every element of a relationship built between a customer and a business, including everything from email and phone calls to your social media, eCommerce and marketing strategy. Great customer engagement requires...

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What Is Customer Engagement?

Customer engagement is a sweeping term describing every element of a relationship built between a customer and a business, including everything from email and phone calls to your social media, eCommerce and marketing strategy. Great customer engagement requires dedication to a proven customer engagement strategy, something you build through careful analysis of your target audience, their preferences and their needs.

Does My Small Business Need a Customer Engagement Strategy?

Customer engagement doesn’t need to cost a thing!  It’s all about how you reach out to customers, and the options you give them to interact with you and your product in a positive way. Sure, hiring a reputable marketing firm or professional social media influencer will often deliver results, but the small business often doesn’t have the budget to launch these, sometimes pricey, strategies. Let’s explore a few ways small businesses are creating solid customer engagement strategies, with little or no initial cost!

How to Build a Solid Customer Engagement Strategy

1. Making Customers Happy

Giving customers rewards and incentives is a great way to engage customers with positive motivators and feel-good perks. Rewarding engagement by running a “tag a friend” social media campaign, highlighting positive customer reviews in your marketing material, and following up on all customer feedback, negative and positive, are fast and easy ways to show your customers that they matter, and they are heard. Consider creating a reward system based on both spending and engagement, to show existing customers gratitude for patronizing your business, and show new customers the level of service and appreciation they can expect if they work with your small business.

2. Engage With Customers Via Mobile Apps

Optimizing your site and applications for mobile use is an important element of customer engagement. Of the 7.9 billion people across the globe, a full 6.4 billion, or over 80% of them own and use a smartphone. With mobile saturation and usage expected to surpass 7.5 billion by 2026, it’s important to meet your customers where they feel the most comfortable. If your business hasn’t developed an app yet, consider creating one including your customers most valued functions and elements, and ensure your website is optimized for mobile use.

3. Provide Real-Time Customer Benefits

Human bodies are proven to release a hit of dopamine when they encounter things like “likes” and “shares” on social media. We all love feeling that we are appreciated, and the best way to show customers your appreciation for their loyalty, is to offer real-time benefits. Offering benefits can be as simple as making your shipping costs transparent using tools like a USPS Shipping Calculator. Every step of the purchase process should be intuitive and free of ambiguity, including the final important step of shipping and receiving the product.

4. Engage Customers with In-Product Messaging

Communication with customers before or after a purchase is fantastic, but imagine the benefit of offering the opportunity to ask questions and get tailor-made answers in real-time with in-product messaging. Many small businesses employ an email, mobile or social media strategy to notify customers of any new products, functions or company offerings. Implementing an AI-powered chatbot is another easy way to ensure 24/7 customer engagement, and answer frequently asked questions fast. Today’s chatbots are becoming increasingly more natural and can be programmed (depending on the quality of your platform) to both provide essential information and guide the customer through the purchase process quickly and easily. There is chatbot software for every budget, and more are being created daily. Take a look at the market and simply choose the right software and functions for your budget!

5. Offer Personalization

Personalization is proven to be both engaging and exciting and engaging for customers, and it doesn’t need to cost a cent!  Personalization can be as easy as using a customer’s first name in email marketing communication or running a local or location-based ad. For those with a bigger budget, consider deploying machine learning or AI-assisted to offer personalized ads to a local area. For example, if a sporting supply company wants to reach customers in a cold region or country with a large concentration of outdoor sports enthusiasts, market warmer clothing and cold weather gear to only this concentrated area while running ads for more warm-weather products in warmer areas.

Customer engagement is both personally and professionally rewarding, allowing you to get up-close and personal with customers you may never meet in person. Employing a great customer service strategy in 2021 will be one of the most important steps you take toward reaching new markets, engaging new customers and building a business based on longevity and mutual respect. Implement these customer engagement strategies today, and watch your profits soar!

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Ways to Enhance Your Customer’s Shopping with APIs Tue, 09 Jun 2020 14:19:18 +0000 Online shopping is a major fixture of global commerce. Millions of people around the world buy items and services online through ideally fluid and painless buying experiences. Most customers never think twice about how they buy goods online or how those goods...

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Online shopping is a major fixture of global commerce. Millions of people around the world buy items and services online through ideally fluid and painless buying experiences. Most customers never think twice about how they buy goods online or how those goods make it to their houses, but there is a complex network of systems working behind the scenes to keep the international shipping and shopping experience smooth.

APIs, application programming interfaces, are one common component of the under the hood systems that keep the online shopping system running. APIs are used across the eCommerce industry to improve a vast number of smaller systems online customers regularly interact with.

Most customers run into multiple APIs while shopping online without even realizing it, as the services many APIs offers are so commonplace, they are now expected. By using the power and flexibility of APIs, companies can seamlessly enhance their customer’s shopping experiences. 

What Is An API

API standards for application programming interface and APIs are responsible for letting different programs work together and share data, which results in new services being added to existing programs. APIs are used to great success in a wide variety of industries, but the eCommerce industry makes especially good use of the benefits APIs bring to the table. From adding security and convenience to personalized experiences, APIs are responsible for many of the features customers and businesses alike have come to expect in eCommerce.


Autofill is one of the staple conveniences of the Internet that is only possible because of APIs. Whether your account information is already populated or you fill it in with only a few clicks, autofill is undoubtedly a time saver for online shopping that customers appreciate. Autofill APIs can go further, and some third-party payment APIs let customers autofill payment information.

Payment Verification and Management APIs

APIs make the lives of eCommerce sites easier by offering convenience for both company employees and customers. The more convenient and painless tasks are, the happier employees and customers will be. When customers enter their payment information, many eCommerce sites will use a payment handling and verification API. The third-party API takes the customer’s data and verifies it before progressing the transaction. The API also lets the business manage transactions while giving customers a clean lightweight interface during checkout.

Site Search APIs

No one wants to waste time searching a site for the product they want or fighting with an inadequate search system. Customers will become frustrated if they cannot find the item they want, and 40% will abandon their search with no intention of returning if it proves too troublesome, which means a lack of convenient search options cost that business a conversion.

Site search APIs offer advanced search options that enable customers to navigate a site quickly and easily, so they can find the item they want and complete the transaction. The faster customers find their items, the quicker they convert, which makes site search APIs an absolute necessity for eCommerce sites.

Shipping APIs

Shoppers cite several reasons they abandon shopping carts, but shipping issues are one of the common areas of complaint. Shipping APIs help reduce some of the headache associated with shipping by bringing key features. Most shipping APIs offer address verification, real-time package tracking, faster shipping through connections to top global carriers, and some APIs offer discounted shipping or negotiated carrier rates.

Each of these services reduces the potential for error and increases customer satisfaction. Customers and retailers benefit from knowing the order is being sent to the correct, valid address when it will arrive, and that it was shipped using the best carriers for the best price.

Price Comparison APIs

Ecommerce sites are always fighting their competitors for the best price, but monitoring competitor’s prices can be time-consuming. Price comparison APIs make this task much more manageable by monitoring price fluctuations, which lets eCommerce managers adjust their prices to reflect the market.

For sites that sell standardized prodigy, the product price can be the determining factor between a conversion or a sale lost to a competitor. Integrated price comparison APIs like PriceTree can alert you if prices drop or spike, so you can adjust your prices to stay competitive.

APIs are a common and prolific tool used across the Internet, but APIs genuinely shine in the eCommerce industry. From autofill and payment verification to site search, shipping, and price comparison, APIs provide a wide selection of benefits to customers and companies alike.

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Grow Your Business with these Instagram Marketing Tips Thu, 13 Feb 2020 08:40:17 +0000 Since Instagram’s launch in 2010, the picture-sharing social media platform has become a behemoth with more than 1 billion active monthly users. 60% of all adults online use Instagram, but the platform is host to more than just consumers. Most people don’t...

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Since Instagram’s launch in 2010, the picture-sharing social media platform has become a behemoth with more than 1 billion active monthly users. 60% of all adults online use Instagram, but the platform is host to more than just consumers. Most people don’t consider how much business is conducted on Instagram, but there are over 25 million businesses on Instagram. By using the various marketing tools Instagram offers, a business of any size can expand and grow to new heights. Below are just a few ways you can grow a business, large or small, thanks to Instagram marketing. 

Business Account

Before you can take full advantage of the tools Instagram offers businesses, you will need an Instagram business account. Instagram business accounts are free to set up, and there are two ways of establishing a business account. The first way is to create a brand new business account using a business email; this option creates a fresh account with no post history. You can also convert a standard Instagram account to a business account by going into your account settings and hitting the “switch to Professional Account” button at the bottom of the page. If you convert a standard account to a business account any and all past posts the standard account made will carry over to the business account, so only convert an account if the past posts are suitable for your business.

Once you have your business account, fill out the profile. Your profile is your chance to make a positive first impression on potential customers. Be sure to include your business name, location, and brand-appropriate profile image. Instagram bios have a 150 character limit, but use the space to tell your audience about your company. Your bio is also the only place you can include a clickable link to an external site, so use a URL shortener like Bitly to maximize the space.

Use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Application programming interfaces, commonly shortened to APIs, allows one program to connect to and work with a separate program. APIs bring features to a program that wouldn’t exist with the API connection. An easy example of APIs at work is when you enter your credit card information to buy a product online, the API sends your card information to a different application and validates the data. A way businesses on Instagram can use APIs is by adding an address validation API; this API validates a shipping address just like credit card information. If you sell products on Instagram, you will need to use both an address validation API and a credit card validation API to ensure you receive proper payment and your customers receive their items. 

Consistent Active Participation and Interaction

Instagram is a social space based on the practice of sharing pictures. Simply having an Instagram business account is not enough to grow your business. To see your business expand, you must consistently post brand-appropriate content and interact with your followers or other brands. Post professional quality pictures and engage with the comments. If a customer asks a question below a post, reply to their comment and make it public so other customers can see the interaction. Follow brands, influencers, and customers to stay up to date on events in your community or industry. You can incorporate current events or community developments into your posts to keep your content relevant and topical. 

Brand and Campaign Specific Hashtags

Hashtags make content easier to find. By searching for a specific hashtag, users can find all associated content. Creating a branded hashtag that embodies your company and interests viewers is a good way to get your content in front of new customers. Followers can also post their own content and use your branded hashtag to create user-generated content, which acts as free advertising for your brand. 

Instagram Ads

Instagram allows businesses to invest in ads to ensure your content appears before a wider, but targeted audience. Instagram ads not only increase your brand’s visibility, but they have the option of adding a call-to-action button that will take customers from Instagram to your website or promotion. Using the call-to-action button drastically reduces the number of clicks between your Instagram ad and your website or promotion, making users more likely to click or complete a desired action. 

Instagram can be a wonderful platform where businesses can grow. By setting up a business account and leveraging the various marketing tools Instagram provides, you can expand your business to reach new audiences and markets. 

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Instagram and APIs: What You Need to Know Sun, 06 Oct 2019 05:21:45 +0000 Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. Millions of people use Instagram everyday, and most of these users are customers simply looking at their feeds, liking pictures from friends and celebrities alike. There is a large...

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. Millions of people use Instagram everyday, and most of these users are customers simply looking at their feeds, liking pictures from friends and celebrities alike. There is a large group of users on Instagram that are there for business. Companies large and small can create business accounts separate from the common user account most people have.

The option to make a business account caters to companies who want to take advantage of Instagram’s wide reach and tools designed for businesses. One of the tools Instagram provides for businesses is the Instagram API. 

An API stands for application programming interface. APIs are what let programs talk to and work with other programs seamlessly. An easy example is when you enter your credit card information into a website to buy something. An API takes your card information and sends it to another application through an API to verify the card information is correct. APIs are used everywhere, their use is not limited to any one industry or use situation. The Instagram API alone has several uses any business can take advantage of. 

Search Tags and Trending

One of the most basic functions of the Instagram API is searching through hashtags. Marketing campaigns benefit greatly from being able to search through tags in real time. Using this search ability, you can make something far more interesting than a list of posts containing a particular hashtag. One Instagram creator used the tag search function to create an interactive map of pictures posted with a specific tag. 

You can search for more than tags with the Instagram API. You can also search for posts by what is trending or popular. Of course, this feature lets you see the most popular posts for that day, but it can do a lot more. The ability to sort posts by what is popular is a great analysis tool. Companies can track what products are garnering the most attention and what types of photos are doing well. Companies can see if their ad campaign has picked up traffic, if their product is trending, or even how their competition is doing. 

Real Time Location Posts

Have you ever wondered what people from Washington are posting on Instagram? What about users in another country? Have you ever been curious about what people in Japan post on Instagram? The API allows you to see posts from around the world in real-time. This ability is great for seeing what is happening around the world either for fun or business research. 

From Instagram to Your Website

Posting images from Instagram on other websites, business or personal, is perhaps the most common use for the Instagram API. The posted pictures can be from a particular Instagram account or from general tags created by other users. Users can create galleries of images or photo streams that automatically update when new pictures become available. Being able to use Instagram pictures on other websites means you are generally using better quality pictures with more personality than stock photos. Be sure to properly credit the pictures you pull from Instagram and replace any pictures that are no longer available. 


You likely have seen ads on Instagram, but you can also buy items directly from Instagram through their eCommerce marketplace. Buying anything online means the purchased items need to be shipped to you. Obviously, your items will be shipped to the address you entered during checkout, but there are some steps you don’t see when you place an order.

One of these hidden steps is address verification. An API takes the mailing address you entered and ensures it is a valid address. The API can also suggest changes to an entered address to make it valid. Without this step, you run the risk of an excessive amount of packages returned to sender. The last thing you want is your products being sent back due to an invalid address. 

Instagram and APIs are a perfect partnership. The capabilities of the Instagram API are great for businesses looking to expand on the platform. You can even add other APIs to the mix for even better results. 

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Crowdsourcing for Your Digital Marketing Strategy Tue, 24 Sep 2019 03:44:39 +0000 Traditionally, digital marketing has been less of a conversation and more of a one-way information delivery system. Since the social media revolution has expanded the reach of brands everywhere, customers have been given a voice and a platform to speak up completely...

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Traditionally, digital marketing has been less of a conversation and more of a one-way information delivery system. Since the social media revolution has expanded the reach of brands everywhere, customers have been given a voice and a platform to speak up completely changing how businesses strategize their marketing. Customers seek out active roles in their favorite brand’s marketing techniques and are openly vocal about their level of support and satisfaction. Crowdsourcing should be a cornerstone of every brand’s marketing strategy. How much easier could it get than having your customers tell you exactly how to sell to them?

What is crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing is essentially exactly what it sounds like: your business is able to source information and opinions directly from your audience. Crowdsourcing uses collective intelligence gathered from the public. It’s simply the process of getting your consumers involved in digital content creation. It is an easy and effective method to bolster your community following while increasing new interest and tangible results from your presence on social media.

Why should you always employ some aspect of crowdsourcing?

Companies that have caught on to the trend are able to bring people together from all corners of the world and foster a communal brainstorm. You are giving yourself easy access to a stream of untapped innovative ideas while making your current and prospective customers feel valued. Coming up with a consistent amount of relevant, quality content that maintains distinctiveness requires a well-developed content strategy. Although crowdsourcing projects can add the need for extra feedback monitoring, using crowdsourcing can help free up some of your in-house energy spent creating original content and avoid writer’s block and delays.  Your target audience is given the perfect platform to show and tell you the different ways they wish to be approached.

How can you get started?

Consider an area of expertise in your specific industry that interests all participants. Then, create a project, contest, or community of contributors who will provide unique, personal content to create a pool of new ideas.

Crowdsourcing engagements don’t need to be complex. Whether it is a new name, brand, or even a new product line, involving both customers and employees will produce a wide range of diverse ideas. Simply polling followers on their favorite design or color scheme or even encouraging them to submit their own design gets your community excited about being considered and creates an eagerness to partake. Asking what people are interested in instead of just pushing something directly to the market generates hype and decreases the risk of it falling flat. While reaching new customers should always be a priority, don’t forget to utilize your existing customers first. They have already pledged their commitment in the form of their time and/or money in the past, so their voices should serve as a guide in gauging future branding changes and campaigns.

Looking for some successful examples?

Lay’s has one of the most successful ongoing crowdsourcing campaigns today. Their “Do Us a Flavor” initiative calls on consumers to submit new ideas for their next chip flavor.

Another great example was Starbucks’ #whitecupcontest. People were encouraged to draw and photograph unique designs in an effort to win a cash prize and have their design featured. This campaign garnered thousands of mentions on social media as well as national media coverage, serving as free advertising. Starbucks also incentivized usage of the reusable cups by offering a discount on purchases when using them, essentially paying customers to use a more sustainable product. The campaign proved to be a success in how it shed light on a talented young artist, pushed their green initiative, and kept the company currently in the conversation. Depending on the size of your company and your specific products or services, you may have similar success in seeking engagement on modifications and new introductions.

Consumers want to know that a company is listening to what they have to say. They want their voices heard and their opinions acknowledged, especially when it is something they are willing to spend their money on. Asking for customer input creates a personal connection, fostering brand loyalty and making consumers feel more invested in your brand’s story.

Crowdsourcing is a game-changer, especially for web-based marketing. If brands are struggling to produce a steady stream of high-quality content, failing to reach their intended audience using their established audience can be a cost-effective and efficient solution. Involving your customers and your target audience in your digital marketing is critical to the success of your posts. It’s a convenient way to create engagement, product improvement, and your overall online reputation.

When thinking about your current digital marketing strategy, focus on making small changes that will further engage your community. Every industry and community will be different, and it will be up to you to evaluate which method of crowdsourcing best suits your audience.

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