Lock Your PHP Site Away From Hackers! 4 Essential Tips

Entrepreneurs everywhere are making great use of PHP’s impressive capabilities to develop dynamic and mind-blowing websites. 

PHP is the right technology to use if you wish to make a statement upon your arrival in the market. And this fact is known to almost every developer as well as business owners dealing with technical projects. 

This is why PHP backs up around 79% of active websites on the internet. Therefore, famous brands such as Yahoo, Wikipedia, WordPress, Facebook, Tumblr, and many others are coded in PHP. Companies use the technology to code even the smallest to the most massive project dealing with enormous data transfer each day. 

Thus, they prefer to look for PHP developers for hire whenever a project is coming up next. 

What is PHP?

PHP, also known as the “General Purpose Programming Language,” was developed by a Danish-Canadian programmers Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. The language facilitates the easy operations of a website’s back-end. 

It initially aimed at monitoring and regulating traffic on Rasmus’s personal resume. Thus, it stood for “Person Home Page.”

However, as technology evolved, more comprehensive changes were brought to the scripting language, making it even more advanced and smart. 

PHP is now an acronym of “Hypertext Processor” and is used to develop any size of a website, be it small and basic or massive and complex. 

Currently, PHP has managed to become one-stop for all the development related needs. It offers various solutions to ensure your project is delivered within the right time frame with the right features and capabilities. 

Advantages of using PHP:

Using PHP for your project is an advantageous deal. That’s not just our claim, but many big brands are proof of it! 

  • It is free of cost and open-source
  • Supported by almost all operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Unit, etc.
  • Simple to learn, accessible to code
  • Makes an easy and secure connection to the database
  • It is one of the fastest scripting languages out in the market
  • Facilitates easy web development and automatic maintenance
  • Has a robust community to provide support
  • PHP based apps can be easily tested
  • Stable in comparison to others
  • Offers built-in tools and features for proper website security. 

Now that it is clear that PHP offers an abundance of benefits to whoever that develops their project with it. It is smart to start your next project with its incredible power. 

However, there is one thing you need to focus the most on. And that’s providing efficient security to your website and ensuring that no hacker can ever get their way into your precious data. 

But how to make that happen? 

All you have to do is start looking for PHP coders for hire because PHP is the one solution to all your security-related doubts. 

Along with your developer, set a higher bar for your application by not compromising your site’s data. 

Let’s protect your website from web attacks! Know all there is to know:

Session Hijacking:

Session hijacking is an ill-intentioned attack in which the hacker makes amends to secretly get the possession of the user’s session ID.

The session ID is then forwarded to the server, where it is validated by the associated session line-up with the stored data in the stacks, thus providing the hacker away into your app.

The malicious attack is backed by XSS attacks or when a hacker gets her/his way into the folder containing all session data.

To counter such attacks, you must look for PHP programmers for hire who can excellently execute the data session binding to your users’ IP address.

Prevent SQL Injection Attacks:

The most common attack your PHP website can be exposed to is the SQL injections. 

A single SQL query can put in jeopardy your whole application. 

These attacks are carried out by hackers who aim to modify the data that you pass via queries. What often happens is that the owner gives the data in SQL queries, and a hacker utilizes various characteristics to bypass it. 

In such cases, the hacker can alter your data to harm your database. There are also possibilities of your database getting deleted if injected a malicious characteristic. 

To counter any such situations, you must always use PDO, which stands for PHP Data Objects, to ensure your website’s security from any SQL injections. Proper implementation can be carried out by looking for PHP coders for hire to provide security layers on your website.

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF):

CSRF is capable of handing over the total control of your website into the hands of a hacker. Thus, s/he can perform any malicious attack smoothly. These malicious operations may include injecting an infected code into the site, leading to functional modification, data theft, etc. 

This attack forces the user to change the formal request into a modified destructive one, such as deleting all of the databases unknowingly, transferring funds without any knowledge of it, etc. There is only one way to initiate this attack: sending the user a malicious link; this link can be the host of such attacks upon a users’ click. 

This implies a smart business owner would never become prey to such attacks. If you know how to identify the link, you will know where not to click. 

Meanwhile, you can also integrate two protective measures to provide your website the security wall it needs; this can be done using only the GET request from your URL and making sure that only the client-side code generates the non-GET request.

Always use SSL Certificates:

You need to obtain an end to end data transmission with proper security while developing your website over the internet. Therefore, you must look for PHP programmers for hire and make sure you use SSL certificates in your technology. It is a security standard protocol used worldwide and known as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS). The HTTPS securely transfers the data between the servers. 

You can build a secure data transfer pathway using an SSL certificate, through which it becomes impossible for hackers to pave their way into your app. 


A PHP website can gain massive popularity in a little while. Therefore, advanced popularity makes it more vulnerable to external attacks. But you can ensure to develop a safe and sound website by fortifying it against such malicious threats just by keeping in mind the points mentioned above. 

You can simply look for PHP developers for hire and responsibility to safeguard your website’s data and make it error-free.

Experienced Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the field of E-commerce using Magento and WooCommerce and vue storefront. Skilled in PHP and JavaScript. Did B.C.A in Computer Science and pursuing M.C.A from Indira Gandhi National Open University.