Emma Smith, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 16 May 2022 15:46:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.3 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Emma Smith, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 6 Ways fintech is Helping Small Businesses Punch Above their Weight https://www.techwebspace.com/6-ways-fintech-is-helping-small-businesses-punch-above-their-weight/ Thu, 23 Aug 2018 05:13:15 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=13095 With the advancement in recent years, the financial sector has experienced many digital disruptors that have made it easier for smaller businesses to compete on a global scale. In the most general sense, the world is getting more accessible.  Whereas in the...

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With the advancement in recent years, the financial sector has experienced many digital disruptors that have made it easier for smaller businesses to compete on a global scale.

In the most general sense, the world is getting more accessible.  Whereas in the past doing business with someone on the other side of the world posed a mountain of practical and logistical problems, now there are services aimed at reducing or removing these hurdles altogether.

Small but growing, showing your scalability

One thing has plagued small businesses for a while.  Small business is often short staffed with employees often wearing several hats.  These lead to a lean and agile business but often leaves no one person solely in charge of updating information particularly in relation to financial records.

This can lead to several problems, not the least of which is not having a clear way to show growth and scalability.  Without the means to show the value business often struggle to secure funding or even credit. However now with many systems that can digitize and organize the numbers into coherent records, it is much easier to show the value and secure funding.

Tapping into the global marketplace

It has never been easier than it is now to do business all over the world.  Before the emergence of Fintech, there were only a few reliable ways to move money around the world.  However, in the current digital landscape, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are now several ways to easily do business with the other side of the world without ever leaving your office.  Services like Paypal and Stripe, and even cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have made doing business across borders not only easier but in many instances almost immediate.

There are less hoops to jump through to get a loan

There was a time when banks had all the power.  If you wanted a loan you went to the bank, if you jumped through enough hoops you might get a loan, if not, your options were limited.  Fintech has disrupted this area as well. Peer to peer lending has cut out the banks entirely, and financial platforms are utilizing fintech to help them sort through short term loans and acquire the additional information they require faster than ever before.  This allows businesses to spend less time on the application process and all the back and forth that goes with it.

Furthermore with the emergence of crowdfunding, a business can turn to their customers to meet some of their funding problems.

A movement away from collateral based lending

If there is one thing that almost all small businesses deal with its cash flow.  There are countless tales of woe of companies who went under while profitable due to cash flow.  Where in the past securing funding was based on collateral/owned assets, with the rise of invoicing platforms like Myob or Xero it can be easy to show a business with little assets but high monthly revenue.  Now, these companies can simply show their accounts receivable and not be judged solely on their collateral.

The fall of international fees

In the not so distant past if you wanted to move money around the world there were fees involved.  The bank doing the transfer might take a fee, the bank receiving the transfer might take a fee, the currency had to be converted, at every step along the way there was something or someone taking a piece of your pie.

As much id like to say this isn’t the case anymore I cant, there is still some of this going on today depending on the route you choose to send your money.  However, if you take your time to weigh out your options things are a lot better than they were, and in some cases like bitcoin, no fee at all. With the proliferation of credit cards, peer to peer transfers, cryptocurrency, and platforms like transferwise, there are many options to suit your needs.

The future of Fintech

While no one knows for sure what the future of Fintech will look, it seems logical to believe that this trend of making it easier to move money will only continue.  This can be seen very clearly in the rise of the cryptocurrencies. More and more people are looking for decentralized ways to move their money and moving away from the antiquated fees and slow movement of banks and traditional financial institutions.  While in its current state many cryptocurrencies seem shaky at best, many believe these instabilities will be fortified in the near future, at which point it will become a mainstream vehicle for wealth distribution.

In conclusion

Fintech is here and constantly evolving.  It is hard to say exactly what the next major disruptor will be, but it is hard to deny that the industry is ripe for disruption.  Every day it is getting easier and faster to do business in a global marketplace, and we can only assume this will continue. It is never easy for a small business to take on some of the global goliaths, but it is possible, and the big companies are scared.  Keep your eyes on the horizon for new products and services, because the more prepared you are and the faster you get a leg up on your competition, can often make all the difference.

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Moodle Cloud Hosting- An Introduction https://www.techwebspace.com/moodle-cloud-hosting-an-introduction/ Fri, 08 Jun 2018 12:59:09 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=10167 Moodle is a learning management software system designed with a dream to help employees and students gain knowledge online. This happens with the creation of courses online that promotes communication for users through the construction of shared content. What does Moodle Cloud...

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Moodle is a learning management software system designed with a dream to help employees and students gain knowledge online. This happens with the creation of courses online that promotes communication for users through the construction of shared content.

What does Moodle Cloud Really Offer?

These days cloud computing has become a major source of development for business houses. It provides a perfect platform with innumerable resources that are reliable, secure and scalable. This feature has somewhat transformed the IT work culture. Users registered with Moodle cloud have all the facilities and features on the cloud. Moodle cloud hosting removes all the problems that were earlier faced by the traditional hosting methods.

It offers the users a vigorous hosting solution that comes with rich resources. The users also have a choice to scale the resources as per their requirement. The resources are available on Moodle cloud as pay-per-use model basis. As an individual, it will be a really cheap affair if you can think about it clearly.

Features of Moodle Cloud Hosting

Given below are some of the important features of Moodle cloud hosting. Each feature is important and therefore when you select a Moodle Cloud provider you must be aware of all the features before jumping to any conclusion.

#1. Flexible Resources

When you host Moodle in the cloud then you are relieved from any concern of a failed server. This is because Moodle clouds are a group of servers that provide backup to the website that you own. Therefore, you will always get a stable working setting, especially during the heavy traffic hours on the internet. The bandwidth and memory of the Moodle cloud is also flexible and users can make use of it according to their requirements.

Moodle Cloud Hosting
Moodle Cloud Hosting

#2. Metered Pricing

The traditional hosting servers usually give their resources on rent, but Moodle cloud hosting provides its users with most of the resources based on metered pricing. A user will only be charged for a resource if they utilize it at all.

#3. Prevent Threats

Web security is a major concern these days and it is given proper importance on Moodle cloud hosting. Your domain will never be vulnerable to any kind of threat when you have Moodle because they offer the highest level of encryption, security audit and modules etc. for your website and company.

#4. Adaptable Interface

When hosting on Moodle cloud always remember that you will be offered extra flexibility for your website. You can customize the environment on the cloud as per your needs. Moodle cloud is always updated with the latest tools to help you tune to the required environment. You can enjoy infinite memory and quota with the help of Moodle cloud.

#5. 24*7 Support

If you face any technical error, query or problem at any point of the day, the experts from Moodle cloud hosting are there to help you 24 hours and 7 days. You can always expect your problems to get sorted out in no time at all. Moodle will also manage and monitor your server on a daily basis if you choose to do so. They are also proficient in system administration so that your domain remains live at all times.

Will hosting on Moodle cloud be sufficient for your business? Well, if it is Moodle, then it really is possible. This is because you get all the new resources that were otherwise unavailable to you during traditional hosting. Traditional hosting until now may have also cost you high. With a cloud hosting, you are guaranteed to have a smooth ride even amidst the heaviest of internet traffic. This is the reason why it is the most favorite among the business houses these days.

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Why Get Home Alarm Installation from Expert Professionals? https://www.techwebspace.com/why-get-home-alarm-installation-from-expert-professionals/ Fri, 08 Jun 2018 03:29:38 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=10112 Home cannot be compared to any other place in the world. It is the only place where we spend maximum time of our day. Along with keeping it decorated, we need to think about its security as well. If you have small...

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Home cannot be compared to any other place in the world. It is the only place where we spend maximum time of our day. Along with keeping it decorated, we need to think about its security as well. If you have small children at your home, before leaving for your workplace, you need to ensure high security for them.

When to Opt for Home Alarm Installation?

Day by day the rate of burglary is mushrooming. It is making each and every homeowner worried. They are getting nightmares. In such a situation, it is preferable to get home alarm installation by hands of experts. Even, this particular system will alert you in case your home catches fire.

Along with installing the right type of home alarm, you need to take special precautions to give due protection to your house.  There are some vital tips that need to be followed regarding preventing anyone from breaking into the house. First of all, the utility regarding home alarm installation must be considered at the best.

Little Bit of Investment – Ensuring High Benefits

Better go with this particular system of security only when you need it in reality.  A well-known monitoring company needs to have a watch over your home alarm system to protect you at the best. Better have it installed as the situation is turning to the worst. A little bit of investment will definitely ensure high benefits.

There are numerous additional precautionary measures that need to be taken for your house. Along with getting home alarm installation done at your home, you need to give an appearance that someone is at home. It is true that burglar thinks twice prior entering in a house that has members inside.

Additional Tips to Keep Your Home in a Safe State

If you are planning to go for long vacation, better keep few lights on. Also, you may leave your television in a running state. It will definitely give an impression regarding that someone is inside the home. Playing with curtains will also prove to be a very important step. Closing the curtains will prevent burglars to peep inside. the home.

Curtains that are on the bottom floor of the house must be closed fully. But few of them that are upstairs must be left in an open state. With the help of home alarm installation, you don’t have to worry this much about your property.

Home Alarm Installation

Home Alarm System – Sensitive to Motion

It will never let burglars suspect that none is at home. Even after taking so many precautions, if a burglar tries to break into your house; the home alarm will alert all your neighbours. Really, high advancement in technology along with human creativity has made lives of people very much easy.

Generally, home alarm systems are inclusive of lights that are highly sensitive to motion. In other words, home alarm installation will be helpful in case somebody tries to break into your house. One must not forget to take these extra precautions in addition to the installation of home alarm systems to ensure high protection to the house.

How to Get in Touch with the Right Installer?

If you want to get in touch with the right type of installer of the home alarm system, it is better to start from the online directory. There you will come across a number of professionals that are well known to carry on with the task of home alarm installation. Prior making a selection, it is better to go through ratings along with years of work experience and customer reviews.

It is for sure that following these steps will make the project of home alarm installation a cup of tea.

The post Why Get Home Alarm Installation from Expert Professionals? appeared first on Tech Web Space.
