Susan Melony, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 20 May 2019 11:47:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Susan Melony, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Five Ways Technology Makes Being a Realtor Easier Sun, 19 May 2019 11:46:20 +0000 Being a realtor is a 24/7 job. After all, you have to be available when your clients are! That means a lot of home tours in the evenings and open houses on Sunday afternoons. It’s true that being a realtor is no...

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Being a realtor is a 24/7 job. After all, you have to be available when your clients are! That means a lot of home tours in the evenings and open houses on Sunday afternoons.

It’s true that being a realtor is no walk in the park. It’s hard work, but it is getting a lot easier thanks to technology. Here are just a few ways technology is making it easier for realtors to provide outstanding service to clients who are looking for their forever home.

Personalized Mobile App

The existence of the internet means that anything we might want to know is at our fingertips. That’s even more true today because you no longer have to have access to a desktop computer or a laptop in order to get on the internet. You can get online right now using the device that’s in your pocket!

That makes things easy for realtors who are willing to create their very own realtor app. You can update your app with information about homes you represent in real time, you have complete control over the information that is listed, and interested clients can get in touch with you directly through your app on their phone. It’s easier for you, and it’s easier for your clients too!

More Targeted Search Platforms

Local searches are extremely important on the internet. They can help you find local businesses in the area, but they are even more important to home searches. After all, when you’re looking for a new home, you want to look in certain areas!

A localized search is a good start, but when looking for a home, there’s a lot more ways you could narrow down your search. That way, you aren’t looking at houses without a sunporch or a garage, when those are on your must-have list.

Today, search platforms offer more targeted searches than in the past. Additional information you can search includes:

  • Number of bedrooms
  • Lot size
  • Price
  • Type of home
  • Basement
  • Square footage
  • And much more

That’s good for people searching for a home, but it’s great for realtors too. It makes it easy for everyone to locate the perfect house without the need for extensive searching and research.

Video Tours

Any realtor knows that pictures are extremely important to any home listing. High-quality pictures are the way you get more interested buyers through the door. Today, realtors have something else at their disposal—video.

Recording video can benefit nearly any business, but few have as much to gain as realtors.

Take a video tour of your homes to provide an interactive experience for your buyers. You can narrate the tour, or you can take static images and turn them into a virtual tour. Either way, potential homebuyers will appreciate being able to walk through the home virtually before making an appointment.It wastes a lot less of your time too!

Social Media

Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other. It has changed the way businesses communicate with customers too. Now, businesses spend just as, if not more, time marketing on social media than they do marketing in other ways.

Realtors have a lot to gain by having a presence on social media platforms. It’s a quick and easy way for clients to refer friends and family who are looking for a home, and it’s a quick and easy way for you to update potential buyers on newly available homes.

More Ways to Communicate

Social media is one way the internet has allowed us to communicate in new ways, but it isn’t the only way people stay in touch with each other, and businesses stay in touch with their clients and customers.

Realtors relied on phone calls and flyers to communicate with home buyers in the past. Today, you have additional tools at your disposal that include:

  • Email, which includes personal messages and newsletters
  • Blogs, where houses and the home buying process can be outlined
  • Chat, which enables customers to speak with you in real-time quickly and easily
  • Video chat, which is a lot like speaking face-to-face
  • Text, which is an easy way to update clients on the home buying process

The flexible schedule is what draws many people to the real estate business, and with the internet, you can be even more flexible! Not only is posting homes quicker and easier with technology, it’s quicker and easier for you to communicate with your clients too. Using technology is a win-win for you and the clients you serve!

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Why Aren’t Your Sales Reps Closing the Deal? Wed, 27 Feb 2019 11:51:43 +0000 If your sales team seems to be consistently making it to the point where they should be closing a deal and it falls through close to the end, it can be incredibly frustrating. If you’re seeing an issue where salespeople aren’t closing,...

The post Why Aren’t Your Sales Reps Closing the Deal? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

If your sales team seems to be consistently making it to the point where they should be closing a deal and it falls through close to the end, it can be incredibly frustrating.

If you’re seeing an issue where salespeople aren’t closing, there are two possible reasons in the general sense.

The first is that it’s the sales rep who is a problem. The second reason could be a problem within the sales process itself.

So, it’s incredibly important to make sure you have the right tools in place to start identifying where the problems lie, and to compare on a smaller level where they’re happening.

To start pinpointing specific problems, whether with sales reps themselves or the sales process, you want to look at the stages of your sales process. Assess all of the stages that are part of your process, and do a stage conversion rate analysis. If your current sales analytic platform doesn’t allow you to see this type of information, it could be time to make a switch.

As you’re doing this, look at not only the overall stage conversion rates but also compare them between your top-performing reps and everyone else. This can help you identify what the best reps are doing differently, which may help you when it comes to eliminating bottlenecks and coaching reps.

The following are some reasons sales reps don’t close the deal and some things to consider if you’re grappling with this in your business.


If you do analytic research and you see that some individual reps are struggling but others do well, it can indicate the problem lies not with the process, but instead with some of the reps. So why aren’t they closing?

One of the biggest reason members of a sales team can’t close deals at the individual level is often because of complacency.

A good salesperson is someone who has intrinsic motivation and takes a sense of personal responsibility. If you have members of your sales team who aren’t closing and it’s because of complacency, this may not be something you can coach away, so tough decisions might have to be made.

A Lack of Organization

Another big reason members of your sales team might not be closing could be because of a lack of organization. This can be a process problem or an individual problem, and it’s up to you to ultimately make that determination.

If it’s a process issue, there might not be a clear progression of steps from start to finish that allow reps to understand how they need to most effectively move toward a close. For example, what is the follow-up process like? Is it well-defined and honed or is it sloppy?

Are Reps Doing Their Homework?

According to data cited on, for buyers to go ahead with a deal, they want sales reps to have done their homework.

One study, in particular, indicated 77 percent of buyers want their reps to integrate highly customized data and insights into interactions. The same overwhelming percentage said they wouldn’t be interested in working with a sales rep who didn’t know their business or who didn’t come prepared.

Are you reinforcing the importance of doing the necessary research leading up to interactions? How do you encourage reps to gain this information, and what tools are you offering as a way to make it easier and more efficient for reps to get the information they need to close deals?

Learning more about the buyer and the business can help reduce some of the other reasons sales reps aren’t closing as well. For example, it helps them better outline a specific business case as to why the buyer needs the product. It helps sales reps personalize and tailor their approach.

Lack of Identified Shared Connections

Taking the time to do the necessary homework can also help reps find common ground with their target, and an inability to find that common ground is one more reason it’s tough for sales reps to close deals.

There are different ways to identify common ground. For example, shared connections are a good one, as are shared groups or interests.

 Do Reps Come Off As True Experts?

At the end of the day, one of the key factors that play a role in whether or not a sales rep can close the deal is how much they can show themselves to be a true expert not only on what they’re selling but the industry as a whole.

Are your reps being coached in a way that allows them to be true experts and even thought leaders in your industry? If not, this might not be a personal problem of the rep, but it could indicate a larger problem in terms of your businesses’ coaching and strategy approach.

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Five Ways to Make Dealing with Cash Easier for Your Business Fri, 04 Jan 2019 05:28:41 +0000 Cash is the reason why you’re in business. After all, there’s no reason to be open if you aren’t making money! Because it’s what keeps your doors open, there’s a lot of work that goes into managing it. Unfortunately, managing all that...

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Cash is the reason why you’re in business. After all, there’s no reason to be open if you aren’t making money! Because it’s what keeps your doors open, there’s a lot of work that goes into managing it.

Unfortunately, managing all that money can be a nightmare. Your business may require money to be successful, but that doesn’t mean it should be time consuming or hard.

Reduce the chances of making a money mistake and spend less time worrying about the cash that flows into and out of your business by making things easier with these tips.

Use Expense Report Software

You may be in business to make money, but that doesn’t mean you won’t spend it. The truth is, no matter what the business, its employees will spend a lot.

From laptops to website builds, office space, and even company lunches, keeping track of your expenses can be a huge job. You can make it much easier with expense report software.

Not only can the right software track business spending, but it enables expenditures to be approved quickly. Employees can submit expenditures as they are made, and senior members of the team can approve them quickly, saving time and plenty of headaches later on down the road.

Get Your Invoices Under Control

Every business deals with invoices. Even if your primary business is selling products, there will still be occasions when an invoice is needed.

You may invoice clients, and you’ll definitely deal with incoming invoices from third parties that provide your business with various services. It’s important to take control of all those invoices.

The right invoice software can ensure accuracy, process invoices quickly, and increase spend visibility. Most importantly, it allows you to keep track of all of your invoices without the need to sort through and file traditional paper invoices.

Create More Than One Budget

Every business needs a budget. It’s surprisingly easy to overspend, which can spell disaster for your company. What you might not realize is that the most successful companies know to create more than one budget.

A few budgets to consider include:

  • Operating Budget: Forecast projected income and expenses over a specific period of time. It includes things like sales, production, material cost, overhead, and more.
  • Cash Flow Budget: Project how and when cash flows into and out of your business. It enables you to determine if cash is being used productively, and the likelihood of generating more cash in the future.
  • Financial Budget: Maintain and manage assets associated with your business. This budget creates a picture of your company’s financial health by combining it with cash flow, income, and expenses.
  • Static Budget: This fixed budget remains static regardless of changes in the business. It may include warehousing and storage costs, or the cost of supplies.

In addition, you should also create a master budget. This budget takes into account all financial information to provide you with a quick, complete picture of the financial health of your company.

Hire Professionals to Help

There are many different kinds of people who can help you grow your business, but few can bring more success and peace of mind than financial professionals.

For example, an accountant is a must for any business, but if you have a very large company, you may discover that hiring professionals with specializations is the best way to go. Consider hiring a payroll professional to ensure everyone gets paid exactly what they’ve earned, and hire a tax professional to ensure you’re making the most of your purchases and expenditures all year long.

Audit Regularly

It’s important to be proactive when it comes to the financial health of your business, but you also have to make sure the plans you have in motion are successful. That’s where regular audits come in.

Internal audits are ever evolving to keep up with every business’s need and ensure the business is operating at peak efficiency. With the right software, you can catch errors and eliminate the possibility of fraudulent activity, while finding ways to cut costs and increase revenue.

Hiring an internal auditor can really help. Many can provide you with strategic advice for the future, ensuring audits down the road go smoothly and successfully.

Following every penny can be nearly impossible. Instead of losing sleep at night wondering if your business is financially healthy, ensure that’s the case with the tips on this list. Your business will enjoy more success and you will experience a lot less stress!

The post Five Ways to Make Dealing with Cash Easier for Your Business appeared first on Tech Web Space.
