Nirav Patel, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Tue, 16 Oct 2018 10:49:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nirav Patel, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 AI powered Decentralized Exchange Platform Tue, 16 Oct 2018 10:49:27 +0000 AI and the Blockchain technology are introducing major shifts in the decentralized exchange platform development. Every coming technology comprises its own technicalities as well as business implications. But the combination of two technologies can reshape the whole technological standards from scratch. The...

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AI and the Blockchain technology are introducing major shifts in the decentralized exchange platform development. Every coming technology comprises its own technicalities as well as business implications. But the combination of two technologies can reshape the whole technological standards from scratch. The same happens with AI & blockchain. These both technologies are challenging as well as exciting. It offers plenty of potentialities while intersecting each other for the best outcome.

The blockchain is a distributed ledger which stores data in an encrypted as well as high absolute format. Whereas AI is a term utilized to define a machine capable to execute multiple tasks that needs intelligence.

The use of AI in Crypto Trading

Seasoned and beginner investors losing money by taking an on-the-go decision because of the market behavior. Emotional crypto trading is liable for rapid sales and unreasonable acquisition. AI is intentionally outlined to eliminate guessing work and thinking from the equation. AI calculates risks in a blink of an eye and empowers to take proper decision for buying and selling of digital coins.

Because of the booming efficiency of the crypto-economy, beginners and experts are coming together on the crypto trading platforms. It’s obvious, each investor needs accurate information to understand the market in more detail as well as to safeguard their investment. They want an environment which has minimal risks. To analyze this, AI is needed.

  • It makes traders more independent and let them make more money.
  • Investors can be more confident and analyze the market.
  • It aids to make a decision without having any advanced level financial knowledge.
  • Traders can keep track the gains and escape from losses without restraining the level of exposure.
  • AI empowers to expand a trading portfolio by delivering better market understanding and increasing the speed of trading.
  • As people are embracing and trusting AI & crypto trading more, volumes will increase.

Role of AI and Blockchain

Each trader out there requires the best tools to get the better of a market. The quickness offered by AI and its analysis ability would be the deal breakers in digital asset trading. The top investors in data nowadays will make the best promising investment decisions. When it associates with the Artificial Intelligence’s speed, one can close the deal before others take a decision. AI will there to generate the next class of billionaires in the crypto ecosystem.

Companies are focused on the combination of blockchain and AI as it boosts the systems’ security. It keeps decision-making key aspects in the blockchain instead of separate machine learning (ML) systems. It means while taking the decision using machine learning (ML), every factor are posted to a blockchain. It is shared with everyone so if something goes wrong, it is easy to identify the root.

The use of smart contracts that automatically executes tasks when specific conditions satisfy. It offers promise in many AI-specific scenarios.

The blockchain technology pointing toward a distributed computing future where control is in the hands of crowds rather than a few ultra-powerful computing leaders. AI, on the other side, pursues to change outdated human involvement/awkward handwritten algorithms with smart coding that can absorb and adjust from the detail it gathers.

Major benefits

#1 Decentralized Intelligence

Because of its decentralized nature, the blockchain technology can possibly defuse the risk of one party’s control of AI and their capability to manage most powerful and risky technologies known to man.

#2 Data security

The process of AI is reliant on data input. AI obtains info about the things happening on it. Data feeds AI. The Blockchain enables an encrypted data storage on a distributed ledger. When joining both, it delivers a backup system for the sensitive information of individuals.

#3 Data monetization

Blockchain makes it conceivable to monetize the data generated through data marketplaces. By utilizing blockchain, it is possible to actually own the data and choose what to do with it. The similar work for AI programs that require the data. For AI algorithms to develop, it needs AI networks to buy data directly from its makers via data marketplaces. This will make the whole procedure a fair procedure than it currently is.

#4 Believing AI Decision making

As AI algorithms are being more and smarter via learning, it will be very tough to understand how these programs conclude with a decision. This is because AI algorithms can process very large amounts of data/variables. With the use of blockchain, there are unassailable records of data, variables, and procedures utilized by AIs for their decision-making procedures. This makes it extremely smooth to audit the whole procedure.

Combined features of AI and Decentralized system

#1 AI & Blockchain need Data Sharing

A decentralized database highlights the significance of data sharing among different customers on a specific network. Likewise, AI greatly depends on big data, so obviously, data sharing. As there is more open data to evaluate, the estimate & valuation of Machines will be measured as more accurate, and the created algorithms are more trustworthy.

#2 Security

It needs high security while dealing with high-value transactions on the blockchain network. This is imposed through the current protocols. For AI, the self-directed nature of the machines also needs a high-level of safety to decrease the possibility of a terrible incidence.

#3 Trust is a Necessity

It is very dangerous if there is a lack of reliability in the advancement of widely accepted technology. Neither Artificial Intelligence nor blockchain are absent from this. Trust is very necessary to perform certain transactions on the blockchain network as well.

Major challenges

As more people and devices are making, sharing and utilizing info in each corner of the world, there is a requirement for an improved way to leverage this info. It enhances the performance of smart contract decision-making.

When Bitcoin can utilize to purchase goods/services, it can’t be utilized to implement a smart contract. Ethereum can be utilized in smart contracts. But it can only execute quite small programs and a code that have a limited number of lines. It can’t allow for new and latest information to make intelligent, as well as precise decisions.

Traditional smart contracts face an issue of a lacking ability to get the useful info that can’t be utilized in the smart contract once it is written. Lacking efficiency because such contracts can be enhanced by using smarter decision-making algorithms.

Credit to add this level of computational power into a smart contract goes to blockchain and AI combination.

The Future

With the development of industry, everyone is engaging more with blockchain based products looking to get the best out of what A.I. deliver. The long-term possibilities for blockchain as well as AI is amazing. Blockchain + AI is a much robust combination than any of these technologies alone. The power of this combination will transform many fields for sure.

The post AI powered Decentralized Exchange Platform appeared first on Tech Web Space.

How to use live video for marketing and at corporate places Mon, 04 Sep 2017 05:35:53 +0000 Live video broadcasting is capable of transmitting messages faster and more efficiently than most other communication tools. For many large companies, the use of live video for marketing and sales, combined with video on demand, is an essential element to stand out...

The post How to use live video for marketing and at corporate places appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Live video broadcasting is capable of transmitting messages faster and more efficiently than most other communication tools. For many large companies, the use of live video for marketing and sales, combined with video on demand, is an essential element to stand out from a commercial standpoint. At the same time, in-house live flows become a necessity in corporate communications, team collaboration, and staff development and effectiveness.
This is not surprising. The video has the unique ability to seduce the public, and the live video is even more compelling. The live video is attractive because the audience can live a live event. Live broadcasting is on the rise. Indeed, live video is rapidly becoming the fastest growing segment of internet traffic, which will account for nearly 13% of video traffic over the Internet by 2021.

Want to understand how it is helpful to best harness this trend for maximum business impact? Here is your guide to becoming an organization focused primarily on video, which excites and satisfies customers and employees.
How to broadcast live to employees and internal audiences?

  1. Communications from the management team

Corporate communications teams must communicate information to employees to establish relationships. A pace of communication that reflects at all levels can allow the management team to build trust and commitment, and promote a vibrant corporate culture. On the other hand, this ensures that everyone gets informed of new policies or organizational pivots, with the same messages. The live broadcast of “all staff meetings” allows executives to exchange two-way communications with employees in an open way.


  1. Internal Meetings

Live video allows scattered teams to collaborate and exchange information as if everyone was in the same room. Project updates provided by collaborators produce a stronger commitment and understanding of how staff members work together to achieve the goals.


  1. Employee training

Training through video, whether live or on-demand, allows you to quickly transmit amounts of information to hundreds, even thousands of employees; while monitoring the results. Live training sessions with a video have an immediate effect that types of passive formations cannot compete with other ways. The nature of the live video allows real-time interactions between facilitators and participants, wherever they are.


  1. Investor relations

Disseminating a shareholder meeting allows more investors to participate while saving travel costs. A fantastic advantage of these videos is that they can subsequently complement the communications of the results, breaking down the subjects in an easy to understand and concise form.


  1. Communications with Franchisees

Live and on-demand video connect corporate staff with franchise owners in different geographic areas. Companies that use video can communicate important business messages and complex information to a network of dispersed employees so that all franchisees implement programs and products consistently – which is essential to a Strong brand image.


  1. Human Resources

Human resources teams use live video to attract candidates and reduce the time needed to recruit the best in the world. Once they get recruited, the video allows companies to reduce the integration time of new employees.


  1. Aid for sale

Live and on-demand video provide field sales teams with immediate access to information and content that enables them to respond appropriately to buyer inquiries. Businesses can reduce costs, increase employee productivity and recover lost revenue.

How to use live video to improve the efficiency of sales, marketing, and customer service teams?


  1. Marketing

Live video broadcasting allows brands to interact with customers or prospects in a more humane and accessible way. It is ideal for behind-the-scenes views of your brand, presentations and product demonstrations, to capture and share live events or questions and answers, and to organize live press conferences for international media.


  1. Event Transmission

Brands can broadcast live events – from fashion shows to factory visits – or make the most of their sponsorship or participation in events by being presented live at sporting events, concerts or awards. They can also provide behind-the-scenes views and interviews with participants. These are good ways for brands to communicate with visitors, who can comment in real time what they would like to see, what they want to learn or who they want to hear next time.


  1. Conferences

For businesses that organize their conferences or trade shows, live broadcasting is an easy way to extend main sessions and roundtables to a wider audience of current or potential clients, as well as partners who do not have attended in person. The videos can be made available on demand immediately afterward to reach a wider audience.


  1. Sales

Live video broadcasting is a handy tool that allows sales representatives to support the various exchanges during the buyer’s decision-making process. It allows them to integrate technical specialists and bring the discussion to the next level by quickly explaining complex topics.

The live video turns out to be the better productivity tool that helps in increasing sales to business because it becomes easy for a consumer to trust a live session than to trust cold emails or calls.


  1. Customer Service

Brands can use live video streaming to organize interactive “hours of operation” to answer questions from clients and prospects and show how to use the products. When using video for customer service, service agents can be in front of customers for face-to-face discussions. Unlike conversations without video, discussions are real-time, and there is no timeout before the message is displayed and there is no risk of typing errors. In addition, subjects can be explained more easily orally, for both parties.


Companies use live broadcasting in new ways to generate better results. More frequent video communications mean more productive and cost-effective interactions with both internal and external audiences. Live video works in a multitude of corporate teams: marketing, sales, customer success, HR, PR, corporate communications, and management, wherever they are. Be creative and think about the most relevant use cases for your business. The future is to go live. You and your team (camera), are you ready?

The post How to use live video for marketing and at corporate places appeared first on Tech Web Space.
