Kamy Anderson, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Tue, 14 Jan 2020 08:13:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.3 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Kamy Anderson, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 How to Effectively Use Interactive Videos in eLearning https://www.techwebspace.com/how-to-effectively-use-interactive-videos-in-elearning/ Tue, 14 Jan 2020 08:13:20 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=31340 Using videos in eLearning is an already established practice that increases engagement and knowledge retention, making learning experiences enjoyable and effective. But what we see more and more in eLearning courses are interactive videos, which further enhance the impact of the courses....

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Using videos in eLearning is an already established practice that increases engagement and knowledge retention, making learning experiences enjoyable and effective. But what we see more and more in eLearning courses are interactive videos, which further enhance the impact of the courses.

Interactive videos are significantly more engaging. They immerse learners in the learning material, motivating and inspiring them to push harder to achieve their objectives and goals.

Here’s how you can effectively implement them into your eLearning courses.

Keep the Videos Short

Keeping your interactive videos short, easily digestible, will help you keep your learners engaged. If the videos are long, especially if they’re too formal, your learners may lose focus and not pay close attention to every detail.

If you need to thoroughly explain a certain concept, simply break it down into small chunks, that is, as many microlearning nuggets as you need. This way, your trainees will retain all the information better.

Add Clickable Questions and Other Interactive Hotspots

Adding questions that your learners can click on will give them an opportunity to further explore the topic of your video. Those who’ve already mastered a certain topic can proceed to another video or activity, while others can click on the questions and get the answers to their specific needs.

You can add any other interactive hotspots to your videos. A hotspot can include a VR video to immerse your learners in a realistic scenario related to the topic. You can also direct them to a list of all the references from the video for better knowledge retention. The choices are limited only by your imagination.

Include Closed Captions

Why is it important to add closed captions to your interactive videos? The most important reason is that learners with special needs can’t listen to the videos.

The other reason is that the learners who retain information better by reading the text simply don’t want to have to listen through entire videos unless it’s crucial for learning. They should be able to mute them and simply read the captions.

This is especially important if they use mobile to learn on the go, or if they spend some time learning in the office.

Ask for Feedback at the End of Each Video

To improve your interactive videos continually and make them more engaging, ask your learners for feedback. Their input will help you enhance your approach and make changes for better learning.

You can add polls or surveys at the end of each video in the form of clickable links. It’s important not to distract your trainees with those links and disrupt their learning, so don’t make them a mandatory part of training.

Having said that, it helps to encourage your learners to take the time to give you feedback, as they will ultimately benefit from it.

Create Immersive Scenarios

Realistic scenarios are one of the best ways to use interactive videos in online training. They can create an immersive and interactive experience that gives your trainees complete control over their learning.

Branching scenarios can allow your learners to make their own choices through the scenarios, which take them to different parts of an interactive video. This enables them to control their learning path, taking them through different routes to different outcomes.

Use Gamification

Gamification also has the power of motivating and immersing learners. It increases engagement and knowledge retention because game-like elements make learning fun.

Those elements include points, badges, progress bars, timers, and any clickable hotspot that makes learners feel like they’re playing a game. It is when they don’t feel like they’re actually learning that they learn the most.

Create Virtual Tours

Virtual tours can take your trainees on an immersive virtual adventure that’s just like a real-life experience. For instance, you can create interactive 360° videos that your employees can use to learn about a variety of different roles in your organization.

They can take a virtual walk-through of different departments and see exactly what it takes to do a good job. This can be beneficial for onboarding courses.

And once again, you can include hotspots that take your learners to different virtual tours.

Create Simulated Q&A Videos

Q&A simulations can also be very beneficial for eLearning. But turning them into interactive videos will lead to even better results.

For instance, you can create a Q&A video with a training instructor or an expert in your industry. Cut it into short clips, not longer than 1 minute and create questions for each. Enable your learners to click on any question they want, so that they can watch any part of the video that matters to them.

Make a Reference Guide for Interactive Videos

Guide for Interactive Videos

For every interactive video you create, include a reference guide that your learners can use to revise everything they’ve learned and refresh their knowledge. Make it in such a way that they can reference any part of your interactive videos they want, including scenarios, simulations, and anything else related to the topic.

What’s also important is to make that guide available at any time, not just during online training. Tie it in with your LMS and online training software. That way, learners can access it whenever they need to revise something both during training and later on the job.

Key Takeaways

Interactive videos can completely transform online training. They can help you empower your learners, keeping them motivated and engaged, and helping them reach their full potential.

To make the most out of your online training, utilize online training software. It will help you create your courses, add interactive videos, presentations, images, documents, surveys, quizzes, and much more. It will also help you monitor your learners’ progress and engagement, assess them and manage training goals.

You can easily insert interactive videos into your eLearning courses with the help of your online training software, but you need good eLearning authoring tool and video editing software to create them.

So, get all the right tools, apply all these tips, and add hugely beneficial interactivity to your online training.

The post How to Effectively Use Interactive Videos in eLearning appeared first on Tech Web Space.

How Organizations Can Avoid & Reduce Workplace Conflicts https://www.techwebspace.com/organizations-can-avoid-reduce-workplace-conflicts/ Fri, 27 Oct 2017 07:19:17 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=2762 All businesses are looking for ways to create a positive working atmosphere. No matter what line of work you are in, a conflict that negatively impacts this atmosphere will arise sooner or later. Because it causes a negative impact on productivity, it...

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All businesses are looking for ways to create a positive working atmosphere. No matter what line of work you are in, a conflict that negatively impacts this atmosphere will arise sooner or later. Because it causes a negative impact on productivity, it is essential to take measures to prevent and reduce conflict in the workplace.

Let’s take a look at the most popular methods that will keep your workers conflict free. When it does occur, it should actually be constructive.

Harassment training for employees


When a company has less number of employees, people get to know each other faster. However, once the business starts growing and more people come on board, the chances of conflicts occurring start to increase.

Due to the fact that we come from different surroundings, perceptions, and experiences, we tend to have a different perspective about different things. These little differences are the primary reason why conflicts occur.

However, if you want to tackle the issue from the beginning, it is essential to take every employee through a harassment training process. This is going to allow you to get every team member through the process of understanding what is considered harassment and what are the things that he or she should avoid at all costs.

Communication training

Miscommunication is one of the leading factors that often result in conflict. Therefore, it is a good idea to also put employees through communication training using online courses. This is going to help them communicate their message the right way, thus greatly reducing the chances of a conflict coming up in the future.

If you notice a conflict occurring inside your business, you should definitely take this step, as people are going to become better at communication, listening, and understanding each other.

Once the miscommunication issues are resolved, you can expect your employees to greatly reduce the number of conflicts.

Team building


People who get a chance to know each other better are much less likely to run into a conflict. This is why establishing team building activities is a good idea. Organizing a relaxing work dinner, trip, or any other type of team building activity, there are higher chances that people working together get to know each other better.

During this process, people will start understanding how their team members communicated, what are their thoughts, ideas, hobbies, take on life, and so forth. This allows people to understand each other better and significantly reduces the chances of any conflict occurring in the future.

Establish a formal complaint system

We all live in a society that uses some kind of rules to keep everything peaceful. The same applies to your company.

If there is no way for a person to file a complaint, chances are that some are going to notice this and choose to start a conflict with other people more often. However, if there is a way in which someone can easily reach out to a higher authority formally, then the number of conflicts is going to be reduced right from the start.

Therefore, make sure that there is a complaint system as it will automatically remove unnecessary conflicts among your employees.

Introduce penalties

Setting up a complaint system without introducing penalties is pointless. Those who find conflict as the best way to communicate with others are going to always pick this approach, as there are not going to be any negative repercussions to their unacceptable behavior.

Create a clear set of punishable behaviors, which includes conflict, and define it completely. Every time when someone engaged in a conflict, he or she will think twice before getting involved in it.

Also, both parties should receive some type of penalty, as any argument requires two people. Taking this step will lead to the reduction in conflicting situations.

Conflict mediation training


This is the crucial part of the whole conflict reduction process. The manager responsible for the whole team should know everything there is to know about conflicts. They should undergo mediation training, communication, and conflict resolution training. This is going to put them in a place where they are going to be able to intervene appropriately and find the right solution to the conflict that other employees have started.

However, it is important that the leader is present during the mediation process, as he or she can more easily evaluate whether the manager is taking the right steps and not favoring anyone. This is crucial for long-term team productivity, as taking sides in a conflict can only create a series of new problems.

Therefore, besides providing training for your managers, it is crucial to hire those who have impeccable communication skills, as this will directly impact a number of conflicts occurring in the office.

Make the company priorities clear


Many people try to remove conflict without thinking about it as a mere symptom. Often, conflicts between your employees can be caused by something bad in your whole organisation. For example, if two people do not understand task priorities clearly, a conflict can easily occur.

Therefore, it is necessary to take a look at what was the conflict about, and what can you, as the business leader, do to remove it. If the conflict involved arguments about task priorities, make sure that all of the instructions are clear in the future and that people know what they should be focused on, instead of arguing.

This will also lead to higher productivity, as conflicting situations will be greatly reduced.


Since conflict is common to any workplace, hence in such a scenario, offering your employees with workplace harrasement training is the most effective way to deal with it. Nowadays, most employees are busy with meeting deadlines and targets, using an onlinetool can do wonders. This will let them undergo workplace harrasement training at their own pace from a location of their choice. After all,  conflicts negatively impact the company’s productivity, and businesses should aim to reduce them.


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How to Make Money from Content Curation https://www.techwebspace.com/make-money-content-curation/ Fri, 01 Sep 2017 05:41:39 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=2117 Billions of people use the Internet daily, whether for entertainment or simply due to their work requirements. With an ever-growing online population, the source of information is getting bigger each year, and the Internet keeps evolving into a beautiful mess of big...

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Billions of people use the Internet daily, whether for entertainment or simply due to their work requirements. With an ever-growing online population, the source of information is getting bigger each year, and the Internet keeps evolving into a beautiful mess of big data, to the point that we can no longer distinguish between what is real and what is a mere tease.

This is precisely where the content curation comes in handy. By examining the gathered material, the content curator can put all the puzzles together and make content that actually matters and which the audiences like. It takes talent and skill to really master this technique, but once conquered, it can be quite a lucrative opportunity.
What Does Being a Content Curator Mean?



Look at the content curator profession this way – it eases people’s searches by giving them precisely what they are looking for. A valid solution is hard to choose when there are too many available choices and numerous promising experts showing a correct path. Hence, the content curators research all of the information until they create a unique content based on real-time and accurate data.
Basically, you collect only the finest content to provide readers immediate and clear answers. And the best part is that curated content can be monetized by using well-organized information for a specific audience and application.
The more niche-specific the content is, the easier it gets to monetize it. After all, it takes knowledge and experience to become an expert in the subject matter, so content curators follow and respect the topic, provide in-depth opinions, and valuable information.
That being said, content curation is not a copy-paste job. Content curators spend a lot of hours in exploring, understanding the topic and write fresh, informative content. Also, the most important thing to remember throughout the whole process is the target audience who will be reading this type of information.
How to Monetize Your Content Curation


Let’s start with the basics. The content will end up on the website or a personal blog for everyone’s delight and unlimited access. So, what are effective methods to make a living out of content curation?




Links and Sharing
Links and sharing play a big part in the content promotion process. For example, Andy Traub from TakePermission.com, the product reviews writer and a teacher of their usage, claims that success depends on the unique voice and people’s trust. And the audience trusted his content curation enough to purchase the products he recommended.
So, one formula to make money off content curation is being real with the reviews and sharing links over popular social media platforms. Nonetheless, be sure to explain to readers why you have included particular links. Not only will this project you as trustworthy, but it will also encourage people to comment and share their opinions.
Visibility and Credibility
Another option to quickly find your audience is to apply the cloud-based learning management system approach. It is believed that knowledge sharing and content curation will gain prominence in the coming days. A cloud-based learning management system offers the ability to immediately filter and clear unwanted and inappropriate keywords as well as to remove duplicate content. It grants you control over all your material and enables sharing.
Furthermore, you can automate and streamline your content across the web or curate content manually and display it on the mutual board in order for trainees to learn the content curation essentials. That is right, not only can you use LMS content curation to support corporate training, but you can also build a scalable and large business network. So, hurry up and book your spot in the cloud.

Build an Audience
Once you have enough people reading your work, you can start thinking about all the ways in which you can squeeze a few extra bucks out of your work. When the audience notices the content, so do the companies that are ready to pay for the promotion of their products or services. This is why you should use the attention to get sponsors and start generating revenue.

Time for Banner Ads
Draw readers in with your content and then make some profit by displaying ads. The ads can be about the products or services you sell or you can sell the ad space on your site via the help of third party services. Likewise, if there is an issue of gathering the much-needed audience, you can buy ad space to promote your work.

Premium Membership
While you want to please the masses, there needs to be something a creator gets in return. For that reason, it is only fair to charge the readers for premium content while everything else remains within the public domain.

Email Marketing
Ads and sponsor promotion is great, however, you can also capitalize on an email campaign. As the content curation provides one source of revenue, you can use it to gather and create email lists and send promotional material to loyal fans. Email marketing is always a reliable approach, whether you promote your own goods or the product/service of other businesses.

Google AdSense
Use the power of Google AdSense to increase revenue in any type of website. As mentioned before, ads are profitable, still, Google AdSense is something special. The ads will be relevant and you will not have to look for third party providers to assist you in attracting advertisers. With the use of this system, you can easily promote the curated content by inserting AdSense or other ads directly into the content or on your home page.

At the end, you can always ask for donations. After all, what is the use of so many subscribers, if you can’t cash it in? If the content is valuable, then feel free to make the site open for donations. The readers will not be able to turn their back to quality, hence, they can contribute by pitching in some tips.
Those who have just started with content curation shouldn’t feel discouraged if building a target audience seems hard at the beginning. Find the field you want to explore and get a deep insight on the topic in question. Be sure to write with a unique voice and wait for a while until results begin to show. There are many options to consider once you have built an audience. Pick your top choice and start earning from well-curated content.

The post How to Make Money from Content Curation appeared first on Tech Web Space.
