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All love Instagram; whether it’s individual or brands, everyone just adores this amazing platform. There are numerous reasons why Instagram is amongst the most popular social media websites. Even more so when the marketing strategy is successful and marketers get natural interactions and Instagram posts with genuine likes. Still, the main reason that works in favour of Instagram is that it provides engaging visual medium content for better engagement on Instagram.

Marketers always have a special place for Instagram in their marketing strategy, because Instagram engagement is best among other social media platforms & it helps their business in various ways. It increases the reach beyond local boundaries, provides great features to boost your business, and provides space to showcase creativity using a wide range of Instagram tools.

With such a huge base on the platform, there will surely be huge competition to stay relevant and capture the users’ attention. Hence, it becomes important for you to make your content engaging and boost your account. This article will provide you amazing tips that will help you to boost engagement on Instagram.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into it.

Creative Tips to Boost Instagram Engagement With Audience

Use Hashtag

Hashtags are one of the most important keys to boost Instagram engagement with an audience.There is no denying that hashtags often come under the category of the best social media marketing strategies. If used correctly, hashtags can bring wonders to your business and increase the reach of your brand.

Hashtags are popular among users as people post their content and use hashtags to attain a better reach, gather more followers and reach out to the maximum number of people possible. Hashtags represent themes, brands, categories etc. And people often use hashtags to search for their content. You can provide appropriate hashtags on your post to reach the target audience and eventually help you to get some recognition. But there is a catch; do not overuse hashtags on your posts as it might irritate your followers and might fail to get the core meaning of your content.

Embed Instagram Feed on website

Embed Instagram feed on website if considered as the best way to boost Instagram engagement. By adding more followers to your list, you can attain that when more people will get to know about your social media presence. You create a link between your website and your account, providing your website’s visitors with a sneak into your social media existence.

People have made a huge shift to online shopping and marketing due to the rise of the internet. The website often emerges as the face for brands. Before purchasing the product, people visit the website to get a little brief about the product or the brand. Hence, it becomes important for you to make a good impression on your potential customers and for this, you need to curate and embed Instagram feed on your website. It helps to create that impression and also promote your social media account. It boosts the engagement of both your Instagram and as well as your website. 

Bring out your artistic side

Millions of people upload their content on Instagram daily. And there can be thousands or hundreds of posts having the same theme or topic as yours. Or might in the same kind of businesses as yours. Hence, you should look out the ways to stand out from the crowd. 

Use your artistic side to increase engagement on Instagram while posting pictures about your product or content that relates to your brand. Bring out your creativity and make content that looks exclusive and gathers the attention of the crowd. One of the best ways to attain those is by using colours and textures. 

Colours add vibrancy to your content. Hence keep in mind that your content consists of vibrant colours. A vibrant-looking post attracts attention, ignites the interest in the user’s minds, and increases the engagement of your content.

Captions make a huge impact

Instagram is a platform to share visual medium, and mostly images and videos have the spotlight. But captions can make a huge difference as well. Even if your content looks incomplete to you or to your audience, your caption can fill that void and increase the interaction and engagement on Instagram with your posts. 

People usually like the posts with a well-written caption as it helps them understand the post and get a brief about it. People often reply and respond to the post after reading the caption, hence starting conversations. But be careful, users don’t usually like the content with long captions as it makes them a little sore, and they rather look to ignore the post.


Each social media platform has different demographics and different themes. Social media networks provide a wide range of platforms where you can post or promote your content. It allows you to promote your Instagram content on different platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc., increasing your posts’ reach and engagement.

You can embed the post by copying the link and pasting it on your other social media accounts. The link will redirect the users to your post, and hence, you can get desired attention and views on your posts.

Plan your post correctly 

People do not always remain active on social media, and hence you need to plan your post according to the time and occasion. Another disadvantage of untimely posts is that the Instagram algorithm might reduce the reach of your posts, and your content will fail to create the desired result.

And as we all know, content on an Instagram feed of a user is in reverse chronology, which means the recent posts get the top spot. So, an untimely post might shift down on the feed, and your followers might not see it. 

You can analyze the reach of your content and plan the time accordingly, but be careful you should mix up your time or else your posting time and occasion will become too predictable and stale.

Include your logo or watermark or face

People generally find posts with a face more engaging compared to posts that focus on products specifically. The face of your brand can be anything, it can be your logo, your watermark, your brand ambassador, or any influencer. People find the content with a face more interactive and impactful. 

Ignite conversation

Another best way to boost your engagement on Instagram is by igniting a conversation or indulging people in debates. You can use the trending topics and provide your viewpoint on it or even take a stand. It will instill a conversation among your followers and your post will get a proper response and engagement.


The Instagram followers list is a great way to measure a brand’s reach and reputation in the market. The more followers on your account mean your business has been trusted by many; it helps you create a good impression on your potential customers. And to gain more followers, you need to makes your Instagram more engaging. Follow these tips and help your business to grow. 

The post 8 Ways to Boost Engagement on Instagram appeared first on Tech Web Space.
