Felix Yim, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 24 Jan 2022 05:43:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.3 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Felix Yim, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 The Present and Future of Preventive Maintenance Technology https://www.techwebspace.com/the-present-and-future-of-preventive-maintenance-technology/ Mon, 24 Jan 2022 05:43:53 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=55613 The main goal of organizations today is to improve efficiency without harming other aspects of the business. Preventative maintenance and reliability technology is a valuable tool that ensures fewer breakdowns, decreases downtime, and enhances productivity. Here we’ve created a comprehensive guide to...

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The main goal of organizations today is to improve efficiency without harming other aspects of the business.

Preventative maintenance and reliability technology is a valuable tool that ensures fewer breakdowns, decreases downtime, and enhances productivity.

Here we’ve created a comprehensive guide to preventive maintenance, its past and future trends:

An Overview of Preventive Maintenance Technology

Preventive maintenance, i.e., preventative maintenance, refers to the regular maintenance of equipment helpful for lessening failure and errors in technology. It involves routine maintenance scheduled by leveraging valuable data insights.

Preventive maintenance occurs while the equipment is still in-use to avoid sudden breakdowns and create downtimes. Typically, experts categorize preventative maintenance as follows:

  • Time-based preventive maintenance
  • Usage-based preventive maintenance
  • Condition-based preventive maintenance

What is the Purpose of Preventive Maintenance Technology?

Preventive maintenance technology refers to state-of-the-art tools and software leveraged to maintain equipment routinely.

With the help of preventive maintenance technology, businesses and individuals alike can prevent costly unplanned downtime and equipment failures.

What Role Does Technology Play in the Adoption of Maintenance and Reliability?

Technology is constantly improving and advancing to drive efficiency and productivity in our ever-evolving world. Businesses globally seek innovative technology to improve labor performance while reducing costs.

Technicians used paper-based tracking in the past, which took too much time and cost. But adopting maintenance technology replaces manual paper records and human error with useful performance metrics like MTBF and MTTR.

These state-of-the-art art maintenance technologies boost reliability, accuracy, and time efficiency, allowing businesses to save valuable time and costs. It also reduces the risks of losing worksheets and prolongs equipment life.

What are the Current Trends in Preventive Maintenance Technology?

Preventive Maintenance Technology

More and more industries are starting to recognize the value of preventive maintenance technology and its benefits. Management teams worldwide utilize PM technology to harmonize information between preventative maintenance and operations effectively.

Another emerging trend in preventive maintenance technology is a preventative maintenance cloud-based software. With the help of cloud-based software, businesses and individuals can connect to a revolutionary maintenance system responsible for collating information from various equipment.

Based on the information the database receives, these innovative systems send you mechanics alerts, generate reports, and aid in setting maintenance schedules.

Today, the following industries experience significant benefits by adopting preventive maintenance technology:

  • Hospitality and restaurant industry
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Fleet management industry
  • Oil and gas
  • Automotive industry

Taking a Sneak Peek in the Future

The following trends in predictive maintenance stimulate innovations:

These trends lay the groundwork for improved automation and communication sure to influence the future of predictive maintenance and reliability. We’re likely to experience fewer maintenance actions, quality improvements, and equipment capable of troubleshooting and problem-solving in the future.

What are the Benefits of Getting On-Board the Technology Bandwagon?

Preventive maintenance poses an array of benefits, including:

  • Preventing potentially dangerous failure mitigating against injury
  • It helps improve the lifespan of the asset
  • Preventing loss helps enhance productivity and efficiency

Ways to Get On Board the Technology Bandwagon

To truly benefit from predictive maintenance, you need to have a strong base in STEM. You also need to identify which innovations are likely to last and which will fail.

Here are easy ways to get involved in preventative maintenance:

Learn about the Fundamentals

Before jumping on the technology bandwagon, you must understand the fundamental concepts of STEM subjects. Either join a physical or online course or being self-studying to understand basic concepts, such as:

  • What innovations drive today’s technological market?
  • Why is it essential for you to keep up-to-date with these technologies?
  • How does predictive maintenance benefit you and the future?

As you get involved in predictive maintenance, your curiosity will ignite, and you’ll want to learn more.

Use the Current Innovations

Identifying and learning how to use current innovations offers you hands-on experience and unlocks various job opportunities.

Currently, the preventative maintenance sphere enjoys the following innovations:

  • Pokit Pro
  • Ultrasonic analysis microphone
  • Infrared analysis sensors
  • Motor circuit analysis

Start Introducing Your Kids to Tech at a Young Age

Introducing your kids to technology is essential to ensure they don’t get left behind in today’s competitive world.

Build your kid’s interest in robotics, electronics, and other STEM subjects. In addition, tell them how electronics, technologies, and AI perform human work with greater ease and efficiency.

Show them how real-time examples of technologies in your home like washing machines, computers, gadgets, and more simplify everyday tasks.

To Sum it Up

According to research, the global predictive maintenance market was worth US$ 4,331 million in 2021. However, it is likely to reach a whopping US$ 31,965 million by 2027, revealing a CAGR of 28.8%.

Today, more and more businesses are leveraging preventative maintenance to enhance workplace efficiency, lower costs, and boost revenue. Introducing children to technology and its fundamentals at a young age sets them up for a bright future, especially in today’s competitive world.

The post The Present and Future of Preventive Maintenance Technology appeared first on Tech Web Space.

8 Common Mistakes Startup Founders Make In Their First Year of Business https://www.techwebspace.com/8-common-mistakes-startup-founders-make-in-their-first-year-of-business/ Wed, 28 Jul 2021 16:01:54 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=50983 It takes a certain level of risk and clear-headedness to start your own business. For any startup founder, the pursuit of taking on a new challenge will not manifest into long-term success if they fail to make calculated decisions regarding their business....

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It takes a certain level of risk and clear-headedness to start your own business. For any startup founder, the pursuit of taking on a new challenge will not manifest into long-term success if they fail to make calculated decisions regarding their business. Most startups find it difficult to last in the first year of business, and the ones that do often have a higher success rate of building their business.  

Downplaying Market Risk

Many startup founders enter into business with a belief in their technology or product. Sometimes this overambitious belief has them overlooking the market environment. Not monitoring the market trends is one of the biggest mistakes that startup founders often make.

Regardless of how good your business strategy is, if you do not mold your plans according to the current market trends, the business will be destined to fail in a relentless and cruel marketplace.

Taking the wrong advice 

Taking expert advice is the single most essential aspect of starting a business. On the flip side, advice can also be the reason for failure. Startup founders need to rational when it comes to taking advice. As a startup owner, you will likely come across a bombardment of different bits of advice.

This can be very confusing since some advice may even be contradictory to others. Acting upon the wrong advice, therefore, becomes a probable occurrence. In this instance, make sure to select the right person for advice. A general rule of thumb would be someone with loads of experience in a similar business as yours.

Hiring the wrong team

Your team will be the backbone of the enterprise that you are looking to form. Every successful startup founder will easily tell you that they credit their success to their team. Hence, collaborating with the wrong people can lead to disaster, regardless of how good your business plan is. On the other hand, working with a set of compatriots that are capable, determined, and persistent, will edge you closer to your goals sooner than you think.

Spending in the wrong places 

Many startup founders fail to push their business across the one-year mark because they make poor choices regarding their initial investments. Many startup founders spend a fortune on infrastructure and electronic types of equipment.  

For new businesses, expenses such as high-tech laptops and computers are non-essential, meaning, that they can still perform the same function on a cheaper alternative, without splashing a hefty amount on the latest equipment.

Cutting down on costs without compromising on the quality of work keeps allows new businesses to function in the initial years. In the starting, having a safety net is important so that businesses can cope when the rate of cash flow falls.

Ignoring constructive feedback

Feedback is a tool that helps any business improve and get better. Since startups will often not have the budget to run tests for the quality of their product or service, they must rely on constructive feedback. Working on that feedback will perfect your business and help you attain a flawless user experience.

Outsourcing your core competency 

As a startup manager, you will find the option to outsource your core competency very desirable. However, the options to outsource your competency can result in a major setback. Outsourcing exempts your business with its uniqueness and exclusivity.

Mental fatigue 

Handling a startup in its initial years can be excruciatingly stressful. In this instance, startups make the mistake of overburdening themselves over responsibilities. This causes most startup owners to fold under pressure. Staying far from mental fatigue can be challenging. However, with organization and correct distribution of work, it is very much possible.    

Not knowing when to halt or pivot 

Hinting back at the adaptability to market trends, another reason why startup founders fail is that they make haphazard decisions. For a new business owner, every opportunity seems like a glimmering chance.

However, this is far from the truth. Businesses that succeed take on all opportunities very cautiously, and every decision they make involves incredible thought and consideration.

Final thoughts 

The first years of business ultimately determine whether a startup will survive in the coming years. Learning from some of the common mistakes of other startups will put you one step ahead in the industry, and so, make sure that you do not repeat the same mistakes if you want to look onwards to a promising future.

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The Importance of Links in Instagram – Best Hacks for Your Profile https://www.techwebspace.com/the-importance-of-links-in-instagram-best-hacks-for-your-profile/ Fri, 18 Jun 2021 08:21:42 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=49618 Small businesses often overlook the importance of Instagram, but an Instagram profile has many advertising benefits for your business. Not only can you target a specific audience and collaborate with influencers, but visual images can get your point across much more quickly...

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Small businesses often overlook the importance of Instagram, but an Instagram profile has many advertising benefits for your business. Not only can you target a specific audience and collaborate with influencers, but visual images can get your point across much more quickly and effectively. 

One of the key elements is to ensure that people see your content. You need followers, and the easiest way to generate a following is to provide links to other social media content and blogs. In return, they link back to your posts and content. 

Instagram allows you only one link on your bio, but you can get around this. We’ll show you how to turn the social media photo-sharing app into a revenue driver. 

Putting Links on Your Instagram Personal Account

If you plan to use Instagram for business, a personal account doesn’t really make sense, but you may initially choose this option. You can still change your profile to a business account later if you wish to use their paid advertising. 

Whether you have a personal or a business account, you can still place only one link on your bio. You can change this link whenever you want and add a call to action or link to individual posts, but the drawback is that any followers browsing older posts will be directed to the new link, even if it’s not relevant to that post.

Alternatively, you can use your single link to direct people to your website or Facebook profile and keep your links there. Suppose you’re using Instagram to inform people about promotions or specials you have; in that case, you could have your bio link directing users to a promotion page on your business website. 

Also, be sure to place links on your website and Facebook page to your Instagram account so your followers can easily find you.  

Another free service to consider is Linktree. Essentially, Linktree is a mini-website for your Instagram that hosts your links and also provides you with some free analytics. 

Once you’ve signed up for Linktree with your Instagram account, place that link in your bio and add any new URLs you want there. Then, you won’t need to change your bio link every time. 

You can also link your posts or photos to other Instagram users by tagging them in the image or the comments. If they reciprocate, you could gain followers. 

None of these options is perfect, but a well-managed Instagram account still benefits your business. 

Instagram Hacks

Putting Links on Your Instagram Business Account

An Instagram business account remains the best option for marketing. If you have a personal account, you can easily convert it to a business account in your account settings. 

There is no extra cost for a business account, but you will need to have a business Facebook page to use the Instagram business tools. If you don’t already have one, you can create it. Instagram will ask you to link the Facebook page to your Instagram business account. 

With an Instagram business account linked to your Facebook page, you’re ready to add links directly to your posts. Although this is a paid service, there is a potential for a decent return on investment. 

Post an image and click the blue promote icon. You’ll be redirected to Facebook, where you add your link and submit the payment. 

You can boost a post for around $1, and they include analytics. Unfortunately, the only way to add a link directly to an Instagram post is to pay for it. 

Tips For Your Instagram Business Account

Once you get your Instagram business account set up, you’ll want to make sure you’re using it to its full potential. Here are a few bonus tips to help you out: 

  • Use your business email and Facebook account so your customers can find you easily. 
  • Place links to your Instagram account on your business contact page and any other social media pages you’re using to promote your company. 
  • Have a clear marketing strategy for Instagram and stick to a winning formula. 
  • Make all your Instagram posts relevant to your business and overall marketing strategy. 
  • Research trending hashtags and include them in your posts, but keep the hashtags to a maximum of three per post to avoid spamming your customers. 
  • Use an Instagram scheduler to easily upload posts to all your social media accounts.


Although Instagram allows only one link on your profile, you can find ways around it. Manage your profile correctly and use other social media sites and contact options to promote your Instagram profile. 

Be sure to use your Instagram business profile for your business and resist using it for frivolous posts. After all, this is all about bringing in more customers and followers.

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