Ethan H. Goodman, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 23 Aug 2019 11:51:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ethan H. Goodman, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Get Rid of Bad Back-links on Your Website Fri, 30 Jun 2017 08:11:24 +0000 Websites with bad backlinks have made a big mistake joining hands with a unpromising SEO agency. This cheap and short-cut way of improving rankings can lead them to lose all their rankings. Of course, you won’t want to do the same, right?...

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Websites with bad backlinks have made a big mistake joining hands with a unpromising SEO agency. This cheap and short-cut way of improving rankings can lead them to lose all their rankings. Of course, you won’t want to do the same, right? Certainly, this blog is worth reading if you want to get rid of bad backlinks on your website. We have discussed about it in detail including on-page optimisation. It is time to get over the short term wins and think something big!

How bad backlinks are found

First of all, it is important to find which are the bad backlinks affecting your organic rankings. The most simple way to differentiate between a good and bad backlink is to determine the website it is on. These belong to several categories such as:

  1. Website links set up newly for SEO links
    When you come across a site full of millions of articles without coherence, there is a chance that it is just set up to link other websites. Usually, sites like WordPress are not liked with other sites or are simply a part of an old network especially set up to link these shady websites.
  2. Links coming from the comments on other websites
    Often, you will get link requests on your comments from other websites. These are just the low quality backlinks which lacks citation and cannot be trusted. So, beware!
  3. Links having excessively optimized anchor texts
    There are times when you see several websites building links with your site using the same keywords. This is suspicious and needs close attention. Generally, these sites are forged and set up with an intention to harm your site.
  4. Links with duplicate texts
    Sites created for links generally have duplicate and unrelated text. Google Panda hits such websites to let you know about the low quality back links coming to your site.

How back links can be removed

Coming to the core point of this content, we will now discuss how you can remove these bad backlinks from your site. Read on.

  • remove bad backlinksGet the contact details of the site owner and make sure he removes the link: This is the most easy and simple way to get away with poor back links. Just ask the website owner to remove the link. However, ensure you do this in a polite manner. Some might even ask you to pay for link removal.
  • Identify the low quality pages linked with poor back links and remove those pages itself: Okay. This is something which might bring loss to you, as losing valuable pages from your site, multiple 404 errors will be a wrong message to Google. Anyways if there are only a few pages, this can be your option.
  • Drop your domain and have a new start: This is burdensome, but if your’s is not a site worth investing for backlinks clean up, this is a good option. See, if you have already been penalized for Panda, Penguin, etc by Google. It is better you change your domain.
  • Ask google not to account for these links: When you have too many low-quality backlinks or if the webmasters do not respond to your link removal requests, Google is your only savior. Ask Google, not to take these links into consideration while assessing your website.

Note: Giving no false hopes, you will lose traffic initially. When you remove links from your site, Google gets a signal that it is less interesting and thus, a fall in web traffic. Undoubtedly, you will get the long-term positive results, buit have to deal with this initially.

Speeding up the bad backlinks clean up process

Cleaning up backlinks is a lengthy process and we have a way which can help you speed up the process. Using Link Research Tools (LRT), you can get rid of low-quality backlinks on your site sooner. Look what it does you:

  1. Handles your backlinks and searches for the links affecting your site. It will tell you about the links that needs to be removed.
  2. Get away with a Manual Action and Google penalties by cleaning the backlink profile.
  3. Compares the backlinks with that of your competitors to give way to new opportunities for getting backlinks.
  4. Gets you a better linking partner and keeps you notified of any new links to your site.

Want to clean up the bad backlinks on your site? DubSEO Agency will help you do it in an effective and proven way.

Poor and low-quality backlinks not only affects your site reputation, but also brings great fall of your organic rankings. Get rid of them as soon as possible.

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On-Page SEO – Everything You Must Know Wed, 21 Jun 2017 08:58:28 +0000 SEO or search engine optimisation is an essential online marketing tool you need to focus to improve your business. Reputed digital marketing Agency in London practise SEO to help business rank higher on the search engine result pages. The main focus while...

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On Page SEOSEO or search engine optimisation is an essential online marketing tool you need to focus to improve your business. Reputed digital marketing Agency in London practise SEO to help business rank higher on the search engine result pages. The main focus while designing an SEO strategy is to boost organic rankings  and for this, a well-designed and developed website is created based on Google’s algorithm. To fulfill this, SEO is divided into two major aspects – on-page and off-page optimisation. In this blog, we have talked about the importance of on-page SEO and its significant factors.

What is On-page SEO?

On getting in touch with an SEO agency in London, the experts in the field will tell you about both the aspects. On-page SEO includes the elements you need to optimise on your website. The factors covered are code quality, site set-up, content and user experience.

Why is on-page SEO important?

Being a website owner, you must manage and control all the elements on your website. This is only possible through on-page optimisation. It covers some essential SEO elements which only you can control best. These are issues you can handle on your own which ultimately allows you o have a successful off-page optimisation. Creating a good website isn’t enough, you need to focus on the on-page elements to achieve success in the online market.

Signinficant factors of on-page SEO

When you hire SEO services in UK, you will get to know about these three most significant factors of on-page optimisation:

1.    Technical perfection

First of all, your site must have high-quality coding. Ensure you don’t unknowingly block search engine crawlers from website indexing. Some SEO-friendly platforms like WordPress offer plugins to take up challenges of technical SEO. These aspects are normally covered by your on-page SEO.

2.    High-quality and relevant content

What do you think about the people landing up on your website? Of course, they are here to get some desired information. To help them find answers to their queries, you should write rich and relevant content. A valuable, engaging and quality content is not only liked by your visitors but also ranked higher by the search engines on the organic search result pages. This is to say, your website ranking largely depends upon the kind of content you publish and if it reaches the readers correctly.

3.    Excellent user experience

Last but an important factor of on-page optimisation is user experience. You invest your time and money, make all possible efforts for SEO, for whom? Your potential users, right? What if your user is not happy with your website and leaves the page instantly? To make sure this never happens with you, create  site with excellent user experience. You must pay equal attention to this element along with other essential parameters. At least your user should find the information he/she is looking for. So, design a site with easy navigation and faster loading web pages.

Summing up things, you should have good knowledge of important SEO elements while designing a business website. You can seek assistance from a renowned SEO agency in London to have a successful online business and secured position on the SERPs.

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Effective Marketing Tips to Optimise Your Facebook Page Thu, 06 Apr 2017 12:15:56 +0000 Facebook is the most powerful marketing tool in the present times. It currently registers 1,871,000,000 active users and the number is still counting. When it comes to building marketing strategies for any business, it is really difficult to ignore the figure of...

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Facebook is the most powerful marketing tool in the present times. It currently registers 1,871,000,000 active users and the number is still counting. When it comes to building marketing strategies for any business, it is really difficult to ignore the figure of its active users. Thus, businesses of every possible size and shape in London include this popular social network while designing their marketing strategy.

Facebook on the other hand, keeps introducing newer features and options to help businesses with tailoring their respective marketing strategies. Unfortunately, most businesses lack proper technical expertise to reap optimum benefits that it offers. Here are some helpful Facebook marketing tips that can help businesses enjoy greater mileage in promoting themselves.

Go for customized settings:

Keep your Facebook template updated, so that it describes your business perfectly. The standard templates that Facebook offers include shopping, venues, business, services, restaurants and cafes. You should also use Similar Pages Recommendations, as FB suggests your page to its organic traffic through this feature. On enabling Response Assistance, it will be possible for you to respond to people, with an automated customised message.

Using different Post Styles:

One of the vital Facebook advertising tips is treat posts just like a marketing tool. There are different free and paid services, when it comes to post Styles. “Create and Event” and “Create an Offer” are some free services you can use. There are also “Call to Action” style posts to boost activity. Make sure to select the option that naturally goes with your post’s objective.

Boost your targeted followers:

It is obvious that you want to increase followers to your content and get more shares for it. Experts from a reliable Facebook marketing agency in London have some helpful tips on the given aspect. Invite people, who like your posts, to like your Facebook page. Just click on the likes of a particular post and a window will pop up, which will show all the contacts along with their status as a follower or not to your page. You can invite those contacts, which are not followers.

Share your page with friends:

Although this strategy is not exactly new, but it is worth mentioning. Use your personal connections on Facebook to share your page with. Your friends will receive a Facebook notification. But make sure, this feature is helpful only when your page will mutually benefit you and your friend.

Data analysis:

Facebook Insights is the tool that helps you by providing user-related data at your fingertip. Some of the most reputed Facebook marketing agencies in the UK use it to authenticate the following user-related information:

  • When the followers are mostly online
  • What type of posts are getting maximum engagement and driving exposure

This information will help in choosing the right kind of posts and the right time of posting.
The following tips of DubSEO will help you securing greater mileage from Facebook in making your brand more popular to your target audience.

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SEO Services For Law Firms: What Makes it Better? Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:02:53 +0000 SEO is the practice for improving and promoting your law firm website and that is to increase number of visitors and rank of your site. It enables your law firm to get more ROI out of your website. There are three core...

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SEO is the practice for improving and promoting your law firm website and that is to increase number of visitors and rank of your site. It enables your law firm to get more ROI out of your website. There are three core components of law firm SEO marketing, which are national SEO, local SEO and social media marketing. Well, the question is how SEO works and you could get the best result without investing a huge amount of time and money. Follow few tips here to get into an effective SEO practice for your law firm-

Some basics to follow:

  • Ask your law firm SEO expert to pick some keywords and phrases that people might use when they search for SEO firm like yours. For example, you could use keywords like “properties in sale”, “law firms in UK” etc. Try to give engaging content for your On-page and Off-page SEO campaign and optimise that content with these keywords.
  • Use tools like keyword planner or wordtracker to know how popular those terms/keywords are, and how much competition is there! Popular terms/keywords with low competition provide the best return.
  • Link building plays an important role to boost your SEO. Links to your website, from quality and trusted websites contribute in search engine rankings. Try to participate to online forums and use link in your signature. You could even ask reputable sites to link you and encourage people to write something about your firm and link back to your website.
  • Create a good website structure, which search engines could easily understand. As a general rule, if a visitor find it easy to navigate throughout your website, it would also be clear for search engines to understand.
  • Content structure on your website should be insightful or informative. Put all the key information in such a way that does not require more than one or two click from homepage.
  • Take help of analytics tool and keep measuring how SEO is performing and how to work further to focus on your efforts better.

What you should avoid:

  • Avoid keyword stuffing, as it gives bad reading experience. Try to insert keywords in a natural way, in which a web content writer may help you.
  • Be watchful what other sites link back to you. Do not be spammy and try to get links form authoritative and related sites through blog posting, forum discussions etc.
  • Do not expect for results within shorter span, as SEO is a continuous and consistent process and takes time to give fruitful results.

Consider law firm SEO services, if you do not have in-house skills. Even if you do not have in-house SEO, it is worth contacting some SEO consultants to check your website at regular intervals and t make recommendation for further changes. Be aware of SEO experts, who promise overnight results, who are less likely to use any ethical techniques. Moreover, do not cling to old website content, keep updating it with regular interval and get social to increase your brand awareness. Always try to make website content relevant and interesting for your potential clients and you would be halfway there.

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Why SEO Is Important For Your Online Success Tue, 14 Mar 2017 07:37:34 +0000 Being a small-business owner, you may have heard it million times or receive mails from SEO providers almost every day, who sell SEO services. Unfortunately, no one even yet explained you why you should choose search engine optimisation and why your business...

The post Why SEO Is Important For Your Online Success appeared first on Tech Web Space.

SEO is Important for Online Succeess

Being a small-business owner, you may have heard it million times or receive mails from SEO providers almost every day, who sell SEO services. Unfortunately, no one even yet explained you why you should choose search engine optimisation and why your business should invest dollars to be found in organic search results. Even, upon typing ‘SEO’ in search box, you will get some useful or funny auto complete suggestion in millions. Well, get into this blog and find some of the basic yet major role that search engine optimisation plays to get online success of your business in Manchester.

Higher ROI

You could hardly find any other form of online marketing that can deliver a great return like SEO. At times, businesses would not gain much success with search engine optimisation, as they sign up with an inexperienced company or outsource their work from overseas and stay absolutely clueless what successful SEO consist of. A well-executed SEO deliver nonstop organic traffic that cost tremendous amount of money, if done through paid search campaign.Higher Roi

Improved visibility:

Simply being on the Internet is not enough and this is because of approx 90% of consumers, who search for services on the Internet. Getting your business’s website to show up on 1st page of any search engine takes a lot of dedicated time to optimise it. Even, improved visibility consequently results search engine ranking, brand awareness and future success of your business. Find how SEO works for your small business-
Improved Visibility

  • Cost-effective: SEO Companies  is the source of excellent return on investment due to the affordable tools they use. Schemes are also customisable according to the project budget for your small business.


  • SEO does not fade away: SEO does not go anywhere, but it evolves over the time. Companies who follow changes and adapt it, rules the market. For example, mass link building has been penalised over past few years and focus is revolving around content creation and user experience (UX).


  • Works with your social media: A high-ranking website gets maximum exposure from social media platforms. SEO and social media both are interlinked and it is necessary to improve the visibility. For example, ask your Manchester SEO Company to share some informational content on your social profile and try to educate users. Besides making such content, try to communicate with users through comments or one-to-one chatting option. Such communications increase the engagement and number of follower of your business profile.


  • High conversion traffic rate: SEO is research intensive, while being a highly targeted process from the first click to finding the final details. Through keyword analysis, SEO determines the scope of being searched among mass population and help choosing certain keywords that is relevant to your business.


Be consistent to maintain the ranking for brand awareness. With a good SEO Services in Manchester, you can increase scope for your local customer base to locate your website and make it engaging according your business niche. Besides, make your online presence convenient for user to review your products, business and make purchases irrespective of their device configuration.



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Portland SEO Expert: Why Do They Deserve Your Attention! Thu, 09 Mar 2017 12:29:05 +0000 It is a non-deniable fact that Search Engine Optimization can benefit almost every business but small businesses will find more value in local SEO than the typical SEO campaign. Local SEO involves the process of optimizing websites with the focus of improving...

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It is a non-deniable fact that Search Engine Optimization can benefit almost every business but small businesses will find more value in local SEO than the typical SEO campaign. Local SEO involves the process of optimizing websites with the focus of improving local search results. Before taking the deep insights, make the basics clear with this article-

What is local SEO?

Local SEO undertakes some specific practices within your typical search engine optimization strategies. In fact, many SEO tactics within local SEO used for national and global SEO, yet many global SEO strategies do not perform well for local and small businesses. In nutshell, Local SEO focuses mostly on search engines and online directories, whilst location specific keywords are often used for ranking.

Longtail keywords trafficHow can you localize website traffic through keywords?

Local SEO is important to small and local business but at times at seem quite tricky to execute the strategies and start on your own. Especially, when you are grounded with a lot of business work, you hardly find the time to think about the strategies and track the results coming from your local SEO campaign. A Portland SEO agency having knowledge and set of practices could drive local traffic easily in various ways and the entire thing start with keywords research. Find how it works:

  • Location based keywords:

As your SEO strategy is localized, so, your keywords should be. For example, “Best solicitor in Austin” or “Lawyers firms New York” etc. are some keywords having location. Search engines will know a webpage optimized with such location-included keywords and show it to people near Austin or New York and rank a page accordingly.

  • Long tail keywords:

The keywords mentioned above are some examples of long trail keywords. As long-tail keywords are more specific, they provide significant search volume and compete less with generic keywords.

How can you use local and long-tail keywords?

Soon you find long tail keywords relevant for your site, use them across your site to get ranking in search results. Here are some areas of your On-page content, where you can add your local keywords:

  • Landing page URLs

  • Tile tags and Meta description

  • On page content

  • Header tags

  • Image ALT tags

How local backlinks and online directories impact:

Bcaklinks are also known as inbound link from another website to your website and it benefits you a lot by listing your business in local directories. For example, Yelp has become the one-stop destination for consumers to find exactly what they look for. On the other hand, Google My Business Page help customers find you easily with a listing within Google map results.

Once you develop sound local SEO strategy, changes to your site will start taking. Next important thing that you would do is track how your strategy is performing and know how your site acquires traffic and users navigate through your site. Ask any Local SEO consultant in Portland to get into your business and drive local traffic for it.

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4 Reasons to Reconsider the Value of SEO In 2017 Tue, 07 Mar 2017 07:59:42 +0000 You have heard it millions times that you need SEO and receive emails, solicitation, phone calls almost every day from SEO service providers. However, most SEO agencies do not even tell why your website needs to be optimised and why your business...

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4-Reasons-to-Reconsider-the-Value-of-SEO-In-2017You have heard it millions times that you need SEO and receive emails, solicitation, phone calls almost every day from SEO service providers. However, most SEO agencies do not even tell why your website needs to be optimised and why your business should spend dollars on internet marketing campaigns.  Even, you may have queries to know why it is important to be found in organic search results.

If you Google you the question, “why to choose SEO for your business”, you may find several explanations and different experiences according to several business cases. Well, here is list of 4 reasons for people like you, who are still on the search for benefits of SEO.

  • The way SEO works:

SEO plays a major role in online business, in terms of producing high rank in search results. Many companies use search engine optimisation to increase brand awareness. People, who do not want to spray their company message throughout the huge crowd online, may not need SEO service. Again, who do not want to generate revenue through online marketing or do not aim to make an ecommerce website, find no interest in SEO. However, these cases are rare; people are most likely to target their audience to land them on website, and this is where SEO works.

  • Delivers higher ROI:

There is no other form of online marketing that benefit as much as SEO services do. Upon searching, you can find people, who do not have success with search engine optimisation and it happens because of their insufficient knowledge in the field of SEO. When SEO is done correctly, it can deliver non-stop traffic that makes your site a lot productive through paid search campaign.


  • SEO works never fed away:

Whatever SEO initiative you take for your website, it never goes away. Rather it evolves with time and an organisation start adapting the methods and challenges to beat the competitors.  Over the past few years, the custom of trusted link building has increased and websites having mass link building spam have been penalised. Hence, you need to understand that SEO never changes, but you need to be a bit realistic according to the evolution in techniques.

  • Staying watchful while into the competition:

Most people are under assumption that SEO only needs to be done to achieve top rankings throughout the Search Engine Search Result Pages. However, this is not true and even not accurate at all. When your website reaches at a better rank, it needs more work to maintain that rank. If you aim to maintain a certain position on search result pages and drive traffic to website then SEO can give your business the edge to stand out from the crowd

Customers today tend to find business online. Mobile traffic continues to increase at rapid peace and it outpacing traffic from desktop computer. Hiring a SEO agency allows your business to come across the methods and techniques that ensure visibility of websites upon placing related search queries.

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