Mohit Patil, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Tue, 15 Feb 2022 06:37:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mohit Patil, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 SEO Reseller: What Can Blogging Actually Do for Your Business? Mon, 01 Oct 2018 05:16:20 +0000 From being an online platform for people to publicly share their thoughts and feelings to becoming a powerful digital marketing tool, indeed, blogging has come a long way since it first started in the late 1990s. Today, it has grown to be...

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From being an online platform for people to publicly share their thoughts and feelings to becoming a powerful digital marketing tool, indeed, blogging has come a long way since it first started in the late 1990s. Today, it has grown to be a medium for millions of companies worldwide to reach a wider audience, including SEO reseller agencies.

Why you need a company blog?

“Content is King.” This is the reason your company needs a blog.

The more relevant and useful your blog posts are, the more it can help increase your company’s online presence.

Improve your SEO efforts.

When the Google Panda update was rolled out, the search engine giant put more emphasis on on-site content, which makes visitors stay longer on a website. If the bounce rate is high, Google considers the site to have poor quality content.

By providing fresh, targeted content through blog posts that provide useful information to users, your site will rank higher on the search engine page results (SERPs).

The more content that provides valuable information you have on your site, the more pages will be indexed by search engines, improving its organic search visibility. In return, it increases website traffic, improving your site’s Google ranking.

Humanize your brand.

Blog posts allow your company to touch on certain subjects that matter to your target audience. You’ll be able to share your thoughts and insights on certain issues and concerns, humanizing your brand in the process.

An SEO reseller business can write blog posts that answer common questions about the services they offer. Writing about how important search engine optimisation is, for example, helps convince other companies to hire the company to do their SEO for them.

In a way, blogging will provide businesses to share their voice, show their personality, and build up trust.

Increase traffic through inbound links.

Backlinks still play a crucial role in improving a site’s position on Google. High-quality content can attract backlinks from authority sites.

If you have blog posts, say about SEO reseller services, that provide relevant information to users, you’ll rank higher on Google. The more website traffic you have, the more authority it will gain. When that happens, other authority sites will be more than willing to exchange links with you.

What do you get out of backlinks? Inbound links can direct readers from other sites to your website. This is an organic way of increasing traffic to your pages.

Boost social media marketing efforts.

A lot of companies, including those offering white label SEO services, post other people’s content on their social media accounts. This is a great way to increase engagement.

But wouldn’t it be better to be sharing your own posts?

Aside from showing your business’ personal side, blog posting will also be an effective way to increase traffic to your website.

You can also share your blog posts through your newsletters. Readers appreciate useful content, so they will be more than willing to explore the rest of your site or take a desired action through your posts.

Grow your following.

Once there are a good number of people who are aware that your site provides good quality information about relevant subjects, your site and brand will become an authority. When that happens, users will see your site as one that’s worth following, generating more traffic to your site.

Writing a new blog post

Creating content for your own blog increases traffic to your website. But if you want to have more exposure to a relevant audience, your company should also consider guest posting on other blogs.

Why should you start guest posting?

SEO reseller companies that engage in guest blogging on other websites will be able to better their inbound marketing strategy.

Gaining more following on your website through guest posting can also generate more revenues for your business in the long run. This is because the more people visit your site, the more chances you’ll have of making a sale.

How does guest blogging work?

Know your market.

To be on top of your game, you need to know who your market is. Keep in mind that you’re writing for a specific group of people to answer a specific need. Research on the right kind of people to target. That way, you can be sure that they are already looking for the kind of content or information that you can provide.

Knowing your market well will help you reduce the risks. Researching will help identify the things that your target audience is actually looking for in a product or service.

If you are an SEO reseller company, for example, you’ll know which websites your target market usually visit. In other words, the better you understand your ideal customer, the better the content you’ll be able to provide.

Identify a target goal.

What exactly do you want to achieve with your guest blogging?

Do you want to generate more leads?

Use guest posting to grow your own blog through backlinks. Links from other authority sites will increase traffic to your own site. As a result, you’ll have more leads. And by creating good quality content about your SEO reseller program, for example, you’ll be able to convert these clicks into sales.

Write engaging and relevant topics.

Pick an awesome topic

In order to entice visitors of the blogs you guest post for into clicking on the links to your own site, you have to create interesting and helpful articles.

Don’t know what to write?

One simple way to determine an awesome topic is to scan through the archives of the blog you want to write for. Find a great topic that you can improve or write from a different angle.

Build a relationship with the blog owner/editor.

Once you find a good number of excellent websites/blogs to guest write for, you’ll want to start reaching out to the owners or editors. Remember, the good ones can only accept a few guest posts per month. This is why you should build relationships with them first.

Start by getting to know the site first. Unless you’re already a follower, you need to invest your time in knowing what they are all about. Then, leave relevant and engaging comments on their existing posts, whether on social media or their blogs. Be sure not to look spammy, though.

Once you’ve had a few interactions between you and the site owner/editor, send an email showing your appreciation for something that they published online. You may do this a couple of time before pitching your guest post idea.

After you’ve established rapport with the owner/editor, you can then pitch your proposal to guest post. Keep your email short and concise. Keep the tone professional and enticing without sounding too salesy.

Saving Yourself from All That Trouble

Guest posting can be a tedious task. But, you can save yourself from all that hard work by using a white label SEO company to do it for you.

SEO resellers can take some of the burdens of your business by providing services that help improve your Google ranking. This means that you can enjoy the benefits of an optimized business website without having to deal with hiring additional employees or spending money on training the existing ones.

The post SEO Reseller: What Can Blogging Actually Do for Your Business? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Tips to protect your PC from online threats Sat, 10 Mar 2018 02:27:47 +0000 Antivirus is a must for every computer.  There are personal details stored on computer which are vital in others hand. Hackers and keyloggers use this information to steal money and create collateral damage. Most of the antivirus has handy features that make...

The post Tips to protect your PC from online threats appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Antivirus is a must for every computer.  There are personal details stored on computer which are vital in others hand. Hackers and keyloggers use this information to steal money and create collateral damage. Most of the antivirus has handy features that make it easier for you to tackle online threats. Anti viruses like Kaspersky Lab, Avira, Norton Security and Trend Micro are easily available online at a reasonable price, and for which there are many sites which offer discounts on antivirus, you can check Norton coupon code for discounts on antiviruses.

To avoid such instance here are few tips about antivirus feature which are to be used. Features like On-Access Scanning, Heuristic Scanning, Scheduled Scanning and On Demand Scanning can make a difference to your computers safety.

On-Access Scanning is feature that scans your files repeatedly.  Whenever there is file downloaded the antivirus scans it for virus and verifies it. Also viruses move from one file to another constantly this feature can prevent it from happening.

Heuristic Scanning detects and catches new viruses.  Whenever a new virus is identified the antivirus scans the computer whether it has infected any files.

Scheduled Scanning helps you to scan the computer on a specific time and specially when you are not working on the computer. Especially it becomes easier with scheduled scanning as it slows down the computer when you are working.

On Demand Scanning is you can scan the computer when instantly if you feel that the computer is infected and not programming like usual. This feature enables you to perform scan and make sure nothing is wrong with the computer.

These are basic feature which are required in an antivirus. There are other features which help protect the computer against virus, like email Scans, Script Blocking and Auto Clean.

There are other threats that can infect you computer, types of malware and solutions to avoid it.

Spyware gathers information about someone without their knowledge and is shared with others without their consumers consents. Spyware consists mainly Trojans, adware, system monitors and tracking cookies, to keep this from infecting your pc there is spyware blocking available in market.

There is standalone malware known as worm which replicates itself and spreads into the computer by infecting available space on drive. To avoid this from affecting your computer, the security updates and patches needs to be constantly updated.

Rootkit is software which allows viruses to hide in plain sight which sometimes replaces vital executables. Once this infects your computer there is no other option than to format your whole hard disk and reinstall everything.

to avoid all of the above keep constant check on security updates and install antivirus to keep your pc safe from unwanted malware.

The post Tips to protect your PC from online threats appeared first on Tech Web Space.

7 No-Nonsense Tips That Will Help You Crush Your Next Guest Post Wed, 24 Jan 2018 05:47:27 +0000 Jeeves the butler once said, “The mood will pass sir.” He was talking about trousers. Yet, his words could easily be applied to guest posting. Matt Cutts, a prominent Google employee wrote an article titled, “The Decay and Fall of Guest Blogging...

The post 7 No-Nonsense Tips That Will Help You Crush Your Next Guest Post appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Jeeves the butler once said, “The mood will pass sir.” He was talking about trousers. Yet, his words could easily be applied to guest posting. Matt Cutts, a prominent Google employee wrote an article titled, “The Decay and Fall of Guest Blogging for SEO.” What could be more authoritative than an article straight from the horse’s mouth? Guest blogging has to be all washed up; except it isn’t.

Guest blogging and SEO are still like ham and eggs (if done correctly, of course). The mood against guest posting has passed. Guest posting still works; here are seven handy tips for guest posters.

Know the Best Blogs to Ask

Some blogs are more responsive to guest posting than other blogs. If a blog has mentioned your business (or you) on their website, then you’re in like Flynn. Well, at the very least, you have a unique angle for your cold email. If a website asks for guest posts, that’s a good place to start. Of course, some websites accept guest posts, but they don’t advertise the fact. If you read their latest blog posts, you can check out the author bios and check for guest posters. It’s a little easier if you’re not the first, particularly if the blog is on the popular side.

Learn Useful Skills and Follow Instructions

Webmasters who solicit guest posts often have rules for guest posters. For example, they may want you to post the article in WordPress. Or they may want you to include quality screenshots or infographics. Sometimes the instructions are as simple as a minimum word count.

If you have these skills, it makes acquiring guest posts a little easier. Every website has their own set of rules, but there is one general rule that will take you a long way. The website ProBlogService says, “Your piece needs to be unique.” Many places follow this maxim. Writing unusual, unorthodox, and unconventional pieces are the key to success.

Send Personalized Cold Emails

Cold emails can be efficacious or worthless, depending on how they are used. The crux of the matter is balancing quality with volume. If you send someone a generic email, an email that doesn’t address them personally, then you are far likelier to be ignored. On the other hand, writing custom emails for every single outreach takes a substantial amount of time.

A good compromise is creating a custom template and filling that template with unique information (that shows you researched their blog) for every single outreach. Your response rates will go through the roof. Beginners should benchmark successful cold email writers. This article has well-written cold emails; it’s a good place for you start.

Avoid Blatant Self-Promotion

Guest posts aren’t advertisements. Leave the self-promotional stuff for the author bio. Instead, look to provide value with in-depth or unique info. For instance, one way to stand out from the crowd is to get an interview with an industry expert. Or you can outsource your usual blog writing to a content marketing agency, a move which will free up time for you to write your guest post. Whatever you do, be riveting. As Growth Lab says, “Put your best material into the guest post.” The website suggests video, graphics, lots of research- whatever it takes to enthrall your audience.

Link to Their Material

Webmasters love being linked to, even when you’re guest posting for them. So, it’s always a good idea to throw in a few links. That doesn’t just include their own website; you can also link to guest posts they have written, a move which should earn you some extra brownie points.

Leave a Good CTA

Provide your readers with a thought-provoking question they can comment on. As a guest poster, your writing will be read by new people. If you can get these readers to comment, then you’re on your way to building a relationship. Make sure you respond to every comment; you can even look to add commenters on social media (if they aren’t anonymous).

Social media is all about relationships, so fearlessly connect with readers whenever you can. Some far-reaching advice that will help you acquire more comments can be found on Smartblogger.

Send a Thank You Note

Speaking of fostering relationships, you should always thank the webmaster that allowed you to guest post. It keeps the line open in case you want to guest post there again. You should even check in from time to time if you don’t want to guest post. You never know what life will bring.

You Can Get Paid for Guest Posting

Did you know you can even get paid for a guest post? Take a gander at 121 blogs that lets you get paid for guest posts. For those of you that have guest posted, what’s the highest number of comments you received in a post? Share your number below.

The post 7 No-Nonsense Tips That Will Help You Crush Your Next Guest Post appeared first on Tech Web Space.
