BEN HUNT, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 27 Apr 2018 16:23:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BEN HUNT, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Some Useful Tips for Every Blogger Fri, 27 Apr 2018 05:01:56 +0000 Have you ever wondered why certain write-ups get thousands of likes while others don’t even get a second look by readers? The answer is obvious…it all borders on the blog and how the content is written. It doesn’t take more than a...

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Have you ever wondered why certain write-ups get thousands of likes while others don’t even get a second look by readers?

The answer is obvious…it all borders on the blog and how the content is written.
It doesn’t take more than a flicker to spot bad writing. And there’s nothing more frustrating to readers than when an article or blog is poorly executed.

But then on the author’s side, it might also be overwhelming when every effort at crafting a truly unique and fascinating piece, is yielding very little dividends in the end.

Bad writing is the worst thing that can possibly happen to any writer. And sometimes, the harder you try to get it right, the worse it becomes.

Whether you’re a webmaster who likes doing his own thing or a blogger who prefers writing for others, you will agree that there’s nothing more satisfying than when readers enjoy your content. The tips below will help you create exciting content but also one that engages your readers and keeps them coming back for more.

Write in a friendly manner

When writing, always make your readers feel like you know them. Let them feel like a friend is talking to them. Avoid writing a general article that has no personal connection with your audience like those written in the academic world.
Try using words that sound personal such as “I”, “we” or “you”. These words sound both personal and friendly. And since they are part of your daily vocabulary, there’s no reason not to use them on your blog.

Believe it or not, there’s no easier way to engage your readers directly.

Be yourself when writing

When you write, don’t try to borrow a tone that is not yours.

Your interest is to write the same way you speak. And to achieve that, you must learn to write in a conversational tone even if you don’t have to use complete sentences.

In other words, those things you would naturally leave out in a casual conversation shouldn’t also have any place in your writing. Remember what a blog is; don’t try to bore your readers with an encyclopaedia or a long lecture.
You should make them feel like you are speaking directly to them and if possible, they should have an opportunity to respond.

Use Main Categories to organize your content

No doubt, you are going to have content piling up as your blog gets older. As a result, you would have a lot of labels to go with these articles.

One way to make it easier for users to find the content they are looking for is to group your blog labels into categories. Streamline the long boring list of subcategories and make things shorter and easier for both you and your readers.

Keeps things fresh by changing your blog layout regularly

A makeover might not sound like pizza, but it’s definitely one way you could spice things up.

Without changing the way things look every once in a while, your readers will eventually get bored of seeing the same layout every time. And sooner or later, your blog will look no better than a “cliché”…it’s just like putting every new wine you make in the same bottle.

So try to make things fresh as you are delivering fresh content. You don’t need to reformat your entire website; a few changes here and might be all you need.

Let your readers know who you are

Many bloggers still don’t know about the essence of an “About Me” page. Don’t make the same mistake.
As a blogger, one of your prime targets is to establish a lasting relationship with your readers and as a starter, you should have an About Me page.

The page should contain information about you (who you are), what your business is all about, your brand (if you have any), what you do, and more importantly the purpose for your blog.

Don’t leave the footer space empty

Chances are that not every one of your visitors will make it to the footer zone of your blog. But for those that eventually do, it’s always nice to leave something behind to keep them staying longer.

You can feature links to popular posts, ads, affiliate products, contact or even archives.

Take it from a professional blogger, a less crowded footer is far better than an empty one.

Get visitors to comment on your content

One of the best ways to engage your audience and find out what they think about your blog is through comments.
When writing, try to encourage your readers to leave a comment. It could be a question, a contribution, an idea, or anything. Just try and get them involved.

By doing so, you will not only have a better plan as to what to write about but also how to go about it.

Get noticed on other blogs

No matter where you are in your chosen niche(s), there would always be people who seem to be doing things better.
You can learn from them and also earn their respect by participating in their blogs. Try to leave a comment when you read a nice post. It could be a question or a contribution.

By doing so, you will not only engage the owner of a blog, you can also earn their respect and that of others visiting the blog.

Who knows? Your content may interest some people and get them clicking over to your own blog.

Promote your brand on social media

It’s very difficult for any business or brand to completely thrive in today’s digital world without a presence on social media.

So in order not to feel like you’re not doing everything to promote your brand, make sure you exploit various social media platforms to increase your readership.

Keep learning

No man is an island, especially when it comes to something as creative as blogging.
Don’t ever get comfortable even if you’ve passed the viral threshold.

Keep improving yourself by learning new blogging skills. There are lots of courses and resources out there that can help you achieve that.

You may also want to take classes in design, business, photography and others. Learning is the only guaranteed way to remain “relevant”.

The post Some Useful Tips for Every Blogger appeared first on Tech Web Space.
