Subhodip, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Tue, 08 Oct 2019 05:47:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Subhodip, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 How an Integrated Campaign for Digital Marketing Helps Your Business? Mon, 10 Dec 2018 12:47:40 +0000 The digital world has taken industries by storm in the last decade. Your business’ success today largely depends on how efficiently you manage its digital presence. Over time, the virtual platform has evolved, including various modules that can potentially impact a business’...

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The digital world has taken industries by storm in the last decade. Your business’ success today largely depends on how efficiently you manage its digital presence. Over time, the virtual platform has evolved, including various modules that can potentially impact a business’ performance. These mainly include:

  • Content Marketing
  • SEM
  • SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Digital Display Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing

Following a step-by-step guide to executing all of them separately and perfectly not only becomes tiring but also a fairly impossible target to achieve.

Nonetheless, your business needs to project the required expertise to gain the spotlight. It would gain better digital proficiency by implementing an integrated strategy rather than perfecting each module. And who can do it better than a professional content marketing agency?

Invest your resources in hiring the best agency to get an integrated strategy for your business right. This integration has potentially resulted in creating a remarkable digital presence for many businesses.

The integrated process of digital marketing!

The process of integrated digital marketing involves content creation as the key player. Hiring a company that provides professional blog writing services, thus, gains considerable significance. Other digital elements like social media, emails, optimisation processes, etc. support in implementing the strategy. It effectively expands the business’ customer base.

A light on the integrated factors and how they will function:


Creation of quality content relevant to your field of operation is necessary. It will create authority, establish trust and build higher audience engagement for your business. Offering content with relevant information useful to your reader base can also convert them into brand advocates. These evangelists would love to spread the word for your business.

So, how do you do it? Get professional help from a content marketing agency. It would not only help you create the right content but also make sure it effectively reaches your target audience through different digital marketing tools like optimisation, paid social media marketing, affiliate marketing and many more.

2. Social media

Social media helps you reach the target group that may be willing to share feedback related to your business. They may not be necessarily interested in interacting with you here. However, people are known to share honest feedback and opinions on a social media platform. So, you can get the genuine opinion of customers regarding your business through questions posted by your content marketing agency. You also get a valuable sneak-peek into what aspects of your products or services need improvement.

3. Email

It is a more personal way of reaching out to your existing customers as well as the target audience. It is also considered as one of the best communication tools available to carry out digital marketing campaigns. Through email, you can inform the subscribers regarding a new feature or service you are going to offer. It also helps in following up your prospects and sending them personalised reminders related to the offer.

4. Advertisements

When it comes to promotion, paid advertisements have proven to be effective in speeding up the campaigns and obtaining early results. The integrated campaign for digital marketing gains maximised ROIs with the help of these advertisements.

5. Search results

It is one of the most powerful and effective methods of getting organic web traffic. All your hired content marketing agency does is work the on-page SEO right. They closely follow Google algorithmic updates and create content accordingly. It has helped many websites feature high on the SERPs.

Top tips to implement an integrated digital marketing crusade –

  • Start with content creation! Publish content that can answer the queries and demands of the public. The agency providing blog writing services knows the industry better and can conduct intensive keyword research to reach your target audience.


  • Include variations in your content. Instead of using plain text at all times, take the help of blog writing services to include Infographics, Podcasts, videos, MEMEs, and other content formats.


  • Create engagement on social media by asking questions, suggestions or creating quizzes. It will help generate popularity among followers and gain new ones.


  • Test the tolerance level of your market, know the balance and send a mix of informative content and promotional messages accordingly. With the help of a content marketing agency, you can strike the right balance in mixing the two and achieving your goal.

An integrated strategy for digital marketing helps you generate leads, convert them into customers and gain market credibility for your business. It also increases your brand value simultaneously. So, wait no more to hire an agency that supports you in your digital marketing campaigns to implement this integrated strategy effectively!

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Know 5 Major Mistakes in Different Types of Content Writing and How to Fix Thu, 05 Jul 2018 11:17:42 +0000 In writing online content, a writer needs to follow a particular set of rules as it encircles various types of styles. For instance, writing a social media post will be way different from forming an informative article. On the other hand, a...

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In writing online content, a writer needs to follow a particular set of rules as it encircles various types of styles. For instance, writing a social media post will be way different from forming an informative article.

On the other hand, a web page description is entirely dissimilar from that of a blog. However, people tend to make a lot of writing mistakes without being aware or simply due to few confusions.

Scroll further to check 5 common mistakes writer commits in their contents:

Failing to maintain a tone for each content

Content can be in the form of an article, blog, webpage, press release and a plethora of other options. To get acquainted with these varieties of content needs time and practice.

One needs to learn the difference of tone among the following types:

  • An article demands an informative tone to circulate news, academic writings, research results etc.
  • Blog, on the contrary, have an informal structure.
  • A press release is an official statement and has to have a formal tone.
  • A web page description needs to be flawless without any usage of jargons.

However, many amateur writers suffer from a sheer confusion while maintaining a tone and result in delivering the poor quality of work. In professional writing, keeping a proper tone is essential.

Different content writing companies provide blog writing services, articles and a pool of other forms.

No Optimization of the content

Often companies or websites in the posts fail to follow basic search engine optimisation rules. Hence, the published contents can’t generate adequate traffic in the sites.

Hiring efficient technical writing services will serve the purpose of delivering SEO optimised content. This, in turn, will show a direct impact on website ranking.

Redundancy is a serious crime

Mentioning the same thing multiple times is a grave mistake seen in a lot of posts. Providing ineffective information merely makes a content thin, ranking it low in the search engine.

Professional writing service knows the trick and can provide quality write-ups retaining all information in an appropriate structure.

Forgetting the reader

There are innumerable write-ups available on the World Wide Web without having any target audience. Companies need to have extensive research and understand the audience’s need before posting contents online.

Underestimating the power of proofreading

A lot of writers ignore the task of proofreading and end up giving vague contents with lots of careless errors. So, avoidance of editing and proofreading also fall under the chief writing mistakes umbrella.

It is no rule that a writer has to outfit diamonds in the first draft itself. Therefore, the best advice is:

  • Have an outline of the topic
  • Make a draft
  • Write a post
  • Edit
  • Proofread

Hopefully, following this train of simple steps will beneficial for one and all irrespective of variants of write-ups.

Bottom Line

Writing is not a child’s play; hence a lot many people tend to make writing mistakes unintentionally.

However, getting content writing services can be the best choice as they serve fresh content for websites with no flaws. It is not to forget; the agencies write both for humans and search engines.

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Why Should Businesses Hire a Content Marketing Agency for Boosting Their SEO? Mon, 21 May 2018 03:12:14 +0000 If you’re an online business owner, you surely know how vital Search Engine Optimization is for maintaining your brand face. SEO is the key to helping your brand gain both online and offline customers. If on-page SEO is done properly, it will...

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If you’re an online business owner, you surely know how vital Search Engine Optimization is for maintaining your brand face.

SEO is the key to helping your brand gain both online and offline customers. If on-page SEO is done properly, it will build more conversion rates for your website by making it rank higher on the SERP.

As a result, it’ll build brand awareness amongst your audience who’ll soon convert into loyal customers, both online and offline.

However, to boost your brand, a strong SEO presence is essential. So, who can build your SEO? Well, a content marketing agency, of course! Now, before discussing why businesses should hire these companies to boost SEO, let’s see how content marketing helps in optimization.

How does content marketing help SEO? Are there any benefits?

Search Engine Optimization is how a website is enhanced to rank relevantly higher in search results. Again, content marketing is a part of inbound marketing that involves channelizing a user to a website by offering them engaging contents.

Now, both of these may seem different, but using a proper content marketing strategy for SEO is how a website can rank better. Here are the notable benefits of content marketing for Search Engine Optimization –

  1. Well crafted contents equal to more keyword
  2. Google prefers good quality contents and this is where professional content writers can help.
  3. Interesting contents, engaging blogs or uniquely written articles can hold readers on a page longer.

Now, coming to the topic at hand:

Why should businesses hire a content marketing agency for boosting SEO?

SEO Graph

Truth is, achieving the best SEO results is complex. However, a reliable content marketing company can help SEO in the following ways:

1. Engaging contents

Choosing to avail content writing services from a leading agency will offer you appealing contents. Now, these write-ups can build your Google’s customer base as most people look up for information on products and services on the internet.

Moreover, as Google holds a reputation for serving users excellent write-ups, unique contents are essential to promote good SEO practices.

2. Will keep updating fresh contents

New and original contents are what Google keeps searching for in order to determine website rankings. Therefore, if you avail the help of a leading content agency, they’ll make sure to update already posted contents as and when required.

Moreover, the best content writing companies, apart from editors and writers, have social media strategist along with SEO analyst.

As a result, they use the latest content marketing trends which can benefit your SEO, and in turn, make your page gain prominence in any social and online platforms.

3. Proper Keyword optimization

Developing SEO content is all about creating ‘Searchable’ contents, and users use keywords for searching.

So, contents must integrate keywords in such a way, that they seem natural and smooth. If you’re looking to get some help, these marketing agencies in San Francisco are some of the best out there.

As Google is becoming more optimized to pick up key phrases, quality contents maintaining proper keyword density have a chance of ranking higher in SERP.

4. Wise use of Social media integration

Social media is a primary part of content marketing. Moreover, most businesses use social media as a means for promotion today.

Therefore, if you hire the best content agency, they’ll have a social media strategist to guide you. Your contents will be framed in such a way, that they’ll rank high on social platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. This will boost your website traffic and increase chances of users interacting with your site and backlinking it.

Therefore, just like a proper infrastructure leads to building an attractive house, avail the best content marketing agency to create a strategy for boosting your SEO. Watch your brand rule the SERP!

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The Best Marketing Tool Out There: Social Media Marketing Tips Wed, 25 Apr 2018 02:16:29 +0000 Social media marketing is vital to the success of any modern business, it is estimated that the spending would reach 17.34 billion dollars by the end of 2019 Using social media as a marketing tool may seem like a daunting task, but...

The post The Best Marketing Tool Out There: Social Media Marketing Tips appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Social media marketing is vital to the success of any modern business, it is estimated that the spending would reach 17.34 billion dollars by the end of 2019

Using social media as a marketing tool may seem like a daunting task, but there are a few ways to use the platforms effectively; here is a list of social media marketing tips to propel the business to a next level.

#1 Creating a marketing strategy:

Most new businesses make the mistake of blindly jumping into social media marketing without developing a sound strategy. Deciding the target audience will allow reaching a particular demographics. This helps to establish curated content for specific social media platforms.

For example, only 18% of Instagram users are older than 50 years of age, while the number almost quadruples when it comes to Facebook. This means marketing in Instagram will result in reaching a younger demographic. Whereas LinkedIn offers employment and business-oriented services, catering to an entirely different users base. Businesses those provide service in LinkedIn markets their products targeting working professionals and business.

This shows the difference between platforms, and why it is essential to have different strategies for each of them.

#2 Promotion and visibility:

Staying visible is the very first rule of effective marketing. The more people come across a post, the better. It will always be a good idea to try to give the advertisement more shares than its competition.

An excellent social media plugin can be used to make sure that the social media post is visible to everyone when they are browsing the web. Most of the plugins are customizable with images and texts and are mobile friendly; they also work with e-commerce sites for product descriptions.

Marketing in facebook

#3 Visual storytelling:

Images act like a shortcut to the human brain. It’s also fun to share colorful, interesting posts, and research suggests people are more likely to share a social media post with pictures and videos, than a text-only post.

Websites like YouTube have become immensely popular. Companies have turned their advertisements into small clips to add in the main video. This shows the popularity of audiovisual platforms and their advantages as a marketing tool.

#4 Making a routine:

A consistent posting schedule ties directly back with the marketing plan. One should outline a few key factors.

  1. How often a post should be published (once every day being the absolute minimum).
  2. What type of content is being published (whether it’s a blog or pictures or a video).
  3. Why influencers and followers will be intrigued.

An average user likely follows thousands of other people. It is easy to get lost in the crowd if the content is not updated as often as the competition. It is one of the best social media marketing tips out there.

#5 Customer voice and feedback:

A company that can flaunt the positive voice of its customers has the most trusted followers. Millennials have become immune to paid advertisements. People want to see genuine reviews and product description, whether it made the customer happy, or not.

The other way to impress the online community is to respond to what they have to say in social media. Such engagement will bring more and more people as they will see that the brand values the customer.


#6 Building relationships:

The life of social media is people, people who go through their daily life like everyone else. One of the key social media marketing tips is to build a relationship with the end user.

Offering value, knowledge; inspiring communities to connect with the company with a common goal of achieving an objective will prove to be a very useful marketing strategy. Keeping in touch with the customer and offering them the solution is equally important.

#7 Buying services:

A staggering number of new and old businesses are looking at paid advertising via social media post to achieve the desired target. While social media marketing can be an organic play, but it is not only limited to that.

The industry average of spending on paid social media is about $200 to $350 every day. However, one crucial thing to remember is that all platforms have their strengths and weaknesses. An easy way to handle this is to hire a content writing agency, and they will take care of the platform-centric details on behalf of the business.

Social media started as a socializing platform and evolved into a powerful marketing tool. It plays a major role in connecting marketers with customers. With 2.80 billion global social media users in 2017 and a staggering 37% penetration, it has the potential to launch a company sky-high. These social media marketing tips will surely help to boost business.

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