When you are out to choose a hosting service, many options might be there. But you should you pick just anyone? No! You should be clear with your needs first:
What Are You Expecting From The Hosting?
You need to have a clear cut requirement that needs to be met with hosting you choose:
- Are you looking for dedicated computing resources?
- Is your site opening slowly and you are looking for more bandwidth?
- Are you looking for more security?
You need to find answers to questions like these which will allow you to be clear with what you need. Once you know it, you can look into the specifications of the various hosting plans and select the most suitable ones. However, dedicated server prices in India are headed dedicated server hosting:
Server Resources Are Not Shared
When you choose a dedicated server, you will get the entire resources of the server, and they will not be shared with any other website. So there are fewer worries with the servers CPU and the RAM. When you are on a dedicated server, you can remain sure that the spike in computing resources by other website is not going to affect your server.
Guaranteed Uptime
When you have chosen dedicated server hosting, it may be backed with an SLA and will include the resolution of the hardware failures. The hosting service provider has a team which offers support round the clock. This hosting choice ensures that you are assured of the high uptime.
Enhanced Performance
When you choose a dedicated hosting provider, it guarantees maximum uptime for your website. If you have a site which gets low to medium traffic, shared hosting is the best for you. However, if you have a website that gets a lot of traffic, the dedicated servers will provide enhanced stability and reliability. The biggest concern with shared hosting is a terrible neighbor. It means you will not be sharing the space with any malicious website or a potential spammer. It is indispensable for those sites which handle a high volume of financial transactions over SSL.
Dedicate IP Address
Every server has its IP address. It means when you have chosen a shared hosting plan; you are also sharing the IP address with thousands of sites. If one of the sites turns out to be an adult site, it will lead to a lower ranking on various search engines. But why should you do that in the first place when the dedicated server prices in India are low? With dedicated hosting, you get a dedicated server, which means that you will have your unique IP address. If you are running a large e-commerce site which requires SSL for processing the financial transactions, you must choose dedicated hosting without a second thought.
No Need to Purchase Hardware
You will surely want to focus on the critical areas of the business rather than maintaining the server which hosts your website. Why not leave this to the experts? When you choose a managed dedicated server hosting, it is a low-cost way to access the resources of the entire server. It is the responsibility of the hosting services provider to manage the server on a day to day basis.
Many site owners have their programming requirements. When you have a dedicated server, you have the freedom to configure it your way. It means you will control the server and the hosting environment to meet your needs perfectly.