Sunder Singh, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Wed, 15 Apr 2020 09:19:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sunder Singh, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 4 SEO Ranking Factors That Drive Better Results Wed, 15 Apr 2020 09:19:54 +0000 Search engine optimization, better known as SEO, is a type of content creation and management that makes your website and other pages easier to find online. By optimizing your posts for search engine algorithms, you can raise your page rankings to generate...

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Search engine optimization, better known as SEO, is a type of content creation and management that makes your website and other pages easier to find online. By optimizing your posts for search engine algorithms, you can raise your page rankings to generate more traffic and bring more organic attention to your brand.

White hat SEO practices revolve around the needs of your target market. These techniques make sure that your content is showing up in more relevant searches rather than simply a higher amount of searches. Meanwhile, black hat marketing focuses solely on search engine algorithms and how to create content to meet their ranking criteria.

1. Backlinks

Backlinking, or link building tactics, are a common SEO practice that raises your page rankings by getting websites that are more trusted by these search engines to link back to you. There are three key factors that you want to look at before trying to get any site to link to yours and those are their linking method, domain authority, and relevance to your offerings. By making sure that your links are generating SEO data, coming from highly-trusted sites, and reaching the right audience, you’ll be able to bring more, qualified leads to your pages.

Common link building tactics are guest posting, collateral creation, and broken link replacement. Guest posting is when you create linked content for a provider in your field that is not a direct competitor. Collateral creation is when you make content that is useful across your industry for others to share and use, collateral like this usually consists of research, whitepapers, or infographics. Finally, broken link replacement is when you search someone else’s website for links that do not work, then contact them offering a relevant piece of content that you made to replace it with.

2. Content Freshness

Keeping your content up to date is incredibly important for establishing yourself as a thought leader, raising your SEO rankings, and keeping your pieces relevant to your audience. Components such as statistics and regulations can quickly become outdated and making sure that these stay accurate will make a huge difference in your content’s audience impact.

Using a consistent posting calendar is also a great way to keep your content fresh. By becoming a reliable source for information that updates regularly, you can establish your site as a go-to space within your industry. In this same vein, creating content that is getting attention from your target audience is just as important. To do this, leverage keywords that your consumers use when looking for your services as well as longer key phrases, these are often referred to as long-tail inquiries.

3. Mobile Responsiveness & Page Speed

As phones become increasingly advanced, more people are using them to do their purchasing research and everyday internet searching. This means that not optimizing your website for mobile use translates into a significant opportunity loss and can drastically raise the bounce rates for your website. How difficult it is to navigate your site as well as how long it takes to load in any format is another reason many people give up before ever reading your content.

4. UX/UI

Always design your digital interfaces with your users in mind. UX/UI design is the practice of making your website easy to navigate, read, and become immersed in. Things like aggressive pop-ups, full-page takeovers, and other intrusive advertisements can anger your visitors and make them more likely to leave without purchasing which, in turn, increases your bounce rates. Be sure to streamline the way your website works to help consumers find the specific content and products they are looking for. This will help you get the most out of your digital presence.

Raising Page Rankings

SEO helps you raise the traffic, rankings, and effectiveness of your site simply by increasing your content output and quality. Achieving significant results through SEO practices takes steady and continuous work but its proven results make it absolutely worth the added time and effort. Bringing the best conversion rates out of your site is a complicated process that puts your company above the ever-growing noise in the digital world.

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Everything That You should Know about Cheap Web Hosting Wed, 20 Nov 2019 12:31:00 +0000 Cheap web hosting is more about affordable web hosting. Web hosting is the process where a business website registered online. A user can only access website online, if the website is hosts through an appropriate web host. Some web hosting services like...

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Cheap web hosting is more about affordable web hosting. Web hosting is the process where a business website registered online. A user can only access website online, if the website is hosts through an appropriate web host. Some web hosting services like Dedicating hosting is quite expensive and difficult to use during the initial level of business. Cheap web hosting services are mainly for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to expand in the world of trade.  

Some web hosts are cheap and easily affordable by everyone. Description of cheap web hosts mention below:

Shared web hosting: Shared hosting allows multiple files to utilize space on one server. Appropriate space provides to the website on a shared web server. If someone required more space than they have to pay the extra charge, then additional space would be provided. Shared hosting describes as cheapest and reliable web hosting. People who are running a startup are commonly using this server.

A person who hosts their website through the shared web server is not required to do the regular update, because the service provider manages it. However, website update is needed regularly, so the site ranking remains up to the mark.

Few advantages of shared web hosting:

  • It is the cheapest web host server so far.
  • Most companies have different levels of hosting available, so it is good to update the hosting package with time. It can provide an amazing experience to start a web hosting with shared web hosting.
  • A person who is using the services of shared web host doesn’t require looking into the technical things. All the technical updates and requirement observe by the service provider company.

Though the shared web hosting considers as cheapest web hosting, it comes with some limitation. There are some specific parameters needs to look while selecting a relevant web host.

Reliability and uptime:

It is quite important to check the time consume in loading a website. Generally, people don’t wait too long to explore a website unless the website is very important to visit. If the limited space provided on the server and data on the website is too much, then website uptime will affect, and it consumes time during website access. Eventually, uptime affects your website ranking, which is quite essential.

Bandwidth and storage:

A shared server can maintain a limited number of visitors on your website. Usually, the number is around 30,000. So, if you have designed your website very effectively and you are expecting a good number of visitors, then you might feel disappointed. Shared server won’t allow the unlimited visitors on your website because the bandwidth of the server might affect, and that leads to other technical problem.

Customer support:

You must keep this point on priority. No matter, which server you are going to select, their customer support services needs to be adequate. People who are experiencing all the things to the first time will have a lot of doubts and queries. Customer support services should address all the queries on time, so the workflow would not disturb. Thus, the web host must have reliable customer support.

Price variation:

Irrespective of product quality and type, their price varies from time to time. Same goes with web hosting. The web host also charges differently based on duration. People end up using a web server for many consecutive years. However, it is good to check all the price norms before choosing a web host so that you won’t experience surprise in pricing.

It is mandatory to spend time and money in selecting an appropriate web host. A web host is a tool that helps you to bring your business site online, which is necessary. However, money is usually a concern at the initial point of a business.

People always look for the cheap web hosting option to save money. It is not an inappropriate thought to go with a cheap web host. However, limitations are always there. If you believe, these limitations might hamper your work then it is wise to invest some money in using the appropriate services of featured web host. Get an appropriate idea of different web host then select one which can meet your expectation adequately.  

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Smart Home: Why Can’t You Do Without One? Mon, 08 Jul 2019 06:53:21 +0000 You might have heard about the fully automated home of billionaires. But do know that you can get one as well? The smart home is one which several devices automatically handle your tasks. Some are built into the structure itself; some can...

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You might have heard about the fully automated home of billionaires. But do know that you can get one as well? The smart home is one which several devices automatically handle your tasks. Some are built into the structure itself; some can be added later on. Homeowners can automate these devices with voice commands or by the use of artificial intelligence.

For some, turning a house into a smart-home can be as simple as buying a connected speaker. Then there are other homes it involves linking several products, including the speakers, cameras, computers, smartphones, televisions, security systems, appliances, and more. It needs the best smart home hub to connect these various devices and deliver a seamless experience.

In this post, you will come to know why you want to consider turning your own house into a smart-home. It has the potentials to make your home feel safe, energy efficient, and more comfortable to live in.


Why Do You Need a Smart Home?


Save Energy and Money

For many, the driving force behind creating a smart home has the potential to save money with automated heating and air-conditioning systems. With the use of the smart thermostat, cooling and heating of home are fully automated. It reduces electricity and the owner’s electricity bill. The other products, such as connected lights and appliances, use less energy by powering them down when not in use. It significantly reduces the electricity bill.  If you are planning for a smart-home, these products should be high on your list.


Better Security and Safety

When you buy the alarm systems to protect your home, the smart-homes can offer more security. Connected lights, cameras, and even doorbells make a much safer home.  When you are away from your home, and someone tries to break-in, then these devices may turn them away.


Handling Regular Homely Tasks

If you don’t want to undertake a few tasks of your home out of hands, connected and covered devices can help you here as well. There are automated vacuum cleaners which can help you in this. Then there are appliances which come with smart home functions. You can get a laundry machine which automatically starts wash-cycles and the most advanced refrigerators which automatically sense that the milk is low and order it online.


Make Your Home Entertaining

Your home will become very boring if there is not entertainment.  Latest is connected speakers. They can keep you entertained and also keep you informed in new ways. Connected speakers that can be combined with AI-based digital assistants can play the music, keep you updated about the scores and even help you control other devices as well. With the help connected devices, you can find a good film to watch either at home or in a real movie theater.



When you have the best smart home hub, you can connect many devices to the system and make your home fully automated.

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Data Mining: What Should You Know About It? Sat, 25 May 2019 09:05:48 +0000 The primary goal of data mining is to get the most of the data stored in the huge company databases. In the knowledge discovery process, the large set of data is analyzed to get hidden and useful knowledge.  Data mining and machine...

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The primary goal of data mining is to get the most of the data stored in the huge company databases. In the knowledge discovery process, the large set of data is analyzed to get hidden and useful knowledge.  Data mining and machine learning applications can be found in weather forecasting, medicine, transportation, healthcare, insurance, and the government.  But the use of data mining comes with issues like privacy, security, and information misuse.


How Is This Tech Being Used?

Data mining has found its way in many industries. Let’s see their applications:

Marketing Companies

The data mining helps the marketing companies in building the models on the historical data to identify the who will respond to the marketing campaigns like direct mailers, social media, etc. It allows marketers to have an appropriate approach to the selling profitable products to targeted customers.

Online Retail

The data mining brings a lot of benefits to the online retails companies through the market basket analysis. It may allow the store to have an appropriate production arrangement in a way that the customers can buy frequent buying products together with the pleasant. With proper mining, companies can offer discounts for certain products that will attract more customers.

Finance Vertical

With data mining, the financial institutions can get information about the loan amortization and the reports about the credit offtakes. With the help of the model from the historical customer data, they can quickly segregate the good loans from the bad ones. It can also help the banks and the financial institutions to timely detect the fraudulent credit card transactions to protect the card owner.

Manufacturing Industries

The data mining has found its applications in the operational engineering data. It allows the manufacturers to detect the faulty equipment to find the right parameters.  For instance, in the semiconductor industry, data mining has reduced the defects manifold.


Most taxing systems have gone online, and they are making the best use of data mining to identify the evaders and take appropriate corrective action to reduce the loss of the revenue.


Keep Objectives That Are Met By Data Mining

  • It increases customer loyalty. With the help of data mining, the companies have become smarter, and they can serve their customer base well by creating the appropriate segments. Loyalty programs can also be launched to make the customer buy more.
  • The companies who have been resorting to data mining want to discover the hidden profits locked in their databases. With the identification of the patterns and data mining helps in reducing the risks as well.
  • Data mining helps in more satisfied customers


Some Concerns Related to Data Mining

  • There have been concerns about personal privacy as data mining tries to find out more information about an individual or the company.
  • Security is another issue. There are many regulations which have been repealed because they were intruding privacy.



The opportunities emanating from data mining and machine learning are immense. But addressing the concerns should be a priority before reaping the benefits.

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Dedicated Server Hosting: Why Do You Need One? Fri, 24 May 2019 06:53:47 +0000 When you are out to choose a hosting service, many options might be there. But you should you pick just anyone? No! You should be clear with your needs first: What Are You Expecting From The Hosting? You need to have a...

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When you are out to choose a hosting service, many options might be there. But you should you pick just anyone? No! You should be clear with your needs first:

What Are You Expecting From The Hosting?

You need to have a clear cut requirement that needs to be met with hosting you choose:

  • Are you looking for dedicated computing resources?
  • Is your site opening slowly and you are looking for more bandwidth?
  • Are you looking for more security?

You need to find answers to questions like these which will allow you to be clear with what you need. Once you know it, you can look into the specifications of the various hosting plans and select the most suitable ones. However, dedicated server prices in India are headed dedicated server hosting:

Server Resources Are Not Shared

When you choose a dedicated server, you will get the entire resources of the server, and they will not be shared with any other website. So there are fewer worries with the servers CPU and the RAM. When you are on a dedicated server, you can remain sure that the spike in computing resources by other website is not going to affect your server.

Guaranteed Uptime

When you have chosen dedicated server hosting, it may be backed with an SLA and will include the resolution of the hardware failures. The hosting service provider has a team which offers support round the clock. This hosting choice ensures that you are assured of the high uptime.

Enhanced Performance

When you choose a dedicated hosting provider, it guarantees maximum uptime for your website. If you have a site which gets low to medium traffic, shared hosting is the best for you. However, if you have a website that gets a lot of traffic, the dedicated servers will provide enhanced stability and reliability. The biggest concern with shared hosting is a terrible neighbor. It means you will not be sharing the space with any malicious website or a potential spammer. It is indispensable for those sites which handle a high volume of financial transactions over SSL.

Dedicate IP Address

Every server has its IP address. It means when you have chosen a shared hosting plan; you are also sharing the IP address with thousands of sites. If one of the sites turns out to be an adult site, it will lead to a lower ranking on various search engines. But why should you do that in the first place when the dedicated server prices in India are low? With dedicated hosting, you get a dedicated server, which means that you will have your unique IP address. If you are running a large e-commerce site which requires SSL for processing the financial transactions, you must choose dedicated hosting without a second thought.

No Need to Purchase Hardware

You will surely want to focus on the critical areas of the business rather than maintaining the server which hosts your website. Why not leave this to the experts? When you choose a managed dedicated server hosting, it is a low-cost way to access the resources of the entire server. It is the responsibility of the hosting services provider to manage the server on a day to day basis.


Many site owners have their programming requirements. When you have a dedicated server, you have the freedom to configure it your way. It means you will control the server and the hosting environment to meet your needs perfectly.

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Domain Name Registration: What You Need to Know? Fri, 08 Mar 2019 06:44:32 +0000 The moment you plan to register a domain name, numerous things need to be considered. It has to be unique and should not be a look-alike to a favorite brand. The best thing is that you can register a domain even without...

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The moment you plan to register a domain name, numerous things need to be considered. It has to be unique and should not be a look-alike to a favorite brand. The best thing is that you can register a domain even without owning a company or a business.

But Should You Own One?

Whether you are a freelancer or a reputed business, you need to have a domain name. In the past, the prices were high but these days com domain price in India have plunged, and if you search for a new domain name price, you can get it for far less.

When you have a domain name, you can showcase your work. If you have been using social media to share the work, with the use of domain name, you can submit it Google, and with some SEO efforts, it can rank on the first page. You can have your blog as well to share the various aspects of your product or service.

Branding is crucial whether it is online or offline and when you have your domain name, you can brand the same properly. Whether you sell only one product or numerous services, branding is crucial and having a website is the best way to do so.

Then you will have the option to own an email-id with the name of the domain as well. It will not just give a professional feel but will also help you get a better response than open source mail providers.

How to get one Registered?

If you have finalized a domain name then registering it somewhat simple. Here is how you may go about it:

Checking the Uniqueness- Numerous hosting providers on the internet offer web-hosting services, and you can use the domain name generator to find whether the domain name that you have finalized is “available” for sale, or it has been already purchased by someone else.

Buying the Domain Name- Okay now you have an available domain name, the next step is to purchase the same. You can quickly get the same in a few thousand bucks.

Some Tips to Have a Perfect Domain Name Are…

  • Brand Matters- An excellent way to make your domain name work is to have it by the name of the brand. It means you should avoid using hyphens and numbers as they can make the things look messy.
  • Easily Pronounceable- If the name is not easy to pronounce, it becomes very challenging to remember it later on. An easy way to understand this point is by asking this question, “How many domain names which you visit can be recalled perfectly?”
  • Dotcom is popular-  There are numerous TLDs which you can choose from but the most popular one in “.com” which you should prefer.


With com domain price in India headed southwards, you should consider having your website to showcase your work.

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Want to Choose Best Web Host? Learn how! Fri, 08 Feb 2019 06:36:37 +0000 Before choosing the best web hosting from any provider, you need first to find out what your exact needs are. Then you should select a plan which fits your needs perfectly:   How to Determine Your Technical Needs Then? Here are some...

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Before choosing the best web hosting from any provider, you need first to find out what your exact needs are. Then you should select a plan which fits your needs perfectly:


How to Determine Your Technical Needs Then?

Here are some questions which you need to ask to find out the severe need of the hosting plan. Do you plan to start a blog or are you looking for a specific blogging platform like WordPress? Are you a tech-savvy or are you a beginner? If you aren’t a technical expert, then you should consider a host which allows you to create a website. In this way, you can create a host without any know-how. Do you need a visual panel like the cPanel to install the software and the updates? Are you looking for an e-commerce platform to sell the products and receive the payments online?


What Kind Of Growth Are You Expecting?

Web hosts often have various rates depending on the traffic your site gets and the space your site occupies. You should choose a plan that meets the growing needs of your site perfectly. If you are witnessing a high number of visitors on the site, then you should prefer a plan that offers high bandwidth. If you choose a plan, you may have to upgrade it shortly.  You should gauge the growth statistics of the website to arrive at the best hosting plan.


Know the Difference between Various Hosting Options

Most of the hosting provider offers the following types of plans:

  • Shared Hosting- It is excellent for personal websites, bloggers whose sites are mainly text-based. If you are planning to use small e-commerce platforms, then only you can do well with the shared hosting. But you need to understand that your website will be hosted on a server which will host other sites as well. It means that you will be sharing the computing resources, hard-drive space, the CPU power, and the RAM. These plans come with programming language and database. Then if you are looking for specific software like WordPress, then you can get it in the plan.
  • Dedicated Hosting- It is ideal for large businesses with server administrators and those websites which witness high traffic or are resource intensive with a lot of customization needs. When you go for such hosting, you are taking a server which will be dedicated for your website only. In this form of hosting you will control every aspect of the site including maintaining all the databases and the applications which will be needed.
  • VPS Hosting- The VPS hosting is most suitable for those websites which witness modest traffic. In this form of hosting your site will be hosted on a virtual server whose resources will be used only for your website.


Key Features to Pay Attention

Before you decide on any of the options you should pay attention to what kind of features you are getting:

  • Computing Resources- You should pay attention to the resources which are a part of the plan. The good idea is to compare the various plans thoroughly, and they decide on a particular plan.
  • SSL Certificate-There is hosting providers that offer SSL certificate for free. If you plan to have an e-commerce site, then you should choose to such a plan that offers this certificate included in the hosting plan.
  • Customer Support- You should prefer a plan which offers support through all the channels like mail, chat, and phone.


In The End

You should understand what your needs are and then choose the best web hosting for your business.

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7 Reasons: Why Should You Go For VPS Hosting? Thu, 07 Feb 2019 02:09:34 +0000 Are you concerned that the website is unable to meet the expectations of your customers? One basic reason that may be behind the problem is the hosting that you might have opted for. There are numerous benefits and let’s take at them...

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Are you concerned that the website is unable to meet the expectations of your customers? One basic reason that may be behind the problem is the hosting that you might have opted for. There are numerous benefits and let’s take at them one by one, but let’s first see what is VPS hosting is all about?

Overview Of  VPS Hosting

VPS means virtual private server in which the physical server is partitioned into some spaces. Each dedicated virtual server is allocated to one customer. After the allocation, the customer has sole access to the computing resources of that virtual server. It is unlike a shared server in which some customers share the same resources in one server. Plenty of providers offer VPS hosting nowadays which might make your decision on picking the right one for you harder because you don’t want to make a mistake in loosing out on a service that might be better than the one you choose. This article will try to broaden your understanding of this subject and maybe help you out on choosing which provider is best for you.

Some reasons that make Windows VPS hosting indispensable are:


#1. More Control

In VPS hosting you get more control over your server. You are free to install applications and the software; you are free to implement the security measures and may also choose the operating you want. Thus you have complete control over the system.

#2. Better Security

Unlike shared hosting where the computing resources are shared across multiple clients, VPS offers better security as in one virtual machine there may be only one customer. It makes sure that security issues of one customer are not spilled over to the others.

#3. Economical Option

This hosting is more economical than other forms of the hosting. In fact, it is cheaper than the web hosting. In dedicated server hosting, a single computer is rented for the exclusive use, although you get the privacy, you have to foot a larger bill. It is slightly expensive than the shared hosting but is certainly cheaper than dedicated hosting.

#4. Portable

A common problem with the owned server is that to you can easily move your application from one server to the other. A proven benefit is portability of the application as the VPS accounts are managed by the images of the server. If there is an update in the server configuration, the hosting provider can move the image of the server with zero downtime.

#5. Better Performance

VPS hosting shows better performance than the shared hosting as the machine are used by other customers as well. So you will not be facing a shortage of CPU, memory, and bandwidth and you have been allocated the resources especially for you by the service provider.

#6. High Availability

Hardware failures are widespread, but small businesses can’t have expensive business continuity plans. With VPS you get high availability without spending money on buying extra hardware.

#7. Easily Scalable

You can’t predict how your business is going to perform in the future. If you go for dedicated server hosting, it may become a challenge but with VPS hosting you can easily scale the resources without spending too much.

In The End

These reasons are compelling enough to go for Windows VPS hosting without exceeding your budgets.

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7 Best Apps to Supercharge Your Business Operations Mon, 04 Feb 2019 08:09:18 +0000 There are a plethora of business-related apps out there, but not all of them are as efficient as they would like to make you believe. While some of these apps actually help with the day to day running of your business, most...

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There are a plethora of business-related apps out there, but not all of them are as efficient as they would like to make you believe. While some of these apps actually help with the day to day running of your business, most of them fall short of any realistic expectation. We have put together seven of the best apps that are sure to supercharge your business operations and significantly increase its productivity.

Below are seven apps that can enhance your business operation;


EMERGE is a detailed eCommerce & wholesale management package that introduces users to a multiple channel inventory management platform and accounting solution. EMERGE App can be used by wholesale distributors and eCommerce dealers. It also offers a flexible payment plan for different scales of businesses.

Furthermore, EMERGE App provides features for emerging businesses to deal with offline distribution and online eCommerce sales. The EMERGE App avails users the opportunity to efficiently handle sales thereby improving customer services.

With EMERGE App, you can set financial controls for each customer, document payment status and customers interactions. It also allows you to manage the business workflow from sales to delivery, and all the product information can be accessed from a single location. Additionally, the dropship feature also allows users to control purchases made.

Google Suite

Google app is a cloud-based suite that allows staff to connect from computers and Smartphones. Google Collaboration tool can help improve your business in several ways.

For instance, several tools can assist in documenting, video conferencing with good security for data protection. Google Calendar helps you record appointments, and this scheduling can be shared with your group members, with this tool you can send in meeting invitation and availability of co-worker.

Google docs can import and edit basic files such as Doc, Xls and Ppt files in its word processor, spreadsheet app and presentation tool respectively. More than one person can edit a file without losing alterations made. History of updates made are documented by Google; this can serve as a group note taking for conference call or presentation.

QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online is an accounting suite that is ideal for small businesses. It is easy to use and provides features like payroll, A/R and A/P, inventory reports and financial statements and does not require the operator to be a finance expert. QuickBooks also aids online banking by synchronizing with accounts from numerous financial institutions. QuickBooks Online gives you access to your account from mobile devices and harmonizes with many other apps for added functions.


Trello is an easy to use business tool that helps organizational skills and productivity of a team. It is one of the leading project management tools currently available on the market. Trello uses boards, which can represent projects and within the boards, there are cards which represent tasks.

The board contains a list that can be used to monitor the progress of a project or just used to group them. Well-integrated and reasonably priced, Trello is one of the most effective project management and collaboration system available.

Basic features of Trello includes; no cost for simple services, drag and drop functionality that helps with line editing and keeping track of ongoing projects with a project meter. Trello also has a data filtering option to help sort information. Also, Trello also helps with deadline reminders, email notification, voting features, assigning tasks, updating and archiving records.


Shopify is an award-winning eCommerce platform that employs different features and tool that assist businesses in creating and operating online stores as well as selling in person. Shopify also provides tools for offline retail services.

According to experts and business owners, Shopify is rated the best eCommerce solution there is. It offers easy and fast set up of an attractive and responsive online store, which is hosted by Shopify. This relieves you of the duty of running and maintaining the store with an all-day support system.

With Shopify, you can recover abandoned carts automatically, import catalogues, enjoy powerful marketing features and accessible reports with a payment system gateway you can manage.

Pipedrive for CRM

According to finance online, Pipedrive is the best CRM and sales pipeline management system for vendors and growing businesses. Pipedrive provides you with a summary of your sales and helps you concentrate on your preferred deals. The app is also very easy to use and manage.

Pipedrive allows you to integrate Google features and numerous other apps.  This app helps you distinguish between leads and important deals and proffers an individual approach for each of them instantly. With Pipedrive you can negotiate deals, promote your brand and update certain conditions. It also allows you switch from one module to another without any impact on service quality.

Pipedrive supports about thirteen languages and works with a wide range of currencies. Pipedrive also provides an affordable pricing plan for businesses running on a low budget.


Shipstation is a skilled eCommerce and shipping solution that avails online retailers the opportunity to import and manage their orders. It provides multiple selling channel system where users can import and integrate information with several shopping cart apps and marketplace.

Also, it includes integration for USPS, UPS, FedEx and DHL accounts. You can also have payment gateways, email provider and add your favourite shipping service. Shipstation provides custom branding services on package slips, shipping labels and shipping confirmation mail. Shipping rates are calculated and compared in real time, with return processing done with a single click.

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3 Website Maintenance Tips You May Not Know Fri, 16 Nov 2018 12:39:54 +0000 Your website is not something you create once, and then you are done. You need to keep an eye on its performance and do ongoing website maintenance to ensure they keep on doing the job you need them to do. To help...

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Your website is not something you create once, and then you are done. You need to keep an eye on its performance and do ongoing website maintenance to ensure they keep on doing the job you need them to do. To help you out, we have tried to introduce some tasks by how often you should perform them.

1. Test All Website Forms

If your website uses contact form plugins for your visitors to fill out, make sure all such forms work properly. At the same time, a suite of website monitoring tool can help you perform this task. Follow the step by step process to fill out all the forms on the website. Ensure that you try them on all the browsers and devices your visitors might use. If you think any of the form is not working pretty well, make sure you detect the issue and rectify it sooner than later.

2. Perform user testing

You spend a lot of time and money to develop a website which is intuitive to users and which can drive the kind of actions you want them to take. Uninterestingly, the way people use the site frequently changes. A website design that was good decades ago may not work well today for the same business.

In order to be sure that your website still makes intuitive sense for the target audience and work well on all devices people view on, use website monitoring tool to know website down alerts and mark time on the calendar to set usability testing once a year.

Try to invoice those people who are not linked to your business and can give a fresh eye to browse your website. Make sure your testing contains all browsers and device types visitors, so you get the full picture. The next thing is to create a maintenance schedule to make any updates your testing determines are necessary.

3. Check Security Updates

You might have heard about high-profile security breaches. Protecting your website from hackers should be your priority if you want to keep your data and customer’s details safe. And, it’s crucial for e-commerce businesses that deal with customer’s private data.

One of the most significant website maintenance practices you need to establish for security checking that you should check all your plug-ins, platforms, and scripts and make sure all of them are up to date. In general, when website developers release updates for these, it is only to enhance security or patching up a susceptibility they’ve found. Never delay making those updates, or you could end up with putting your website and visitors unnecessarily at danger.

Bottom line

Just like your home or car, maintenance of your website is a vital part of your business performance. But, it ensures that you are able to save your time, money and unwanted trouble in the long run. Among the most crucial thing is that you can use a website monitoring tool online for free that can send you alerts whenever the website is likely to go down.

The post 3 Website Maintenance Tips You May Not Know appeared first on Tech Web Space.
