Sonika Mehta, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Tue, 07 Jun 2022 14:43:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sonika Mehta, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 5 Free Customer Feedback Form Templates For Any Business Tue, 07 Jun 2022 14:43:51 +0000 Feedback forms are the most effective way to collect actionable customer feedback quickly. Some feedback forms get designed to collect swiftly many simple responses. Others intend to collect and organize detailed information. What Is A Feedback Form? Feedback forms or surveys are...

The post 5 Free Customer Feedback Form Templates For Any Business appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Feedback forms are the most effective way to collect actionable customer feedback quickly. Some feedback forms get designed to collect swiftly many simple responses. Others intend to collect and organize detailed information.

What Is A Feedback Form?

Feedback forms or surveys are a simple way to collect information from your customers.

They are essentially a series of questions designed to elicit the most essential information that can help you improve your business.

Feedback forms can collect data and valuable insights about how people perceive businesses‘ treatment of them in terms of products, services, and so on, which is why business owners rely heavily on them when developing strategies at all levels.

Here is an example of one of the customer feedback questions: 

“Did you like the quality of our product?”

Five free customer feedback form templates for any business

1. Customer satisfaction score template (CSAT) 

The Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score provides a simple and measurable way to evaluate your business. CSAT asks customers to rate their satisfaction from one to three or one to five. 

There are several advantages to using this type of customer feedback survey: 

  • Customers will find it simple to fill out
  • Easily quantifiable
  • Simple to compare to averages or year over year.
  • It gives both general and specific information.

This survey is ideal if you require the following information:

  • Quantifiable data to compare from year to year or month to month.
  • Data on the most critical aspects of your company.
  • Quickly gathering customer feedback.

How to create your CSAT feedback form template? 

It is simple to create your own CSAT feedback form. Decide what information you want to collect and why. What questions do you wish to have answered? What metrics do you want to track over time? 

Example of CSAT feedback form template: 

CSAT Feedback

2. Net promoter score template (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is similar to CSAT in that it asks a specific customer feedback question: “How likely are you to recommend our company?”

You can calculate overall NPS by subtracting the percentage of “detractors” (those who answered with a number between 0 and 6) from the percentage of “promoters” (those who responded with a nine or a ten). 

Because these are percentages, the total NPS score can range between 100 and -100. NPS correlates with other business metrics such as customer retention and revenue, making it a good indicator for your company.

This customer feedback survey example offers several benefits:

  • Provides useful information.
  • Allows you to collect a large number of responses quickly.
  • This metric is a good predictor of overall company performance.

This survey is ideal if you require the following information:

  • Compare the overall performance of the company month after month or year after year.
  • Determine the impact of a specific campaign or initiative on customer satisfaction.
  • Collect customer feedback data in a measurable format as soon as possible.

How to create an NPS feedback form template?

The NPS feedback form template is straightforward because it only has one or two questions. This feedback form template intends to collect quantifiable data as quickly as possible.

Customers respond quickly to a single, multi-choice question, allowing you to collect many responses. This survey is great for determining where problems exist, but it won’t tell you what’s wrong. 

This survey is great for determining where problems exist, but it won’t tell you what’s wrong. You might need a more detailed feedback form for that. 

Implement the NPS feedback form template via email or software tools to gather customer feedback. 

Example of NPS feedback form template: 

NPS Template

3. Customer Effort Score template (CES)

The Customer Effort Score (CES) determines how difficult a task is to complete. It gets commonly used to evaluate customer service responses or purchasing experiences, but it also has other applications. 

This customer feedback survey brings a lot of benefits: 

  • Allows you to evaluate specific activities.
  • Provides numerical data for comparison.
  • It is simple to submit and collect.

This survey is ideal for: 

  • Take a look at the online purchasing experience.
  • Evaluating customer service responses

How to create a CES feedback form template? 

NPS and CSAT feedback form templates are similar to CES feedback form templates. On the other hand, CES solicits customer feedback on a specific activity. 

The theory behind CES surveys is that more complex tasks will have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and purchasing. Businesses use CES surveys to identify and simplify complex tasks. 

Example of CES feedback form template: 

CES Feedback

4. Post-purchase experience template 

Customer surveys can evaluate a customer’s overall experience or feelings about your company, or they can get used to assess a single interaction. Some customer feedback forms can determine how well your product or service works.

Following a visit or use, a brief customer feedback survey can reveal what worked well and what did not. 

This type of survey has numerous benefits, including:

  • Identifying problems with your company or service.
  • determining whether or not issues have got resolved
  • Using a multiple-choice list to determine the frequency of the problems quickly.

This survey is ideal for: 

  • Determining the impact of a specific problem.
  • Take a look at the overall quality of your product or service.
  • Calculating the effect of improvements over time.

How to create a post-purchase experience feedback form template? 

Creating a feedback form template for this survey is more difficult because it will vary depending on your research problems. With this feedback form template, you’ll collect customer insights to refine the shopping experience and prevent customer churn. Creating this survey is easy but it will take less time by using a free survey maker

Example of post-purchase feedback form template: 

Free Survey Maker

5. Customer information template 

The majority of customer feedback survey examples are about your customers’ reactions to your business, but some surveys get used to gather more specific information about your customers.

Knowing your customers’ concerns, what they expect from your company, and other details can help you better serve them. A customer information survey is the best way to gather this information.

This type of survey has several benefits, including:

  • Identify the most effective methods of reaching out to your customers.
  • Identify which features or benefits customers would most appreciate.
  • Finding the most relevant topics and information for customers.

The survey is ideal for: 

  • Get feedback on new features or expanding your business.
  • Understanding the wants and needs of customers
  • Improving your marketing communications and media.

How to create a customer information feedback form template? 

Because this type of survey will be more extended, this template will most likely need more tweaking. First and foremost, you must understand what information you require and why. Are you looking for demographic information to help you better target your advertisements? Or do you want to learn how customers interact with your product or service to improve it? After taking all these considerations, you can optimize your template. 

Example of customer information feedback form template: 

Customer information template 


Start creating your surveys with these customer feedback form templates. Consider what you want to achieve and select a survey that best suits your objectives. You can get the data you need to move forward with the proper survey and the right tools to collect it.

The post 5 Free Customer Feedback Form Templates For Any Business appeared first on Tech Web Space.

When to Use SMS as a Survey Tool? Fri, 23 Apr 2021 07:34:20 +0000 Mobile devices have become the most common way of communication among the various available electronic mediums. 90% of the adults own a mobile phone or a smartphone. Whether it is talking, shopping, taking and sharing photographs or connecting with people across the...

The post When to Use SMS as a Survey Tool? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Mobile devices have become the most common way of communication among the various available electronic mediums. 90% of the adults own a mobile phone or a smartphone.

Whether it is talking, shopping, taking and sharing photographs or connecting with people across the world with social media, mobile phones have gained an important place in the lives of people.

Researches suggest that adults in the US spend an average of 2 hours and 55 minutes on their mobile phones every day.

So the businesses also see this medium of communicating with the customers as the most useful platform. When we talk about conducting surveys, SMS comes to be a great way to send surveys and receive responses.

And why not, it has a great open and read rate! The average open rate of SMS is more than 95%. Let us understand why SMS surveys are used as a preferred method of sending surveys over others.

Why use SMS Surveys?

In order to be successful, It is important for all businesses to understand what customers want and expect from them and how well they are able to satisfy those needs and expectations.

For gaining this valuable information, customer surveys are necessary to capture Customer Feedback and measure Customer Satisfaction. 

But why only SMS surveys? Let’s understand some reasons for this focus on SMS surveys.

1. The reach of SMS is very wide.

Survey results are accurate and can prove to be helpful only if they cover a large number of customers thus telling what the majority of people think.

So to make your survey a success, it would be always a wise decision to choose a medium that has the potential of gaining insights from the maximum customers.

People open almost every SMS, whether it is a survey or a marketing campaign, unlike emails which are many times automatically thrown into spam folders.

This makes the open rate of SMS 95% which is much higher as compared to emails, the open rate of which is around 20% only. With this high open rate, it is possible to achieve a great response rate through SMS surveys as compared to any other type of survey.

2. Can approach Customers Anywhere

SMS is a channel through which customers can be approached anywhere anytime around the world. Customers may not want to take a survey at your premises while they are busy shopping, or they have much other stuff to do after shopping. But SMS is something which they can read and respond to with their own convenience of place and time.

3. Keeps Customers Reminded of your Brand

You can choose to display your brand name in survey SMS in the place of a phone number with good SMS Survey Software. This enhances your brand awareness among the customers, i.e., they are able to recall your brand more easily.

Moreover, with the features like white labeling and branding of surveys, you can create surveys with your own branding and style which further keeps the customers reminded of your brand.

4. Very Easy to Use and Rollout

SMS surveys are extremely easy and quick to be sent in a matter of a few minutes. Surveys with other channels like on-premises may require you to approach the customers or install a kiosk with your device to attract the customers to come and share feedback which may also sometimes require your assistance, but SMS surveys can reach the customers with just a text message. 

The customers can easily take the surveys by just opening the survey link given in the SMS and easily fill the survey.

5. Don’t have to Generate Separate Surveys

You do not need to create separate surveys to be sent through an SMS. You can send the same surveys with the survey link with the text message inviting the customers to click the survey link and take the survey.

6. Tracking is made very Easy with an SMS Survey

With SMS Surveys, you can easily track the customers who have taken the survey, completed it or left it in between and who haven’t taken the survey.

When to Use SMS Surveys?

sms survey

While SMS surveys are an easy and quick way to reach customers and take their feedback, it is important to make use of SMS surveys at the right time and for the right purpose.

Here are some uses of SMS surveys where you can send the SMS surveys at the right time and utilize them to the maximum extent. 

1. Post-Interaction or Transaction

The best use of SMS surveys is to capture Customer Feedback at various touchpoints of the customers’ journey, where customers go through considerable experiences that have an impact on their satisfaction.

These are transactional SMS surveys that you can send or trigger to be sent automatically just after a transaction like after a purchase, a billing, a delivery, an interaction or an appointment.

Sending surveys at this time will help you gauge Customer Satisfaction with the real insights of the customers about the experience which they have just gone through.

2. At Events and Workshops

SMS surveys can be used effectively to take feedback from the attendees about certain events and workshops. After an event or a workshop, you can send SMS surveys to the participants to ask for feedback about it.

You can ask whether and how much they liked the event, and what they expect from the next event or workshop. This will help make your events and workshops better each time which your audience likes.

3. For Market Research

SMS surveys are a great way to do market research. You can ask your customers and potential customers what they like and what they expect from you.

You can also ask your customers what prompted them to choose you and in your absence, which other brand they would like to choose and why. This will let you know about your competitors and even the strategies of your competitors.

Moreover, you can research the customers’ choice before launching a new product or product feature so that you can make such a product that satisfies the customers the most.

4. For Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement is all about the interactions between the customers and the organization at various points of contact in the customers’ journey.

Good Customer Engagement leads to better Customer Loyalty and more satisfaction. You can measure these with the help of CX metric surveys like Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys and Customer Satisfaction Surveys. You can measure satisfaction with every part of the customer experience.

5. COVID-19 Health SMS Surveys

While the world is going through the situation of a pandemic due to coronavirus, SMS surveys can contribute to deal with this situation.

You can send COVID-19 Health SMS Surveys to know the present condition of your patients, the symptoms of people who suspect corona, and the risk of them being infected.

With this information, you can help people to track their health conditions and prevent the spreading of the disease.

So you can use the SMS surveys for multiple purposes like collecting customer feedback, ensuring better customer engagement, doing market research, or even prevention of spreading of COVID-19.

The post When to Use SMS as a Survey Tool? appeared first on Tech Web Space.
