SEO & PPC Analyst - Ajay Sharma Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:09:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO & PPC Analyst - Ajay Sharma 32 32 What Is A PDF Form Filler & How To Improve Your Business With It Mon, 10 Oct 2022 14:09:09 +0000 Are you looking to boost your sales? You probably have your mailing list and may even follow up with customers via email. Or maybe you are simply trying to get more phone calls. Regardless of why I know, there is one thing...

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Are you looking to boost your sales? You probably have your mailing list and may even follow up with customers via email. Or maybe you are simply trying to get more phone calls. Regardless of why I know, there is one thing that will help. It is a PDF Form Filler that can make it easier for your prospects to follow up with you.

What Is A PDF Form Filler?

A PDF form filler is a software that can read and fill out the fields you have made in your form. It can act like a human being. It is much more suitable than other methods, such as completing the form with your mouse or keyboard, because it will give you the same result and accuracy whether you use a different computer or a different person to complete it. You can use several tools to create, design, and create your PDF forms. The most popular is Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader Pro. Still, they are costlier than other software, such as Foxit Reader, Nitro PDF Professional, and Sumatra PDF, which are open-source and free.

There are two types of form fillers, offline and online. 

The offline version is a standalone application that you install on your computer. Once installed, it will allow you to fill out any PDF document as often as needed without manually clicking and typing every single field in the form.

The online version is a web-based service that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and allows you to use any browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) to complete forms from your computer or mobile device. The only requirement is to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer or mobile device to use this form filler.

There are many advantages of using a PDF form filler in your business. 

Here are the top 5 benefits:

1. It saves your time and money

It saves you time and money. The best part about using a PDF form filler is that it saves time and money. You no longer have to hire someone or spend time training them on how to fill out these forms. Instead, you must upload the document, select the fields you want to be filled out automatically and then let the software do its job. It will save you both time and money since you won’t have employees who need training or pay their monthly salaries.

2. It is easy to use

The significant advantage of using a PDF form filler is that it allows you to quickly fill out long-form documents from your desktop or laptop without having to print them out first. You can even use your smartphone or tablet if you have an app for that device. The process is simple:

  • Open up your document.
  • Click on the fields you want to be filled in.
  • Type in the appropriate data.
  • Submit it back through email or an online form.

Your information gets transferred directly into the original document without any problem.

3. It reduces errors

A PDF form filler is the most efficient way to reduce errors in your business. There are two reasons for this. First, it saves you time and effort because you don’t have to fill in the form manually. Second, a PDF form filler can help you avoid common mistakes when filling in a document.

4. It allows you to track data easily.

The data you enter into your forms will be saved and organized in a database. This means you can easily access and use this information for analysis later. It’s also possible to export the data into other programs to further analyze or use it for other purposes.

5. It makes the process of completing forms easier for your customers.

The entire process can be automated so that your customers don’t have to spend time filling out forms manually. It also saves them from remembering their passwords and usernames, which is often a problem for people who use the same password for multiple websites or applications.

In some cases, PDF form fillers can be used to complete multiple sections on a single page. This allows you to streamline your applications and make it easier for users to navigate the application process without going back and forth between pages.

Using a PDF form filler also allows you to collect more personal data from users than they would provide while filling out paper forms. This data can then be used in marketing campaigns or initiatives focused on improving customer experience and sales conversions.

There are different levels of security for online forms, depending on their purpose. 

Level 1: The least secure option is level one, which means that the form’s data is sent to your email address as a raw text file. This is the best option if you’re just looking to capture simple information from your customers and don’t want them to have to log into an account or download an app. It’s also good if you’re using a form filler on a computer or tablet that doesn’t have access to the internet.

Level 2: Level two security means that users will be asked for their email address and password to submit a form. This is the most common type of security used by businesses and individuals who want to limit access to their information. It adds an extra layer of protection against hackers who try to guess passwords or hack accounts by guessing email addresses associated with them (which they can do fairly easily).

Level 3: Level three security requires users to enter their password and use two-factor authentication (2FA) before submitting a form online. This means they’ll receive a unique code — usually via text message — which they’ll need to enter along with their password before submitting any data through the form filler website or app.

Before buying, you can get a free trial of some PDF software programs to see if they meet your needs. 

PDF form fillers are software programs that can be used to fill out PDF forms automatically, with the help of a scanner or keyboard. These programs are very useful for businesses because they allow you to save time and money by automating repetitive tasks.

Some popular examples of these types of programs include:

Adobe Acrobat Standard (formerly known as Adobe Reader) – A free program that allows you to view, print, and comment on PDF documents. You can also fill in PDF forms with your computer’s keyboard, but it doesn’t do any form filling automatically.

Adobe Acrobat Professional – This program allows you to create and edit PDF documents in addition to viewing them, printing them, or commenting on them. You can also use it to fill in PDF forms automatically by typing data into fields on the document or scanning barcodes with your computer’s webcam or scanner.
Takeaway: If you’re not using a form filler yet, consider giving one a try. The technology has improved to the point that filling out forms can be done anywhere and at any time, and it’s becoming more efficient to use than ever before – which is great news for businesses that depend on their efficiency. Give your team members access to this tool and have them explore all the features – but only when it makes sense.

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Significant Facts Of The Word Count Tool Mon, 23 Sep 2019 05:21:34 +0000 The word count tool is nothing but it is a tool that is used for counting words, characters, sentence and pages in real-time. The word count tool is essential for all students and teachers. It is all very helpful for a writer....

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The word count tool is nothing but it is a tool that is used for counting words, characters, sentence and pages in real-time. The word count tool is essential for all students and teachers. It is all very helpful for a writer. Most of the writer has used this tool for our writing purpose. It will be used to improve your quality of content. It also provides an extensive report about the word count, character count, keyword density and many more. It is very easy to use. The word count tool is also available online. So it is one of the online tools.

Is It Necessary To Count The Words In A Document?

Knowing the count of words in a particular document enables the person to complete his work in a fast manner. Even knowing the specified number of word count helps them to finish the document with a correct number of required words. Presenting a document in a perspective number of words makes the user to read the document with full involvement.  Thus analyzing the word count in the corresponding document is not compulsory but it is useful.

Common facts of word count tool

The word count tools are used to calculate and count your text in an accurate and unique way. It is one of the perfect tools for use. It also provides extensive statics about the word count. It is one of the tools or websites that are used to check how many words and letters can be used in your content or passage. This tool is essential for all fields of writers such as teachers, novelists, students, and social media. It provides interesting information about your article. There are a number of people can use this tool around the world. There are many more interesting and important information about the tools used for counting the words. If the people are willing to research something useful about these like tools then visit the website

How To Use The Word Count Tool?

The word count tool is very simple to use. There are few steps are available to use this tool inefficient way. The steps are following below,

Step 1: you will just copy your content

Step 2: Open the word count tool in any web browser. And paste your content in a particular space

Step 3: click the count word option. Then the word count is displayed at the top.

If any mistakes are present it will be underlined and frequently used keyword will appear to the right. It is one of the quick and efficient methods. The word count tool website provides information content about the word count tool.

Advantageous benefits Of Using Word Count Tool

There are various advantages of word count tools are given below,

  • The word count tool is supported for all devices such as a mobile, computer, laptop and many more.
  • It will take a few minutes to count the word
  • It is more beneficial for SEO writing
  • There are any registration is not required for using this tool. It is completely free.
  • Using this tool you can able to find out the percentage of anchor text founds on your page.
  • This tool is used for analyzing the text length against the common web standards. In the text length, it includes all the words, characters, spaces, etc.
  • As  this tool gives the opportunity of improving the quality of content, it is more useful for the content writers
  • These like tools are available easily on the internet as it is most popularly used by the people.
  • Usage of this corresponding toolis free of cost on many websites on the internet.
  • It has the abilityto check all kinds of documents.

How To Count The Words In Notepad++?

Notepad Software is a general and default software that is used in many of the computer systems. Generally, people use to create documents using this specified software. Notepad ++ is an extended version of notepad. Then it is a must to know the ways of counting the words in notepad++ document. Though it is known to many people in this essay it gives a clear view of the process. Various steps that determine the way to know the word count in a Notepad++ are listed below:

  • Open the app or the notepad++ software on your corresponding computer.
  • Type the full document and do as much editing that is expected to fulfill the document.
  • Then click view and in that specified option select the summary option.
  • Make a double click at the place on the status bar that specifies length or lines.
  • Then select the TextFX option.
  • In that specified option-click TextFX tools and click word count.

The post Significant Facts Of The Word Count Tool appeared first on Tech Web Space.

5 Things to Know When Starting Your Website Fri, 24 May 2019 09:23:09 +0000 You could be looking to start a website for a myriad of reasons. Maybe you’re looking to make your business’ website or you’re looking to start your own travel blog. Whatever the reasons are, there are many things to consider before setting...

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You could be looking to start a website for a myriad of reasons. Maybe you’re looking to make your business’ website or you’re looking to start your own travel blog. Whatever the reasons are, there are many things to consider before setting up shop.

Start with a Clear Plan

Remember the days of writing your first real papers in English class? Not those essays where you talk about your weekend, but the kind where you had to bring sources, put citations and have it be more than just one page?

One of the first exercises you probably did was create an outline.  Start by making different sections before you start actually writing everything down.

First and foremost, think about what your website is going to say and what you’re going to have on there. Is it going to be something basic, with only your business’ information and nothing more? Will it be regularly pushing content out? Is this website part of a larger plan and will be linked to other sites?

You’ll want to have a clear idea of the big picture before getting into the nitty-gritty, even though it may not seem quite as exciting. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day (or any city for that matter) and neither will your website.

Take Care of the Tech Side

Before you can actually post anything online, you’ll want to make sure that you can have an actual website. You won’t even get to first base without having a domain, so check that box as early as possible. The worst thing that could happen is for you to come up with the perfect website name, only to find out it has been taken!

Making a website isn’t too difficult and many people take a few tutorials or play around with the design tools long enough to figure it out. If you’re planning on implementing a store or have bigger plans for your website, think about outsourcing an expert for that part. Even though it may be more money paid now, it could save you a big headache in the future.

Keep it Simple

If you’ve ever watched The Office, you may remember the episode where Dwight Schrute takes the temp worker, Ryan Howard on a sales call. After a number of bizarre “trials”, Dwight finally agrees to take Ryan and teach him the ins and outs of sales.

One of the first pieces of advice is “K.I.S.S.” which stands for “keep it simple, stupid”. While that might be a tad direct, it does have a fair point.

You don’t want your website to be a confusing place where links bounce off of each other and text is misplaced. You want people to come to your website and understand what is happening, what they’re looking at and where they’re going.

In your plans, you may have grandiose ideas for what you want it to look like, but remember to keep it simple and easy.

Remember the Mobile Side

A small note, but an important one, is to remember that more and more people are accessing the internet and information through their mobile phones.

So while you’re creating your website, remember to make it mobile friendly. Even though everyone can do the two button zoom in their sleep, no one wants to do that and continually scroll to click on various links. Make sure you’re making it compatible for mobile users as well as those on their home computers.

Get Ahead on SEO

Unless you’re on the dark web, you’re making this website so people can come to it and see what’s on it. If that’s the case, you’ll want people to be able to search for it easily instead of meandering through page 2 of Google.

There are so many different tips and tricks to boosting your SEO and driving traffic to your site, it would be too difficult to list them all here. There are lots of free online courses that you can dive into or tutorials online. It even might be worth it to take a course and receive a certification to help yourself.

Do a little bit of homework and dedicate yourself to the task at hand. Your website will thank you later.

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Google AdWords Audit: The 10-minute PPC AdWords Audit Guide Fri, 14 Dec 2018 10:13:40 +0000 Managing an AdWords account is hard when you’re trying to stay on top of the latest Google updates and handling other matters at your organization. However, even a quick ten-minute AdWords campaign audit can help you make more sense of your PPC...

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Managing an AdWords account is hard when you’re trying to stay on top of the latest Google updates and handling other matters at your organization. However, even a quick ten-minute AdWords campaign audit can help you make more sense of your PPC advertising efforts and prevent ad spend wastage. Here’s a guide to how you can conduct a quick PPC campaign audit along with the rationale for every step.

Review Campaign Goals

Before you do anything else, think about why your company uses AdWords. This will help you obtain clarity and focus on your way forward to a PPC campaign audit. For example, if you’re looking to reach prospects in Australia, knowing this will help you check whether the campaign is optimized for your preferred location.

Determine Daily Budget

It helps to determine the daily budget before you start your AdWords campaign audit. For example, if your monthly budget is $3000 dollars per month, the daily budget works out to $100 (3000/30 days). You can use this information to identify whether you’re underspending or overspending your daily budget and take steps to ensure efficient spending.

Check Location Settings

AdWords Location Settings

PPC campaign audit professionals also recommend checking set-and-forget settings such as location settings to ensure you’re targeting countries, states or cities that are relevant to your campaign.

Examine Campaign Structure

Determine whether your campaign structure aligns with the navigation of your website.

  • For example, if you’re an apparel retailer offering clothes for different categories of customers like men, women and children, it makes sense to have separate AdWords campaigns targeting each category and directing traffic to relevant areas on your website.

Also read: Best Tips To Improve Your Google PLA – Shopping Campaign

  • When you have a catch-all campaign, site visitors may get disinterested if they land on your home page and need to make an effort to find the specific category they’re looking for.

Scrutinize Ad Groups

Ad Groups

Review the number of ad groups you have and make sure they’re organized, targeted and centered on a keyword theme. This will help you serve the right ads to qualified traffic and reduce costs.

  • Having one ad group for a campaign is seldom enough – the more number of products you’re offering, the more number of ad groups you’ll need for specific targeting.

Analyze Ad Composition

A white label PPC audit company looks at ads with a critical eye, something you should do too.

  • The ad should be enticing, relevant to the ad group, contain the right keywords and include a clear call-to-action (that is, what you want users to do to take them further along the sales journey).
  • Also look for errors such as spelling mistakes and broken URL links because you don’t want to convey unprofessionalism.

Inspect Landing Pages

Optimize Landing Page

Every ad should lead to a dedicated landing page that matches ad copy. If there is any discrepancy, consumers can get confused and bounce before taking any action.

  • During the AdWords audit, make sure the landing page includes keywords used in the ad and provides additional information that’s useful to site visitors.
  • Here too, there should be a strong call-to-action that’s displayed prominently and a short form field to capture leads.

A white label PPC audit company checks the keyword types being used in an ad group.

Analyze Keyword Data


  • Pull a search terms report to identify poor performers and consider pausing them or adding them to your negative keyword list.
  • Check the Quality Score of keywords to track the individual performance of keywords.
  • Implementing broad match type indiscriminately can lead to ad spend waste and bring irrelevant clicks because it doesn’t support niche targeting.
  • Using a mix of broad, broad modifier, phrase and exact match type may be a better idea to enable both generic and specific targeting.

Also read: What is New in AdWords UI: Changes You Need to Know About

Look Into KPIs

Check important metrics like clicks, cost-per-click, impressions and click-through rates and conversions to determine whether your campaign is performing according to set objectives and goals.

The above steps are designed to help you quickly get an overview of campaign performance and save money. For a comprehensive audit, get in touch with AdWords audit experts!

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How Cohort Analysis Can Boost eCommerce Customer Retention Rates Wed, 12 Sep 2018 05:32:49 +0000 If as an eCommerce store owner, you value your relationships with your customers, you’ll want to give them the best experience possible. This might mean that you add chatbots to your website in order to improve your customer support. What it should...

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If as an eCommerce store owner, you value your relationships with your customers, you’ll want to give them the best experience possible. This might mean that you add chatbots to your website in order to improve your customer support.

What it should also mean is that you dive into your analytics to find out how customers react to your site.

A core part of your analytics that you might have overlooked so far is cohort analysis. It sounds technical but it’s vital to learning more about your customers so that you shape your website and offers according to their need and wants.

What is a Cohort?

Let’s start with a basic definition of what a cohort is.

A cohort is a group of customers who share a characteristic.

For example, customers who shop online and customers who shop offline are two (very broad) cohorts.

Another cohort is a group of customers who signed up to your email list in the last month.

A cohort, however, doesn’t mean anything by itself. What you need to do is analyse your cohorts.

Cohort Analysis in a Nutshell

Cohort analysis could also be called behavioural analytics. It breaks down all of your customers – past and present – into groups in order to find patterns.

These patterns are key because they give you major insights into how your customers are reacting to different aspects of your business. Once you’ve got these insights, you can make the necessary tweaks to your website that could see a boost in conversions.

That’s the fundamental basics of cohort analysis. Let’s take a look at how you can use it to grow your ecommerce store:

Big spending customers

Many of us focus a lot on keeping loyal customers happy – but what about big spending customers?

Big spending customers are different to loyal customers. Although both are important, you need to segment the two because, while a loyal customer is obviously important, the amount they spend might not always be so high.

So while you want to keep your loyal customers happy, you’ll also want to keep your big spenders happy because there’s clearly to be money made from them.

Thus, you need to create a cohort of big spenders and then analyze their behaviour to work out what is driving their spending habits. Once you’ve identified your big spenders, you can then launch a campaign that ensures they stick with you.

For example, you might want to offer them early access to new products. Or maybe you could surprise them with gifts.

Whatever you do, make sure that you keep tracking this cohort to see what’s keeping them on your side.

The best thing about this cohort? It’s super easy to create because high spenders are easy to spot.

Cart abandoning customers 

A real problem for ecommerce store owners is cart abandonment. The stats for this one are scary – as many as 68% of your customers will abandon their cart. Why? Well, you’re not really going to know unless you delve into your cohort analytics. 

What cohort analytics can reveal are the reasons why people are abandoning their carts. Once you’ve got this information, you can do things that bring them back into the game while dramatically lowering that cart abandoned rate. Email reminders do work, but the reasons why customers abandon their carts are varied. They can range from costs of shopping to an inability to place an order. Or maybe estimated delivery time is what stops them in their tracks. 

Whatever it is, segment your cart abandon customers into a cohort and then work out a suitable action plan that brings them back to their cart. 

Landing page deserters

When you know that you’ve got the right product and the right traffic, it’s a bit of a puzzle when prospects arrive on your landing page … and quickly bail out.

There could be any number of reasons for this, from a slow loading website to other usability issues.

However, if you know that it’s none of these, the problem could be your logo, for example.

Blogger Matthew Woodward did some research into this and found that a logo can have such an effect on a site visitor that it can cause them to stick around or bail out. This is all down to branding and how a customer perceives you. If you can create a logo that resonates with your customers, you’ve got a far better chance of building relationships and trust.

Create 2 or 3 logos using a logo maker and test them out on your website to see how your customers react to them.

Loyal customers

Loyal customers are what we all want because they bring us that much needed steady revenue.

It’s a good idea to create this cohort because you can then target your loyal customers with rewards and special discounts that keep them coming back for more.

Plus, you can also learn the reasons why a customer becomes loyal so that you can then create a marketing campaign that’s designed to generate even more loyal customers.


All in all, cohort analysis is essential to the success of your eCommerce store. Remember that, as long as you can keep giving your customers what they want and need, it’ll be far easier to grow your store.

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5 Finest WordPress Hosting of 2018! Thu, 23 Aug 2018 05:20:45 +0000 Whenever we think about creating a fine website without putting much effort into the graphics and other areas, the first name that appears in our minds is of “WordPress”. WordPress is the largest online open source content management system based on PHP...

The post 5 Finest WordPress Hosting of 2018! appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Whenever we think about creating a fine website without putting much effort into the graphics and other areas, the first name that appears in our minds is of “WordPress”. WordPress is the largest online open source content management system based on PHP and SQL. It provides add-on plugins and SEO friendly themes to create an attractive website.

When we talk about creating a website, we can’t neglect the importance of web hosting providers. Web hosting provider plays an important role in the efficient functioning of the site. And also plays a major role in the Search Engine Optimization of the site.

If you’re thinking of creating a WordPress site for yourself. And are confused between the several WordPress hostings, then let us help you out here. We have shortlisted the finest WordPress hosting providers of this year for you.

The finest WordPress Web Hosting Providers:

1. HostGator:

HostGator- one of the most popular web hosting provider of the industry and is hosting around 8 million domains overall. It associates the HostGator’s dedicated servers to the websites attached to it. All the websites on hostgator are dedicated servers.

It provides WordPress installation with a mere one click and provides the following features:

  1. Guaranteed 99.99% up-time. In case of downtime, it provides one month credit back to the client.
  2. Provision of 24/7 efficient support
  3. Best of all, HostGator offers 45 days money back guarantee. Normally no web company offers a money back guarantee for more than 30 days.
  4. Ease and flexibility in billing periods. You can choose the plan of your own choice whether yearly or monthly.
  5. It also offers free migration service with all the new accounts.

According to the tested results:

  1. Speed: The recorded hosting speed is 691ms in Dallas. Which is 94% faster.
  2. Page Size: Lower the page size better the performance. The page size is of 457.4 Kb according to the test.
  3. Server Response time: The HostGator hosting performed really well with the review site and the recorded time for the Server response in the US was just 37ms.
HostGator is my personal favourite. I have been using it for a long time now and it proved to be great for my site.

2. WPX Hosting:

WPX hosting is also one of the best’s hosting providers. A well-managed hosting service provides great speeds and reliability.
In order to attain great performance of the website, all the website owners are willing to pay a premium for the sign up to web hosting companies.

Let see what does WPX hosting offers us:

  1. Loading time of WPX hosted website is observed to be less than 3 seconds and in some cases, it is recorded to be 1.97 seconds.
  2. WPX hosting service also provides daily backups to keep the data secure
  3. WPX hosting plans also offer email service which allows to send and receive emails from addresses connected to your domain name.
  4. Provides 24/7 support
  5. Also provides access to FTP and SFTP
WPX is one of the economical and fastest hosting service providers. If you’re thinking to get WPX hosting service for your website then you’re in total luck because Bloggingscout is providing coupons which offer 90% off. Check it out here now!

Best Business Class WordPress Hosting:

3. InMotion Hosting:

InMotion has been a prominent brand with reliable performance in business class hosting. If you’re looking for the best business web hosting service provider for your WordPress site then this certainly the one for you.

Let’s see what InMotion hosting offers:

  1. The speed tests performed in Dallas proved that load time was just a fragment of a second that is 982 ms. And is 90% faster than other tested sites. The response time was recorded a little higher in Japan, Brazil, and Australia.
  2. The page size was observed to be 659.1 Kb
  3. It provides the best US support.
  4. It provides good uptime and free SSL.
  5. InMotion also provides a 90-day money back guarantee.
  6. It also provides free site migration.
  7. InMotion doesn’t provide free domain and doesn’t provide instant activation for the people outside the United States.

4. DreamHost:

Dreamhost hosting has been in business for 18 years and is known for its reliable service. It is also the official recommendation of WordPress hosting provider.

Let’s see what does DreamHost has to offer us:

  1. DreamHost offers a great uptime of 99.98%
  2. According to the test results, the page load time is 4.61% faster than other hosting providers
  3. DreamHost provides up to mark 24/7 support service
  4. It also provides 97 days money back guarantee and also offer free day on downtime
  5. Dreamhost provides free domain with privacy protection
  6. Provides 1-click WordPress install

5. BlueHost:

BlueHost is a major entity in hosting provider industry. It is one of the largest and is an official WordPress recommendation for hosting provider.

Major features offered by Bluehost are:

  1. It doesn’t let your website slow down even with great traffic load
  2. 24/7 support
  3. Bluehost hosting offers the shortest time span to load i.e. 1.24 sec
  4. Lesser the size greater the performance. The tested result showed the page size of about 660.5 kb
I hope this article helps in choosing a fine hosting provider for your WordPress site. The above-mentioned hosting providers are the best of 2018.

The post 5 Finest WordPress Hosting of 2018! appeared first on Tech Web Space.

How to Build an Email Marketing Funnel that Drives Massive ROI Wed, 22 Aug 2018 09:36:42 +0000 The good old email might not be as trendy as Instagram or Snapchat but it is definitely getting things done. It is consistent and powerful when it comes to delivering a message. Most business owners take the email for granted. However, it...

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The good old email might not be as trendy as Instagram or Snapchat but it is definitely getting things done. It is consistent and powerful when it comes to delivering a message. Most business owners take the email for granted.

However, it is popular and has a wide range of worldwide users. It is expected that email users will hit 2.9 billion by the end of 2019. If you are not making the most of email marketing, you are losing customers.

Almost 42% of users check their email in the morning. They are read all the time and everywhere. The open rate of an email across all the industries in 2016 stood at 25.7%. However, these numbers may vary and they could be higher or lower depending on the type of industry your business operates in. An email is a humble form of communication which has revolutionized the way all of us communicate. It is the most cost-efficient channel in the digital age.

Email marketing also involves seeking the permission of the recipient. Since it is not easy to catch hold of their email address, you only send emails to the people who ask to receive it. This is done by signing up or by subscribing to a list. It is a win-win situation for one and all. Marketers can use it to attract consumers and subscribers get to read what they are interested in. Consumers trust brands and companies based on their products and services and they would like to receive emails from them.

Email Marketing Funnel

Steps to building an email marketing funnel to drive ROI

#1 Create a list:

  • The first step is to create a list. Create a list starting from the previous year and do not think for a second to purchase it. You will have to get people on your site and get their contact details. You can do this by creating a special page where they can provide their details. This could be done through slide-ins or pop-ups.
  • Use them for your business even though you might consider them as annoying. You can also add a call to action button. Put in some efforts and make it innovative.
  • You need to use words which tempt the user to click on it and provide their email address. Provide something to the user for signing up for your emails. It could be an upgrade, a coupon or a free ebook.
  • Share details about privacy protection and how their email address will not be used for any other purpose neither would it be shared with anyone else. Get the details and prepare an impeccable list.

#2 Use the list:

After putting in a lot of time and efforts in the creation of a list, you need to understand: How to build an email marketing funnel that drives massive ROI. You need to know what to do with the list once you have it. Use it wisely and avoid the common mistakes. Set up high-quality content which will go out to the users on a regular basis. Cultivate your relationship with the users and give them what they want.

#3 Bifurcate the list:

At this stage, you need to segment your list into smaller pieces by dividing the same into:

  1. new customers
  2. new subscribers
  3. demographics
  4. big spenders
  5. weekly newsletter subscribers
  6. monthly subscribers, etc.

Segmenting the list will make it easier for you to send the material which is relevant to them.

#4 Tier the funnel:

  • Your marketing funnel will allow you to understand the journey of the buyer from the start to finish. It might be wide at the top and will get narrower as you move through it.
  • There are multiple stages of the funnel and you need to create email content for users at each stage.
  • This is how you will be able to reach out to the target audience and ensure that the emails do not bounce.
  • You need to understand each stage and the users at each stage of the journey.
  • After segmenting the users at each stage, you need to deliver content that fits their requirements.

#5 Create campaigns for your business:

Once you write an effective campaign, you can set it on autopilot. Once you have got through the first phase of writing and learning, the email will grow your business. It will help you understand the actions taken by the users and you will be able to provide them with content that is relevant for them. Based on your users, you will know the kind of action you need to take.

There are certain email writing tips you need to follow to ensure higher clicks. The most important of them is to ensure a personalized subject line which has more chances to be opened. Once the email has been opened, you need to give strong subject lines that are also optimized for the mobile. This is where you will be able to catch the attention of the users. They will decide whether they want to read further or not. Lastly, end with a thank you note for subscribing to your page. You can also include a link to the homepage of your business with details about the latest products or services.

Email is a very effective tool for any size and type of a business. Hence, you should never overlook the power of email when you want to grow your customer. base. You will be required to put in some work and you will also have to track, measure and understand the targets. You will have to understand the funnel and see the type of users you have. In order to generate a higher ROI, you need to deliver content that fits their interests and needs. Email is not dead and you need to give it the attention it calls for. To succeed in your business, you need to use the right channels of marketing and optimize the same for smartphones to meet the expectations of the users.

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Comparison between Google ReMarketing and Facebook ReMarketing Tue, 21 Aug 2018 01:05:30 +0000 Remarketing is a revolutionary digital marketing medium that allows businesses to reconnect with audiences who have already visited their websites. Google and Facebook, two behemoths of technology and internet popularity, offer remarketing in their advertising interfaces but how can a business with...

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Remarketing is a revolutionary digital marketing medium that allows businesses to reconnect with audiences who have already visited their websites. Google and Facebook, two behemoths of technology and internet popularity, offer remarketing in their advertising interfaces but how can a business with limited budget decide which one is best for its advertising objectives?

Here’s how a professional remarketing services provider would compare the two in simple terms

#1 How They Work

Both AdWords remarketing ads and Facebook retargeting ads have similar set-up. While Google requires you to put a tag, Facebook needs you to put a pixel (a short piece of code) on all the pages of your website where you want searchers to get added to your remarketing audience list via browser cookies.

While Google’s remarketing ads are shown when the visitor visits websites that are partner sites of the Google Display Network, Facebook retargeting ads are shown on Facebook and if required on the Audience Network.

#2 Lower Cost per Click

When you ask a white label remarketing expert about the advantages of Facebook retargeting ads, you will come to know that these ads usually deliver lower cost-per-click than when you advertise on search engines. This might be because traffic tends to be less targeted on Facebook but businesses can tap into potential customers.

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#3 Build Offsite Lists with Facebook

Another advantage of Facebook retargeting is that it allows users to develop ads based on offsite lists such as mailing lists which is not possible with Facebook remarketing. With Facebook retargeting, you can target a lookalike audience that is a group of the audience sharing the same attributes of people who actually converted. You can also capitalize on Facebook’s social networking prowess to build brand equity and customer loyalty.

#4 Facebook Remarketing Limitations

At present, Facebook retargeting does not allow analytics integration and does not provide for goal tracking of clicks alone. This implies that it is difficult to target site visitors based on certain actions they took on the site. Moreover, the organic reach of Facebook is going down which means that the cost of advertising is most likely to increase.

#5 Google’s Massive Reach

Any white label AdWords remarketing services provider will tell you that Google remarketing ads have massive potential. Google remarketing ads run on the Google Display Network which includes over two million websites that reach out to over 90% of the audience who surf the internet.

Google provides a wide array of ad formats and allows the use of custom graphics for its remarketing ads which is a boon for e-commerce businesses or other businesses that need high visual impact.

#6 Greater Variety and Better Analytics

Google also allows users to provide more targeted ad copy so professional remarketing services providers can create a variety of ads to target each type of audience. With Google’s advanced analytics tools, AdWords remarketing professionals can identify which websites are performing best in terms of click-through rates and conversion rates. This provides them with an opportunity to make modifications to ensure the best possible ROI.

Also read: The Impact of Voice Search on Paid Search AdWords Campaigns

#7 Google Remarketing Limitations

An experienced remarketing services provider will explain how users don’t have a lot of time to get the message across with Google whereas Facebook allows for more time for remarketing ads. Also, with Google, you have to be careful with keywords to ensure they are accurate.

Google does not allow advertisers to advertise on websites unrelated to the chosen subject – a drawback that prevents them from tapping into Google’s massive reach.

In the end, it must be remembered that every business is different and so is the audience. While it’s ideal to combine both practices, if you’re on a limited budget it’s better to consult a professional AdWords remarketing expert to help you decide.

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How Effective is Content Marketing? Sat, 11 Aug 2018 08:05:18 +0000 The success of marketing is inevitably linked to digital marketing today. Digital transformation has brought in several innovations in terms of marketing and challenged conventional marketing. However, when it comes to content marketing, it is not a brand new concept. Content has...

The post How Effective is Content Marketing? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

The success of marketing is inevitably linked to digital marketing today. Digital transformation has brought in several innovations in terms of marketing and challenged conventional marketing. However, when it comes to content marketing, it is not a brand new concept. Content has been a part of marketing since the very inception. But, it was limited.

With the increase in the usage of online devices and an increase in the content available to users, marketers prompted brand through content. It has become an important aspect of every dimension of digital marketing from SEO to SMM. But, how effective is this?

Does this content allow your business to stand out among millions of others? Or, is it just a hype?

This skepticism stopped many businesses to implement content marketing strategies to boost their business. They were concerned about the effectiveness of content marketing.

What if we tell you, “Content marketing generates over three times as many leads as outbound marketing and costs 62% less”. (CMI) Yes, this is true. How? We shall discuss now.

Original Content is the KING  

Content is an asset to the business. You may wonder why. Content adds more potential to your business. And. when it is unique, it brings wonders to the overall performance of the company. Different from outbound marketing, the content remains forever on the website. Once created, it allows to get conversions to the website for forever.

Content has to be unique and new, no one wants to see something that’s already been all over the place. How does it stand among the others? The answer is simple, it needs to be original.

Moreover,  it has an SEO dimension to it. It is significantly important to your website optimization. The sole mission of Google is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. In order to get the rank on the Google pages, it is crucial that use something unique and add value to the existing content.

It vice versa when using plagiarized, your rank on Google goes very low ( a push into purgatory) and it is inexistent to your customers. Using original content gives you a unique stand in the digital world.

Content Cuts Costs

Content marketing reduces exorbitant costs involved in the traditional marketing. It increases sales and also builds trust among the customers on your brand. It is reported that content marketing reduces up to 60 per cent of costs involved in the conventional route to acquiring customers.

It does not “push” the audience, rather entices and pulls them towards your products and services. The key to this is to focus on what your customers look for.

In other words, your content marketing strategy becomes the guide to drive your business growth. A clear and detailed analysis of your audience can help you deliver precisely what they want.

Content Personalization

Every individual is different and so are their preferences. For instance, what happens when you take a customer looking for cats to a dogs pet supplies? It is obvious that the customer would leave the place.

This is what it appears to customers when he or she is constantly bombarded with information that is irrelevant to them. Thanks to the technology innovations like Machine Learning through data mining techniques, it enables content personalization.

This took content marketing to next level. It dynamically transformed the marketers approach to acquire a large number of customers. It is noted that content marketing integrated with personalization techniques is 48 per cent more effective than the regular approach. (Contently). No sooner, this would be more than 90 per cent in the coming years.

As the technology is in the process of evolution, personalized content marketing would need a few more years to show its accurate results.

Content Marketing Drives Customer Conversions

Customer conversion is the ultimate goal of effective marketing. Content marketing does it process efficiently. It increases brand recognition, forms a large customer base, guides the customers while purchasing and engages loyal customers.

One of the best examples to consider in this area is the e-commerce sector. The fast encroachment of the content marketing trends in e-commerce seemed surreal. But, it obtained exceptional results more than other industries. One such is Amazon.

“Amazon is the granddaddy of customer reviews that help customers make decisions, often with a variety of content formats. This content has the added benefit of supporting the search optimization to improve rankings at no additional cost!”

Solve the Dilemma

Not only B2C companies identified the transformation with content marketing, B2B observed a noticeable change in the performance. It is recorded that 42 per cent of B2B marketers are very committed to their content marketing strategies to determine value. They spent a significant amount of time in investigating the KPIs of content marketing and achieving the goals.

Businesses emphasized the latest content marketing trends to accelerate growth. And, boom!  It brought impeccable results that one could have done through other forms of marketing. Hence, making content “the atomic particle of marketing”.

The post How Effective is Content Marketing? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Should You Outsource PPC Management to a White Label Agency? Thu, 26 Jul 2018 11:51:48 +0000 With businesses showing increasing interest in PPC marketing and the emergence of new formats such as social media ads, Shopping ads and remarketing ads, there’s a lot of pressure on digital marketing agencies to deliver quality results across all channels. Here’s a...

The post Should You Outsource PPC Management to a White Label Agency? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

With businesses showing increasing interest in PPC marketing and the emergence of new formats such as social media ads, Shopping ads and remarketing ads, there’s a lot of pressure on digital marketing agencies to deliver quality results across all channels.

Here’s a list of signs that can tell you if it’s time to partner a white label PPC services provider.

#1 Unable to Manage Multiple Campaigns

Multiple Campaigns

If you have a small in-house team and you’re struggling to manage multiple campaigns with different ad formats, perhaps it’s time to hand over some accounts to a professional private label PPC agency that has the required expertise and manpower to successfully handle multiple campaigns at the same time and provide consistent high quality results for each after diving deep into campaign performance.

#2 Inability to Scale

Inability to Scale

Do you find yourself turning down requests for PPC campaigns from clients simply because you don’t have enough manpower? Do you want to expand your team but the cost of new hires, their benefits and the training you’ll have to provide them is holding you back? You can team up with a white label PPC services provider and have the flexibility to upscale or downscale your team as per your project requirements.

Also read5 Key Areas to Focus on For Effective Google Shopping Campaign Management

#3 Struggling to Keep Up With Updates

AdWords Updates

Do you feel like you’re falling behind as an innovative digital marketing agency because your PPC marketers are not up-to-date with the latest advancements, you don’t have access to cutting-edge data analysis technology or you can’t participate in beta programs?

When you partner a white label PPC services provider, you will have access to the best PPC expertise, technology and state-of-the-art strategies because a white label agency is dedicated to staying on top of trends and invests in cutting-edge technology as well as training to deliver outstanding results.

#4 Unable to Respond Quickly to Troubling Issues

client needs

Do you frequently find yourself in the middle of crisis situations which could be anything such as wasted ad spend or Google Merchant Center feed suspensions? Building a shopping feed takes time and not having an accurate shopping feed for shopping campaigns can land accounts in trouble.

In this scenario, the services of a private label PPC management agency will be most helpful because they’ll have experienced experts to quickly diagnose account issues and implement necessary changes.

Also readAdWords Remarketing Best Practices to Give a Boost to Your Business

#5 Lacking Strategy Expertise for Shopping Campaigns

adwords strategy

Are you not sure about how to optimize data-driven shopping campaigns? There are lots of things you can do such as building separate campaigns for branded/non-branded products, identifying high-value keywords to target and leveraging priority settings to ensure they get more aggressive bids and segmenting campaigns by device – desktops or mobiles. There are many other strategies that a white label PPC services provider can implement to optimize shopping campaigns.

How many scenarios do you identify with?  Outsource to a white label agency to save time, money and effort.

The post Should You Outsource PPC Management to a White Label Agency? appeared first on Tech Web Space.
