Implications of AI-Driven Tools to Enhance Your Talent Acquisition Process

Implications of AI-Driven Tools to Enhance Your Talent Acquisition Process

September 2, 2021

Talent acquisition is a streamlined process of identifying, selecting, and retaining qualified individuals. It’s a crucial function of HR management and forms a major part of the employee journey. It’s also one of the most important drivers of a successful business. AI…

Digital Transformation Needs a Cybersecurity Plan

Digital Transformation Needs a Cybersecurity Plan

July 12, 2021

Everything is going digital. This is one of the unchanging truths today.  From communication down to everyday commute, there is a software or mobile application for it. Stopping your business to go digital is similar to hindering your enterprise from progressing forward….

What is a Single Sign-On Solution and How Does It Work?

What is a Single Sign-On Solution and How Does It Work?

July 5, 2021

If you’re in the enterprise industry, “single sign-on” is a term that you’ve probably heard quite a few times. And not only is it something you should check out in more detail, but a single sign on for the enterprise can actually…

6 Basic Cyber Security Tips For your Remote Workforce

6 Basic Cyber Security Tips For your Remote Workforce

June 16, 2021

Remote working is becoming a more common phenomenon thanks to its flexibility and, most recently, the Covid-19 pandemic.  However, many new challenges are emerging when it comes to managing an out-of-office workforce. Cyber security is one of the most acknowledged ones. And…