Harrison Buckley, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 17 Dec 2021 16:54:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.3 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Harrison Buckley, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 How has Technology Changed Cars and the Way We Drive https://www.techwebspace.com/how-has-technology-changed-cars-and-the-way-we-drive/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 16:54:12 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=55008 The automobile industry is one of the most rapidly changing industries in the world. There are constantly new innovations being applied, new ways of production, and new ways of interacting with other drivers. A long time has passed since the 20th century...

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The automobile industry is one of the most rapidly changing industries in the world. There are constantly new innovations being applied, new ways of production, and new ways of interacting with other drivers. A long time has passed since the 20th century so we will take a look at some of the most notable ways the automobile industry has been changed by contemporary technology. 

Everything is Getting Automated

There is a multitude of ways that the automobile industry is getting automated. You will find that every modern car has some automated feature. Whether it be an Autonomous Emergency Brake (AEB) system, self-driving car, traffic interpreting software that analyzes the driving patterns of other drivers in order to create the optimal route. Not to mention the fact that your car can now sense other vehicles when they are nearby.

Cars are Way More Interactive

With the prospering of the IT industry, it is to be expected that there will be computerized modifications in vehicles. This has led to a sharp increase in the interactivity between the driver and the vehicle. Some of these interactions include adjusting the vehicle temperature, cruise control, GPS control, running onboard diagnostics, and much more.

Ride the Lightning

Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular and widely accessible, and there is Tesla acting as the flagship of electric vehicles everywhere. There is still a long way to go for electric vehicles to be the leading choice, but with innovations becoming more and more frequent, we are possibly not far off from seeing electric vehicles as the go-to cars.

Far More Assistance During Traffic

Traffic is no longer about the interactions between you and Mike, but about the Toyota and the BMW. There are a lot of levels of assistance that you can get during traffic. From tips for learners to full auto-piloting, just let that sink in. You don’t even have to be the one driving the car anymore, it drives itself for you. Personally, I still prefer to be the one driving the car but I can see how this feature can come in handy in a myriad of situations. There are cameras in the rear and back of your car allowing you to have full awareness of your surrounding so that nothing can surprise you on the road.

Eco-friendly Cars

Currently, there is an issue with a low supply of cars resulting in their demand skyrocketing. Outsourcing parts and mass production of cars is currently problematic due to the pandemic, leading to cars being more expensive for everyone. Not to mention the cost of fuel steadily climbing as well. Cars have a big factor in global pollution and this was an established state of reality 20 years ago.

However, today we are moving towards a more eco-friendly vehicle future. With innovations being applied constantly, electric cars are looking to be the top contender for dealing with rapid pollution and rising fuel prices. This is evident in the fact that more and more electric charging platforms are being built across the globe. We are collectively trying to take more responsibility for burning fossil fuels, so we are trying to change the norms in order to preserve the nature around us. Going with eco-friendly vehicles can lower the number of emissions you release into the atmosphere, thus contributing to the collective effort.

Integrating Augmented Reality

Augmented reality was unimaginable some time ago, let alone it being integrated into our everyday lives. Today, when driving you have the ability to see in front of you all the vital information you need. The system shows you the speed, weather, gas mileage, etc. It can be particularly helpful during the rainy season. Of course, it is a bit expensive but it’s a real lifesaver. And speaking of lifesavers…

Driving has Never Been Safer

With the improvement in technology, deaths as a result of crashes have been dramatically reduced in comparison to 1970, every few years the death rate of crashes keeps reducing. This is due to a variety of factors, higher quality airbags, driver assistance, collision sensors, tire pressure sensors, GPS head up display, rearview cameras, blind spot cameras, and better telematics. Not to mention that the introduction of the anti-lock braking system allows the driver to have much more control of the vehicle while driving. 

Mobile Integration

Since mobile phones have become a part of everyday life, integrating them with our vehicles is the next logical step for improving the automobile industry. Today, a wide variety of vehicles offer mobile integration and even a WiFi connection. These vehicles can also use wireless driving controls and have tablet integration. You can start applications on your phone and have them be displayed on the in-car screen. This makes it much safer to use your phone while driving because you won’t have to physically hold the phone, instead every interaction with it is on the screen. 

There being more and more cars available has led to countless jobs being open, innovations taking place, vehicles becoming more efficient, but it has even led to some problems with the environment. But those problems are being addressed daily as we head into a cleaner and safer future. Till next time!

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Old-School Marketing Vs. Modern-Day Marketing https://www.techwebspace.com/old-school-marketing-vs-modern-day-marketing/ Fri, 22 Oct 2021 08:24:48 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=53689 The concept of marketing is nothing new. Businesses have always been doing their best to get their product or service in front of their customers, in one way or another, even if the formal term of marketing was only started to be...

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The concept of marketing is nothing new. Businesses have always been doing their best to get their product or service in front of their customers, in one way or another, even if the formal term of marketing was only started to be widely used in the 20th century. Throughout the past decades, marketing methods have gone through a lot of development.

The difference between old-school and new-school marketing, however, does not only lie in the shift towards digital, though that certainly is one of the most conspicuous changes. There is also a shift in approach. Here are a few things you should know about old and new marketing methods if you are to get the best of both worlds.

The shift from outbound to inbound marketing

The first notable shift that should be mentioned is modern businesses’ tendency to prefer inbound marketing to outbound strategies. Outbound marketing refers to actively reaching out to customers in order to inform them about your product or service.

Such would be old-school marketing methods like cold-calling and direct mailers, but also still popular methods like billboards and TV ads. Inbound marketing, on the other hand, focuses on guiding customers to your business in subtler ways. Content marketing and other strategies that provide value to customers are good examples.

While one should not be completely disregarded in favor of the other, it is true that today’s audience can be more effectively enticed via “pull” strategies as opposed to the “push” strategies often utilized in old-school marketing.

Existing customers just as important as new

Customer Experience Made Simple

The next contrast between old and new marketing approaches pertains to the marketing funnel. Oftentimes, old-school marketing focused on achieving the widest possible reach. Getting their message across to the highest number of people was the goal, and once the conversion was successfully carried out, little attention was devoted to the converted customers.

While reach is still a very significant factor, modern-day marketing places a lot of importance on nurturing the brand’s relationship with its existing customers. Indeed, according to statistics, repeat business is extremely valuable. Retaining customers is also more cost-efficient than lead generation, so this approach should not be disregarded.

Interruption to permission

Another way in which marketing developed in the modern day would be in its tendency to shift towards permission from the once ever-present interruptive approach. While this does not apply to all old-school methods, push marketing usually involved the message appearing in front of the customer when the marketer wanted it to, interrupting the customer.

Needless to say, this method is not only ineffective but can be outright counterproductive. Modern marketing, on the other hand, prioritizes permission, and thereby delivers its message to the right people more effectively and even in a more affordable way.

Instead of sending unwanted spam, obtaining the consent of the customer (by having them subscribe to your newsletter, for instance) will nurture a more positive relationship between the two parties.

In-person marketing still beats virtual

marketing in future

While some old-school marketing methods may be considered obsolete today, the fact of the matter is that others can hardly be substituted with a digitized approach for the same effect. While web cameras may bring us closer to each other, still, nothing can replace in-person interaction, which is a benchmark of marketing.

Be it building relationships with your customers face-to-face or establishing connections with other professionals, nothing will be more genuine than being there in person. This is why trade shows are still a very much relevant old-school tradition you should not skip. In certain industries, such as real estate, giving a phone call to a client is also preferred to just sending an e-mail that can easily be ignored or even discarded.

Another old-school method that still works for a similar reason is branded items since everyone likes free gifts. Finally, in terms of ads, it might be worth mentioning that physical, printed ads prove to be more engaging and memorable than those seen on screens. Magazine ads, banner printing, and billboards are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Mind the customers base

Finally, another important factor in the debate between old-school and modern-day marketing is the customer base. While the general public is certainly much more tech-savvy these days, it does not mean that a digital approach will benefit every company out there.

Certain demographics can be reached much more effectively “the old way.” While some believe that switching TV and radio ads to Youtube ads is the only sensible way to go today, it might not be necessarily so if your target demographic is partly or entirely senior citizens.

Similarly, just because a social media platform is popular at the moment, it does not mean that all demographics use it equally. At the end of the day, your approach should be chosen based on your specific needs rather than the current trends.

Ultimately, the answer to the question of whether old or new marketing strategies would work better for your business is not that straightforward. However, it is clear that marketing has developed immensely and modern approaches that focus on building trust pays off in the long run. Combining old and new methods with a modern approach would be the most beneficial for any business today.

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