What is the first thing you look when you land on a website? It is how it looks, right. That is why it is important to make a great first impression on your target audience. Among the multitude of challenges faced by web developers, one of them is to manage colours and strike the right balance so that the website does not look unprofessional. Web design agency New York knows that and handles this very well.
Here are five effective tips to manage colour in a better way on your website:
#1 Create a Single File for Colors
The easiest way to prevent mess with colours when creating a website is to create a single file to manage colours. Put all the colours and their hues in a single file to make colour management easier. When you have a single, finding colour variables will not be a hassle as it would be if you have multiple files for colours. You can easily see how many colours are being used on your website with everything in a single file.
#2 Name your Color Variables Intelligently
Finding colour variables if they are not named correctly can be a daunting challenge especially if the colour file is filled with codes of different colours, which in most cases usually is. Make sure the name of the colour corresponds to the colour variable name too. If you are using a library of colours that have variable names, you can name the custom variable as the library variable.
#3 Style Guide with All the Colors
Create a basic design style guide and put all the colours you need in it. You can also choose a colour palette that has all the colours you will use. This not only helps you keep track of the colours but also allows you to add new colours when you want to.
To make your website look professional, you should use 2-4 colours on your website and avoid going overboard with using multiple colours. Ensure the colour you choose aligns with your brand personality because colours have the power to affect perception and behaviour.
#4 Use Sass and Sass Maps
The way you write the CSS has an impact on how your website looks when it comes out. By using Sass and Sass maps, you can easily assign class names and properties to different colours. If you are using atomic CSS, this can come in very handy. In addition to this, you can control opacity, darkness and lightness of different colours with Sass.
Use built-in Sass functions and you can easily do away with the need of assigning the string of HEX values for each colour. The ability to mix colours and adjust hue and saturation with Sass is a great addition for web developers who play around with multiple colour variations.
#5 Use Pigments for Atoms
For those using Atom CSS, Pigments can be a great package as it allows you to see a color string, HEX and other details of the actual colour. This might not seem such a big deal but it is highly effective when used in conjunction with Sass.
This simple plugin also tells you the Sass colour variable for each colour when you place it on a line of code, even when you perform this action on different files. Moreover, it automatically changes colours instantly looking at the opacity or other Sass functions used on it.
Hire a web design agency like Ramotion or another if you haven’t enough time to make all of this. How do you manage multiple colors on your website? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section below.