What’s an effective web design?
How do you design a winning website?
What’re the best practices to design an effective and winning website?
If you are an online business owner, you must understand the importance of getting the right web design to your business. But you might have struggled to come up with the best design that delivers the punch of success to your business.
What are the important components of a web design?
Well, a website comes with various variables and components and to be able to come up with the most stunning and exquisite design, you got to find the perfect balance between these varying components.
Interestingly, there is no one generalization to a web design, rather it depends upon the business model, target audience, and various other factors. However, there are certain elements that remain constant across the website design industry and getting them right will certainly help you come up with an aspiring and enticing design that prove to be visitors’ magnet.
Here we will be looking at some important elements of a website that you need to deliver, the right way.
Home Page
The homepage will serve as the major landing page for your website and that’s the reason why you need to pull it off spectacularly. An effective home page should be aesthetically pleasing as well as highly functional.
Last week while meeting with my old college friend who happens to work in a web design services company in the USA, I asked him about his thoughts on an effective home page. This is what he has to say, “An effective homepage should give visitors a brief glimpse into the expertise and service standards of the business.
Ideally, a business website’s home page should contain short and bold visual bleeps that attract the visual impressions of the visitors; because that’s the strongest sense of humans”.
What he wants to deliver basically is that an effective website home page should be strategically designed to give visitors brief insights into the best practices and expertise of the business. This will help them develop trust over the service.
About Page
Ok, this may be a tricky nut to crack because if you ask 10 web design services USA firms about the best practices for About US page, 8 of them will come with different answers.
However, personally, I believe the About Us page should be about introducing your business model as well as the team with the customers. Especially, if you are a local business owner with a local target audience, you can greatly benefit by coming up with a quality and intriguing content.
Here, you can tell customers how you think you are making a difference in the local economy and supporting other local businesses. If done correctly, this can go a long way in establishing your brand’s name and repute in the area of operations.
Services or Products Page/s
Coming to your offerings, there are different ways to project services and products. If you are a service provider let’s say web design services USA firm, you need to emphasize of creating enchanting and exquisite visual impressions that give insight into your expertise.
Alternatively, if you are offering products, the emphasis should be on a clean and tidy listing of products with easy navigability and various filters. This will help customers to find desired products easily, and there’s nothing customers’ find more annoying than not finding the desired products instantly.
Blog Posts
Lastly, blog posts and other resources are another important element of an efficient web design. Constant uploading of blogs over website doesn’t just add to your business repute, but it also helps you to list higher on search engine rankings. Try to come up with interactive bogs, intriguingly designed to encourage visitors to read them. This practice will help you to transform your business into a brand in longer-run as well.