Sijdah Hussain, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Thu, 05 Sep 2019 05:39:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sijdah Hussain, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Constant Posting Isn’t As Good An Idea As You Might Think! Thu, 05 Sep 2019 05:39:34 +0000 The internet is a get way of marketing now-a-days. However, today, we are going to talk about bulk posting and how/ if it helps the originator of the content reach out to more audience than those who post once or twice a...

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The internet is a get way of marketing now-a-days. However, today, we are going to talk about bulk posting and how/ if it helps the originator of the content reach out to more audience than those who post once or twice a day.

The first thing I want to ask all those great minds who believe that by bulk posting their online page traffic would blow up – who gave you this idea? How do you know you are not over layering content over content thinking you’re going to come up with a delicious chocolate cake but in reality you’re making a really drippy cheesecake by adding too much! Better just drink it than eat. Do you know what that means?

It means that your cooking experience turned out to be a failure.

Bulk Posting – why not?

You might be thinking why we should not post a lot when trying to have a successful social media campaign. Here are a few to help you understand better.

Delayed Responses

If there is too much content for the audience to react to or read – most are likely to pass away without even a minuscule of attention. It is not because people would maybe start ignoring your posts no – no one ignores good content on purpose.

I remember I used to check up my favorite Facebook page every day if they had something new on their feed. However, I started getting busy with school and work and didn’t log in for days. It got frequent

I missed out on too many of its posts because I didn’t have the time to read them let alone comment or like. There had one less person in their traffic. It got difficult for me to keep up with their speed posting. Now, if any of their posts pop up in my feed

I read it. I like it. If it doesn’t then sorry I don’t have enough time to go about checking page to page. Lesson to this is that please, don’t overcrowd your page.

I even have Facebook pages of my own and because I know how I would have wanted to see posts I publish my content just that way. 1 post per day is okay and 2 are more than enough.

At most 4 or 5 – but don’t go overboard with the memes or anything at all. Not only would your likes and comments decrease but so would your traffic

why? You’re giving your audience everything already thus there would once come a time when you’d just fall short on ideas.

Keep everything in store. Slow and steady wins the race. No one likes a hullabaloo.

Unclear marketing or social media strategy

Bulk posting can lead you to zero creativity and/ or creative block which means you like many others might retort to sharing stuff from other pages or so – it isn’t bad but if it gets frequent than why should people even visit your page? There’s nothing new to it.

Moreover, when there are a lot of posts and people comment – they would expect you to reply to them – that’s just how it works. How many posts can you reply to given that the reply time is 1 hour?

As per many studies or so idk I read it somewhere I don’t even remember anymore – you have an hour to connect with the commenters. After that they lose interest in keeping up with the conversation or might get busy in something else. I figured I do that too so it must be the truth, no?

Risk of unwanted and inappropriate behavior

In the case of bulk posting, you attract a lot of different people to your content. This happens because of the diversity in your content. All sorts of people would give their opinions and/ or disagree with others. Some might abuse and some might bully. I remember, I once commented to not waste food on a post where people were walking on custard. I talked about Africa and oh my lord people called me a buzzkill and whatnot. A lot agreed too.

I hated it and never opened the page again. Thus, if you want a healthy activity on your page you need to make sure the posts aren’t so much that you don’t even have the slightest idea what happens where.

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Seven Tips to Evaluate Ad Effectiveness during a PPC Campaign Audit Fri, 16 Aug 2019 12:02:48 +0000 The first step to selling your product is advertising it. It is not as easy as it sounds. The technological advancement in the current times has enabled businesspersons in crafting creative ideas that could help in selling their products, not only to...

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The first step to selling your product is advertising it. It is not as easy as it sounds. The technological advancement in the current times has enabled businesspersons in crafting creative ideas that could help in selling their products, not only to a specific audience but a variety of it. A good marketing strategy has the ability to lure people into buying the product the retailers want to sell. It is all in the idea of the strategy. However, what is this idea? What centrally does it contain to lure and grow an audience?

The answer is simple. With the content, in the form of words/videos/images, one can generate ideas that could make the audience realize their needs of current times. Of course, one can’t be completely sure of what they need, what they don’t. A person sitting home wouldn’t know what you have made for their convenience in the market. In order for them to know, you need to come up with attractive strategies so they could really learn about the conveniences they can bring into their lives.

Your purpose was never to sell your product. It was to bring convenience for others. Keeping your facts straight, is definitely the thing to mind whenever you’re starting something of your own.

Now you know a few things that should concern you when starting a business, formulating marketing strategies around it, or planning a whole ad campaign for your business. What you need to know further are the unique trends that you can use in order to have an attractive marketing strategy.


Following are some of the useful trends that you can bring in your work:

 1. Accuracy and Specificity

Whenever you plan a strategy, make sure you know exactly every attribute and quality of your product so you can use them wisely, in order to strategize PPC campaign audits. The reason behind being specific is only that it helps in specifying your audience known as target audience. If you do not have a target audience, it will generate less revenue for the reasons that people who may not be interested in your product-line would get the advertisements but would not do anything about it.

This will eventually result in dis-interesting the general public over the massive flow of advertisements on their screens. And this in return could cause drop in the interest in very kind of advertisement, thus making the forum stuffed with uninteresting content. In the end, the whole activity becomes boring.

Given that, you should know that having specific and accurate content on your screens is highly important in order for your campaign to reach a specific type of audience.

 2. Effective CTR

CTR (Click Through Rate)

Click through rate, abbreviated as CTR, is an effective way to check the audience you are attracting towards your content. You would often hear PPC experts using and recommending this closely monitored metrics known as CTR. In this method of analysis, you calculate the type of audience viewing your content sidelong the type of audience merely reviewing it. With those numbers you get the status of your service, campaign strategy and the crooks and negatives.

If you get a good CTR, it would mean that your content has benefited your target audience and they are pleased with your ads. With good results, you will get a better quality score and your cost per conversation will drop. As a result, you will get more chances to increase the overall conversions in case your competitors are doing better than you.

This is one easy and effective way to learn the interest level of your target audience and to evaluate the quality of your ads.

 3. Better Quality Score

Google Ad Quality Score

You have to set indicators to check how your work is performing. Quality Score helps in finding a good analysis to see the overall performance of your selected keywords, specific ads and landing pages. Your platform is Google. Quality Score will help you see how well they are being promoted on Google search engines. It all depends on the strategy you employ to promote your services. Make sure the keywords you choose for your content are highly relevant to what your target audience type in when they search for services that you offer.

If you get a strong quality score, it would mean that your rankings on Google have improved. The more improved your ranking is, the better your business because clicks and searches on your websites/links would bring you customers.

 4. Cost Per Conversion

Cost Per Conversion plays a good role in establishing the cost you would have to spend to get a new client. You have manage the finances of campaigns because if you are spending more than you are making, you are on a downward spiral. You have to set a budget, strategize your campaigns and then make the next move.

 5. Check the Search Impression Share

This will help you know the number of times your target audience has viewed your ad and the number of times somebody has clicked on them. It will also help you know that percentage of searches that were lost due to budget. If you get a bad score, it would mean, as obvious as it sounds, that your PPC campaigns aren’t doing well.

 6. Consider the Bounce Rate

Reduce Bounce Rate

This metric will determine the specificity of your audience. Bounce rate will help you check the number of visitors that came to your forum but never responded to the “call of action”. This is not good for you for this will show how broad your audience is and most of which are not even interested in buying your service.

 7. Conversion Rate

This is going to tell you the result of your whole strategy by giving you the number of times someone clicked on your ad and completed the cycle of purchasing your service within a given period.

None of it is possible without a good internet service that promises availability, reliability and quality at good rates; you can compare and choose carefully if you want this method would not let you down at critical moments. Admit it! Without a good internet service, you cannot access any software.

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How to fix your Site if the Traffic is Dropping? Tue, 23 Jul 2019 07:52:59 +0000 There are multiple reasons involved behind the drop in the amount of traffic on your website. Sometimes it is about the quality of content that the audience does not appreciate.  Other times, it is about your lack of skills in marketing your...

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There are multiple reasons involved behind the drop in the amount of traffic on your website. Sometimes it is about the quality of content that the audience does not appreciate.  Other times, it is about your lack of skills in marketing your content. Marketing does not only involve digital skills but also many other factors that contribute in completing a marketing strategy. We suggest that you consider updating your SEO team with the latest knowledge on Google updates.

Enlighten your team with the latest marketing trends that marketers are following. Make a strategy of exercising those tools in your business. Once all of these things are kept under keep consideration, you will see a huge difference in the growth of your business. But these are not the only reasons why the traffic on your site is dropping, there could be many other factors involved in diverting the audience to other brands. Let’s read further to find out the other factors involved in the demise, as well as their solutions to get the train back on its track.

1.      Website Changes

Oftentimes what happens is your website goes through a few changes that disturb the entire experience of your website by causing interruptions in the scrolling or loading of the content. In short, it completely disturbs the user’s experience. You need to be careful of the health and environment of your website. It does not go through changes because the change was brought from your end, sometimes it is just updated on its own and because of your website’s lack in ability to cope with the update, it loses its hold and collapses. You need to have a web developer who is active at keeping a check on your website – in fact, who can keep your website upgraded with the latest updates so that your website is no less advanced than the rest of the websites.

How can you fix these changing(s)?

If the update was automatic or done from an external source, then your task here is to identify the problem in order to find the culprit.

As soon as you have identified the culprit, your next target is the change itself that you need to fix by finding the root of the change, the algorithms that resulted into causing it – take every measure to identify the problem and then every step that can ensure solving of the problem.

2.      Poor SEO Force

If there is a significant decline in the traffic on your website, the reason could be the SEO team not exercising their skills well. There are two types of marketing. Paid and Unpaid. There are multiple methods. Direct and indirect, definitive and trademark. If you know your job well, you would know the strategies that you can use to bring back the traffic that you had lost previously because of your own negligence and in fact bring more traffic by exercising some effective SEO strategies. You can run campaigns and ads in new formats and have your work float across borders. The main thing is you keep your website as simple and smooth in functioning as you can in order to improve the user’s experience.

How can you fix this?

Have an audit of your site and see the loopholes that you can fix. You can also check the source of traffic and the point where it left the path to your route. Once you have observed these points well, you can work on them and have your problem fixed.

3.      Metadata and Descriptions

When you are getting a content management system on board, you have to watch out for your content like meta descriptions or title tags that could get lost in the conversion from one team to another and due to that, you might face some low of traffic coming your way. What you can do is use the Wayback Machine Tool and check if your latest tags and title are similar to the tags and titles you used on the website before the traffic dropped. Or what else you can do is find the differences and get them fixed so that they reflect the previous information.

4.      Change in the Website’s infrastructure

If your website is not performing well, there is a chance that you played with the internal links, codes, navigations or sitemaps that resulted in messing up the SEO on entirety for your website. If you make even a little difference in your website’s URL, there is a chance that the information architecture of your website gets completely lost. This can have only one result: loss of traffic. You can have it fixed by going back to the changes you made. Turn them back to their previous form so that your website can be temporarily fixed. Moreover, you can do the editing later with a proper plan that regards the SEO aspect of your website.

5.      Competitors’ SEO Strategy

Sometimes the competitor SEO is much more strong than you. They may just be more aware of SEO strategies and techniques. Because they are much better than you, their sites start replacing the ranks of your website. What can you do other than learning the skills that your competitors have and knowing a bit beyond that in order to combat the fall, you are good on your feet. You can be really good at it, which means that you know when to run the campaigns and when not to, you are increasing the chances of improving your business through the right knowledge of SEO. You just need to know the better you are at SEO, the better is the traffic you will receive and that is only through climbing the high ranks on SERPs.

Knowing all these tips will only contribute to restoring your position in SERPs. While the rest of the departments like internet service, installment of the latest technology, and hiring of highly professional staff is taken care of, there is not much left that you can do to bring a favorable environment to your business.

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5 Key Skills Needed to Work as a Data Analyst Wed, 17 Jul 2019 15:31:48 +0000 Many companies, in the modern day, are turning to a data-driven strategy and therefore acquire people who have the talent to offer insights with a constantly changing and flowing stream of information. In short, being a Data Analyst is not that easy....

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Many companies, in the modern day, are turning to a data-driven strategy and therefore acquire people who have the talent to offer insights with a constantly changing and flowing stream of information. In short, being a Data Analyst is not that easy. If you are thinking of being one – you need to have particular skills to actually be a good data analyst. To be nothing but a complete asset to the company. As per a report by the IBM, companies would have almost a rise of 2.7 million opening for data analysts by 2020. The demand for such talented people would only increase rather than decrease.

If you are just being acknowledged to this field and starting your research so as to become a data analyst – you are not alone. Most of us found out that it was a thing when we saw such opening positions on job sites. Am I right or just absolutely right? And to be honest, it’s not something you can just learn if you have a good internet or are a fast reader. You need to know absolutely what to search for and you have to learn and be prepared for it.

Why is Data Analysis important?

Data analysis plays a vital role in business these days. They help in making decisions based on the facts and figures; the whats and nots. Amazon and Google also manage their data analysis in a way that the analysis itself creates a decision for page ranks etc. Let’s talk about it’s advantages, shall we?

  • Detection and correction by Data Cleansing
  • Saves a lot of space and memory by deletion of duplicated content pieces
  • Makes sure that the ads displayed to a customer is relevant to their search history and purchase behavior
  • Reduction in banking risks by identification of possible fraudulent customers based on their histories
  • Secures property and other areas via surveillance and monitors using a large number of sensors

Data analysis is a part of various industries like; finance, insurance, banking, aerospace, telecom, healthcare, social media companies, retailers and many more. Thus, the demand of data analysts is quite a lot in the market, today. So, what are the key skills you need to have before you apply for such jobs? Just read the list given below to help you out.

1. Scripting & Statistical Language

A data analyst should learn not one of but both types of language i.e. scripting and statistical. Which one are those?

  • Python / Matlab à Scripting Language
  • R / SAS à Statistical Language

This would be a great help when you actually have to work as a data analyst. You’d come off as highly skilled and hard to beat when they are on your cv. Just know that the more languages you know – the greater your chances of beating any competing candidates.

2. Google Analytics and Adobe

You should not just know the basics of popular analytic tools instead, you should have an advanced understanding of such tools present on the market. This will help you throughout your career and would make you quite an asset to not just your position of a Data Analyst but also might open doors to digital marketing.

3. Campaign / Adobe Management

When you have a good knowledge of the Adobe campaign then you can easily manage your data as well as monitor the performance of all your campaigns present at different channels from that very place. It not only simplifies the whole process of campaigns for you but instead is being used regularly given the need of the industry these days.

4. Reporting Skills

Being good in reporting is by far the most important part of your job description as a Data Analyst. Therefore, it is important for you to master the art of reporting as well as that of data visualization software. It helps you have a numeral skill as well.

5. Analytical alongside Creative!

You need to have an analytical mind but should not let go of creativity as well. So, basically, you ought to be an amalgamation of both because the industry needs and demands you be both. This means you can have fun while working – you don’t need to get bored at all.

If you are still not sure as to the whats and whys of being a Data Analyst reading a couple more articles on the internet regarding this subject won’t hurt. All you need to do is search and be enlightened.

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Gaming Industry: How has Technology revolutionized it? Tue, 18 Jun 2019 02:54:00 +0000 People find different types of entertainment to use their time. They would watch movies, stream through various songs, play sports, cook, paint, indulge in gaming or opt for activities that interest them to spend their leisure time. It greatly depends on a...

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People find different types of entertainment to use their time. They would watch movies, stream through various songs, play sports, cook, paint, indulge in gaming or opt for activities that interest them to spend their leisure time. It greatly depends on a person’s nature and interest that decides the activities they choose to pass their time. Stereo-typically, whatever reasons there may be behind this assumption but mostly men and boys are observed interested in playing sports or video games.

If somebody uses the word, “video games player” I’m sure the person to come to your mind is a boy. The reasons are the same – usually, boys are observed more interested in games. And if you spend a little time with a gamer, he would start passionately giving you details on the games he would have played or the games he would be looking forward to playing. The more you indulge in the conversation, the more you realize that it is just not about games; instead its a lot more than that. It is a culture, now a days.


Moreover, for some it is also a mode of earning for some while it is just a medium of entertainment for the most. The point being, online gaming has become a thing in this age. With the advancement in technology, gamers have gone even crazier for these games.

In this article, I will point out the latest features that this age of technological advancement has brought to the gambling industry. Casino games got the latest features and qualities to add more attraction to this source of entertainment.

Let’s discuss:

3D Scanning and Facial Recognition

One of the classiest ways the gaming trend has taken a turn is by installing the feature of facial recognition and 3D Scanning. This makes the experience of a game more real and personal. How? You get to see your personal avatar in the games that you play. How it becomes interesting is by bringing a personal association to the game. You play the game and you pretend to be the part of it. This is exactly how the players want to feel when they play a game. They want to be involved so much so the experience becomes real. You can literally create your own avatar. Add a bit of a character to it and become a part of the game that you want to play. You need to have a good internet connection for this activity.

Vocal input

Another of their fascinating feature is the addition of vocal input to the game. It means that you can play your game by controlling the game vocally. It is like you are sitting on your comfortable chair or couch to play the game of your interest; you simply have to dictate the system whatever function or option you want to use on your game and it will recognize your voice and the words you speak in order to take action. This feature may come in the games as well in the near future. If anything, it will only enhance the gaming experience.

Cloud Gaming

Previously, what gamers had to do was download the games from the internet or buy CDs to play them on their computers. Cloud gaming has made the gaming experience a lot easier and interesting by making the game available without having to spend too much on the CDs or on the internet. With cloud gaming, one could access games on their phones or computers without having to deal with the internet hassles or others like that.

Gesture Control

One of the most enjoyable features of online gaming or casino gaming is being able to move our body while we play the characters we choose to play our games with. Once you are identified with the player, you can, with your own physical moves guide the character of the game to act in the same manner. This makes the experience of a game extremely exciting. Not just that, it is also very helpful and useful for people who criticize indoor games and the people who are trying to watch their weight. Mostly their argument is on the fact that one does not physically move while playing a game. If that becomes possible with a game, that a person moves, jumps, dances and what not while playing a game, it will make the experience of a game much more exciting and, as said before, useful.

This may also serve as an entertaining physical activity that will involve you mentally as well as physically. Losing weight while you munch on those snacks is not that bad an idea especially when you’re just sitting and eating as you play games on PlayStation.



Virtual Reality

We cannot help but mention the fact that gaming has brought a revolution in the gaming industry by inhabiting the essence of virtual reality to it. Virtual reality gives a person an alive experience out of fictional characters. The feeling and the experience that it gives to its players is extremely entertaining and life-altering. In such a type of game, you physically feel like you are a part of it and in that experience, you learn a lot about your own aspirations and physical strengths. It is not merely about physical activities; it also mentally equips a person to be alert and active in making actions. Virtual Reality aims at bringing revolution to the era of technology. It will have the ability to make anything possible – things that people only wish to accomplish in real life.

Mobile Gaming

With the latest technologies coming, one cannot overlook but appreciate how gaming experiences have gotten more interesting and fascinating; also, addictive. With games installed on the phone, one can sit at any place they like to play the games of their interest. In situations where one is sitting idly, or waiting for someone’s arrival, or just travelling from one city to another, mobile gaming helps him a great deal in spending his time in a fun activity. People also earn through online games. You can also download games on your phone.

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How to Influence Sales with SEO? Tue, 11 Jun 2019 04:48:18 +0000 The digital landscape is evolving tremendously and the core strategy of marketing has shifted from the traditional marketing system to the online marketing system where marketers reach a greater number of potential customers through social media and websites. In the past, marketers...

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The digital landscape is evolving tremendously and the core strategy of marketing has shifted from the traditional marketing system to the online marketing system where marketers reach a greater number of potential customers through social media and websites.

In the past, marketers would send sales messages to the customers but these practices changed over time. Older practices like these were not that effective because people often marked such messages as spam. Therefore, they had to come up with better ways to interact with the customers and social media has been very helpful in this regard. With social media, companies can easily communicate with their customers and serve them better they get to know about the interests and preferences of their customers. In addition to this, websites also act as a bridge between the customers and the company.

In today’s modern world, creating an online presence for your business is a must in order to attract new customers and retain old ones. The main objective of every business is to maximize its sales revenue and this goal will become easier to achieve if you have a website or a social media page for your business.

Creating a good website for your business is not enough because you have to optimize it as well. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in the success of the businesses because it improves the ranking of a website on search engine platforms like Google and Bing. The better ranking would attract more traffic to your website which resultantly would help you enhance your sales revenue. However, SEO is not just about diverting traffic to your page. SEO is considered to be the best return on the investment that you make for your business. With better ranking, you can attract customers and significantly improve the sales of your products and services. Furthermore, you need to improve the security of your website by using a secure internet connection.

SEO and Promotional Techniques

There is no doubt about the fact that SEO is a mixture of several features and techniques which are used for promoting your business on online platforms. With these techniques, you can generate better leads and create more awareness of your brand which is crucial for success.

Techniques to influence sales via SEO

The Art of Writing Content

Out of all the techniques used by online marketers, the content strategy is considered to be the most important one because the content is the king when it comes to digital marketing. The content on your website should be original and genuinely written. This creates a strong relationship between you and your clients because when they read meaningful things on your website, they become loyal to your brand.

With proper content, you can create value for your brand and that is what marketing is all about – creating and delivering value to your customers. With guest blogging, you can reach new prospects and generate backlinks for your website which helps you in reaching out to more potential customers. It is important to note the fact that the content posted on your website should be relevant to your brand and it should contain the solution to the problems that are faced by your customers.

Post Visuals on Your Website

According to some researchers, people tend to find those websites more attractive which are colorful and are full of visuals. You can add different types of visual content to your website to make it look more appealing for the customers. For example; images, videos, infographics, memes, and presentations. Sharing visual content on your website can have a great impact on the brand recognition of your site and it can increase customer engagement as well.

The best part of the visual content is that it is mostly free for the customers to download which enables you to generate more traffic to your web page. Making your website visually active can help you boost your sales and win new buyers. All you need to do is provide genuine and logical content on your website for the users.

How can SEO help grow your business?

It is worth mentioning that selling products and services largely depends on how your market and promote them. Your products should be designed according to the preferences of the customers because they are the end-users. The product should act as the perfect solution to their problem. Moreover, SEO enables you to reach more customers so that you can represent your brand and promote the services that you are currently offering. You need to spread awareness of your promotional deals. This helps customers see and avail your offers. Its greater reach depends on SEO to a very large extent.

Design a Promotional Strategy

You need to understand the marketplace by reading and analyzing it in the most effective way possible. This would help you find out the desires of your customers. Thus, you will be able to serve them with better products and services.

Targeting specific customers is extremely important for designing a promotional strategy for your online business. You need to know who your actual client is. Once you have figured this part out, you will be able to modify your products according to your target market. In order to improve the ranking of your website and to run a successful marketing campaign, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What is your target market?
  2. Where do you run your marketing campaign?
  3. When do you run your marketing campaign?

Once you know the answers to these three questions, you will be able to promote your online business successfully.


The main objective of your business is to build profitable relationships with your customers. People need to know about your existence in the market and this is where SEO steps in to save the day. SEO helps you draw traffic to your web page so that you can convert potential customers into your loyal clients. With the help of a strategic approach and proper use of SEO, you can manage to improve the element of engagement on your website so that it becomes visible to the general public. Always keep in mind the fact that positive reviews help in gaining credibility. In no time, your business becomes a brand in the industry.

The post How to Influence Sales with SEO? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

How to Keep Your Children Safe When Playing Online Games? Sun, 26 May 2019 06:13:14 +0000 Online gaming is something everyone knows about; sometimes because we play them ourselves and other times because our kids or friends are playing them. It’s not a secret that people end up spending a lot of their time on online gaming. These...

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Online gaming is something everyone knows about; sometimes because we play them ourselves and other times because our kids or friends are playing them. It’s not a secret that people end up spending a lot of their time on online gaming. These days they even hold gaming competitions worth a lot of money as well.

Some games are so simple that one can play it by their own self. While others are a tad bit more complex. They require multiplayer to form teams in order to survive in the game. In such games, you can chat or talk to other people throughout the game, exchange instructions, motivation remarks, abuses or … treacherous lures to convince you into believing that whoever is sitting behind the screen on another site is a friend and not a foe.

Video, voice or written chat – everything is accessible to the users in order to connect and follow each other. It doesn’t just end here. At times people just like being silent spectators and watch other gamers playing on live-streaming sites.

Online gaming means that you can connect with everyone around the globe and partner up with them to be the winning or losing team – whatever skills you have to be. There are many online games each pertaining to a different genre, time period and age group. They tend to offer a lot of adventure without even having to leave the room. Thus, when it comes to children – one has to be a little careful to make sure the games they play are safe as well as age appropriate.

Risks of Online Gaming

  • You can never know how old the person on your team truly is. Their identity, location and even hobbies could all be a lie. Thus, there’s a possibility of cyber-bullying to a great extent on such forums. You can’t even be sure of their real faces because it could all be an alias or a fake account.
  • Most pedophiles approach their victims through online games. They would befriend children and help them win because of their refined mental strength. They would send online gifts that could be helpful in the games and also lead their teams, thus, and call for a meet up only to groom children into giving them sexual favors. Children being weak would easily end up falling victim to such scavengers.
  • At times, games have adult content; relating to drugs, sex, death, violence etc, that can easily disturb one. The type of game one plays or desires to play is dependent on how much the person can handle.
  • Let’s not forget the gaming addiction some people fall prey to. The developers didn’t create games so people would forget the real world and start living in a virtual one. That was surely not the deal they made with technology.
  • People can also hack into your accounts and get all your personal information to exploit later on.


Safety Rules for Parents and Guardians

There’s no sure way to keep your kids protected from the outside world but it doesn’t hurt to keep trying until you can, right? Sure they need their own experiences but age appropriate ones are the beneficial ones.

  • The first and foremost step before letting your kids explore the outside world is to tell them all the risks and not shy away from them. Tell them that even if someone does something nice for them in or outside the game – they should never feel pressured into doing something that is even a bit uncomfortable for them.
  • Connect with them and ask them about the type of games they play, play with them and be a friend for them not just a parent. If you have watched Gilmore Girls then learn how Lorelai Gilmore keeps her relationship with Rory – every parent should try to be a lot more like her and less like Emily Gilmore. Both their hearts beat for their children’s best interest but it’s the way one handles conversations or news that can make or break a relationship.
  • Ask your children what how they communicate with the team members or opponents, what sort of language is used and if someone says anything bad to them. If someone forces them into quitting or asks the other players to exile them – most games have reporting centers and you can get such users blocked etc.
  • If your child is very young – change the connection settings to airplane mode – this way they wouldn’t end up buying anything unnecessary or even connecting to someone they don’t know.
  • Explain to your children the rules of gaming, tell them why they are allowed to play some games and not others. Let them know the worst so they can be careful as well. Teach them to not share personal information with anyone, strangers would remain strangers even if they are their friends in the online gaming world.
  • A cool trick is to play the game your child wants to play beforehand to have a better idea about it. You will know everything you need to about it and can also help your child throughout the game without them having to look up to someone else. Every game has an “advice for parents” column which might come in handy at such times. Be sure to check it out before letting your child hit the internet.

The post How to Keep Your Children Safe When Playing Online Games? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

iOS & Androids – A battle for the tech savvies! Tue, 16 Apr 2019 04:42:15 +0000 There’s a lot of confusion when one has to choose between iOS and android. Every mobile seems to look beautiful with significant and attention catching qualities but what is the whole hassle about? It is whether you should go on being the...

The post iOS & Androids – A battle for the tech savvies! appeared first on Tech Web Space.

There’s a lot of confusion when one has to choose between iOS and android. Every mobile seems to look beautiful with significant and attention catching qualities but what is the whole hassle about? It is whether you should go on being the same software user or switch. It is about if you should give chance to the one that you haven’t tried before or are you just too comfortable with the same system to even consider thinking. The fight between iOS and androids can never end. People would always support whatever they think is better as per their own experiences and materialistic preferences.

The smart phones powered by android and iOS smartphones are the most popular ones among the user at a global level. Thou, both are highly popular their market share is not where near equal. While an estimated 61% of the US market uses androids as reported by the NEO Group Statistics … the iOS is only purchased/ used by a 29% of the population here. The ratios are somewhat similar globally with a tweak here and there every now and then.

The development departments of both the soft wares are working day and night to make sure they are a step ahead from each other. They are literally in a continuous developmental stage so as to improvise and include new features in it as much as possible. The two are always competing in terms of ease of access and innovation that is highly dependent on the user and the developer interests. So back to where we started from – how to choose the one you need?

Here’s a comparison chart to help you understand better the boons and banes of both iOS and androids. The 🙂 symbol represents the winner in a particular field.














App Store




Alternative App Stores & Sliding




Battery Life & Charging
















Calls & Messaging
















Image backup




Cloud Services




Voice Assistants








Rooting, Boot loaders & Jail breaking




Cases & Accessories




Better Shielding from viruses & hacking soft wares




File Manager




Stability in apps & operating system








Massive app ecosystem




Massive hard ware selection




Privacy Controls



Now that is a long AF chart that needs a lot of concentration and attention to be understood – sure if you know the mobile industry, it won’t be difficult to understand which one fulfils your requirements but if you aren’t here’s a little more on the chart.

iOS versus Android


When it comes down to talking about the pricing difference between the two systems, android wins the race at quite a length. The best thing about androids is that the system is incorporate in various mobiles devices with different designs and specifications to attract more users – thus the massive hard ware selection. Android doesn’t try to charger or overcharge just because of a logo – it focuses on providing its services to every social class without them having to think of selling their kidneys (sarcasm intended). iOS, on the other hand, comes only in apple devices and the prices are not reasonable for everyone. Only the ones who seek a mobile device as a means of comfort or luxury can actually afford it. Another way is to take a loan or save a lot of money to buy it.

There are a lot of applications to be offered on both the operating systems yet iOS takes a lead. No, not because of the quantity as the number of apps is just that … a number – but because of the usability of applications. Mostly iOS due to its brand name attracts more application developers to launch their apps on its platforms first or just there. While there are 3.5 million (approx.) android apps, iOS still wins with its 2.2 million (approx.) apps. Even though the Play Store has a lot of free apps in comparison to the App Store – all the best games come in on the App Store first and sometimes only at it. So? Well, quality over quantity!

Moreover, it is highly difficult to keep everything organized in the stores be it an App Store or a Play Store … app store is more organized in comparison and thus takes a lead on it as well. Plus, apple is more prone to ban certain apps on it to maintain the quality.

Apples opposes third part stores maintaining its dominance but the android system doesn’t. Android lets you download a side load apps more conveniently in comparison by just seeking a ticked box. Once you tick it – there you go – download begins. It opens up a huge risk of malwares, however, main reason why iOS doesn’t allow it on their systems. However, if you’d like to take the chances and do as you please – androids are the way to be.

Battery life is a major concern when it comes down to choosing a mobile. In all honesty, mobile applications suck at the battery like a child drinking his favorite beverage. They suck it dry and do so quite often. iOS optimizes its power supply to take the most out of its battery as per the mAh ratings. However, you can opt for androids that can last a lot longer than any iOS.

Moreover, apple updates and runs security checks with consistency to save you from any issues. In androids, howsoever, if you wish to have the same feature you need to buy a mobile that of Google’s pixel phone range. Just know that both the systems require a good internet connection to do so. Thus, be sure to have one by comparing different provider packages!


To make a long story short, each operating system has its own pros and cons – while photography might be important for one it might not be as essential in life for another person. The needs and requirements vary from person to person and with the help of the chart you can easily see which one suits yours best. Both the operating systems are highly important for future developments as they keep updating their soft wares every other day. The developers keep trying to make it more efficient and wanted for the users. You can always google up more reviews and specifications of any particular mobile model you might be interested in. The internet is filled with experiences both bad and good, mistakes and perfect choices – learn from it. At the end, don’t forget your price range while making your decision.

Best of luck!

The post iOS & Androids – A battle for the tech savvies! appeared first on Tech Web Space.
